Chapter 3 - The Entrance Exam

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Izuku woke up on the last day of training,he was now able to use up to 10 minutes of his power without losing control.All Might was standing at the beach waiting for Izuku to show up.

Izuku Abilities that he unlocked:

-Enhanced regeneration,Teleportation,Invisibility (up to 5 min),Demon mode,God mode,Weapon manifestation,Elemental control(Wind,Earth),Extreme strength

Izuku waved at All Might,he just looked into Izukus direction and gave him a happy smile.When Izuku stood infront of All Migh he asked Izuku if he would want to inherit his Quirk and explained everything to him as well.

"A-all Might are you sure about that it seems like there are way better heroes and students out there"Izuku muttered loud enough for All Might to hear

"Nonsense!you are the perfect hero you put the lives of others infront of your own you are the defintion of a hero"All Might said while spewing out blood

"Thank you All Might"Izuku said while crying his heart out

"Now Young Izuku,eat this"All Might said with a wide grin

"W-what"Izuku said with all hope lost in his face

"It doesnt matter as long as you take in my DNA" All Might said still grinning

Izuku ate the hair disgusted at the sour taste

"Now you should wait for a couple hours and after that you can activate the full power of One for All,but dont forget your body can handle 40% at maximum"

"Y-yes All Might"Izuku said

"Now go rest up you'll need it for tomorrow,oh and also good luck"All Might said while giving a thumbs up

"Thank you All Might I will not let you down"Izuku said shortly before running home

As Izuku was lying in bed that evening he was so happy that over the last 10 months he went from being the glowstick-weirdo to being called a true hero by All Might himself.


Izuku woke up the next day at 5 am and still had 2 hours left to eat,shower and go to school for the entrance exam.

Izuku got up from his bed,put on some clothes and going into the kitchen seeing his mom already awake and happy as ever.

"Good morning Izuku,I made your favorite Katsudon"his mother said with a happy smile

"Thanks Mom!"Izuku said with a big grin on his face

After Izuku left his home he went to the train station to get to U.A. High as he was in the Train he suddenly heard a man say:"Look thats All Might!"this got Izukus attention and he looked out of the window in the direction the man was pointing,and he actually saw All Might jumping from building to building with his ever so happy expression.

As Izuku got out of the Train he had 25 minutes left and was only 15 minutes away from U.A. so he went and took his sweet time when he arrived at U.A. he had 5 minutes left and began going a bit faster as he noticed most people were already inside.

But the world had to have something ready for him so he went faster and tripped over a little stone face first into the ground,atleast he thought so and as he should have hit the ground he started floating and when looking next to him a girl had her hand on his backpack so he wouldnt float away.

???:"Sorry for using my quirk on you without asking but it would have been bad luck if you fell down"

Izuku was looking at the girl and just started blushing but she didnt noticed and just said that her name was Ochac o Uraraka Izuku just smiled and wanted to say thank you.

Izuku the God (OP Izuku AU)Where stories live. Discover now