Chapter 5 - Class President and U.S.J

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Everyone was sitting in class while talking about what they would do today when Aizawa came into the room.

"Good morning class"Aizawa said in his usually grumpy voice

"Good morning Aizawa sensei" said the class "Good work with yesterday's battle training" Aizawa said slightly happy "now on to homeroom business,sorry for the sudden announcement,but today"  "What is it..?!Another brutal pop quiz?"  "you'll pick a class president." Suddenly alot of peole burst out of their seats wanting to be the class president.

Iida explained that it would take someone that the class trusted and that they should vote for the person."But everyone would just vote for themselves!"said Kirishima.Iida continued that the person with multiple votes then would be the class rep. as that person would have the trust of more than one person.

So they began voting:

Izuku Midoriya - 6 votes

Momo Yaoyorozu - 3 votes

Tenya Iida -1 vote

Everyone else had 1 vote or none.

"What the...!!Who the hell voted for Izuku..?!" "Fine.So your President's Midoriya and your vice president is Yaoyorozu"

Midoriya didnt expect that he would be voted he didnt say anything and was just standing there silently."Alright now get out its lunchtime" and with that the students left the classroom.

As Uraraka,Iida and Izuku got their rice and were eating they talked about how Izuku got class president and about Iida's brother the hero Ingenium until the alarm went off and an announcement sounded through the halls:"Security Level 3 has been broken.All students please evacuate in an orderly fashion."

Iida,Uraraka and Izuku didnt know what was happening and Iida asked another student :"What's security level 3?" A random student looked terrified at Iida and the others :"It means someone's infiltrated the building!Hasn't happened in my three years here!!Anyway hurry up and get outta here!!"

Everyone started running and pushing the others as all of them wanted to get out as quickly as possible.Izuku was pushed to the window where he could see something that the others couldn't.... it was the media!

Izuku thought about what he could do to get everyone attention so he went for the best possible plan in his mind:"Uraraka make me float!" Uraraka turned around and hit Izuku making him float.He landed on the emergency exit signed as he got the attention of everyone he screamed :"Everythings fine!Its just the mass media!"

As all of them heard these words they calmed down and moved in an orderly fashion.Back in class everyone congratulated Izuku and told him that he really was suited to be class president."Alright class now we will be doing a special class with All Might and someone else"

"Um,what're we doing exactly?!" asked Sero "Rescue training!"Aizawa said while holding up a card with 'Rescue' written on it.

Aizawa told them that they could choose wether or not to wear their outfits.Most of them decided to wear their outfits.They entered the bus as Midoriya was leading them in.On the bus they were talking about Quirk's and hero's and stuff like that.

When they arrived they went into the U.S.J and saw Thirteen who greeted them and explained things about his QUirk and how it could easily kill and that there are Quirk's who could do the same as Thirteen's and that they should be careful about their usage.

A black hole appeared right infront of the fountain and a person with hands all over his body and face appeared who was followed by a hundred other people and one All Might sized bird creature.

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