Chapter 34 - Godly Timing

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Author's note:

Finally a new chapter! I'm sorry that I haven't updated for so long, I've just got into drawing and bought myself a drawing tablet. Right now I'm probably going to update less, maybe once or twice every two months but I'm working on rewriting the story so you can expect that the story will be re-written to the Stain part (or even further) by the end of the year. No I won't stop the story, don't worry.

And now enjoy the chapter!

Izuku was flying through the air, wondering how Surtur could have escaped. After he thought about the end of their last encounter he figured out what was going on.

"God Dammit, it has to be that fire that left his body." Much to his dismay he could see Surtur already wreaking havoc. "Why do I have to deal with this type of villain?"

Frozen in shock, a kid stood in the path of Surtur's fire. Izuku was too far away. Everything within him collapsed as he could see the child fade away. His body too weak to reach the child in time.

His body began to grow stronger, surpassing his limits only for the sake of a single soul. His legs crushed the concrete below him, catapulting him off of the building he just had landed on. He reached a new level of speed even unknown to him.

His hand wrapped around the child, pulling him away from the fire that almost engulfed the child. Surtur laughed as his flames engulfed the child. The flames disappeared and so did Surtur's smile. "Leave the area right now, it's too dangerous!" Izuku shouted at the civilians. The people ran away, some screaming others silent looking at Izuku.

"Good luck hero." He could hear the distressed child tell him before rushing off.

The two stood there, silent for what felt like an eternity. "Scared?" Izuku asked with a big grin, breaking the silence. "Shut up! You are nothing!" Lava began flowing down Surtur's arms burning the grass below him. Fueled with anger and hatred Surtur's skin heated up further.

"Nothing will block my path until I completed my clan's mission!" Izuku laughed at Surtur's crazy statement. "Sorry to tell you this but today's the day that you fall." Readying himself Surtur accidentally created lava bubbles all over his skin. "You could give up at this point, it won't make a difference."

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Surtur's roar was heard across the city. Lava flew all over the park, his bubbles finally bursted. Izuku looked around, most of the park was covered in lava. 'This would have been bad if the civilians were still here.'

From the outside it looked like a nuke went off, giant flames devastated the park area. Surtur stood there breathing heavily, rage flowing within him. Izuku on the other hand was excited and happy he got to fight Surtur. "My core is filled with the power of my clan!"

'Core? Hmmm could be his weakness, guess that's what I have to take out.' "Thanks for giving me tips, you might want to stop talking or you'll expose your secrets even more." "Shut up!" Izuku smiled slightly at Surtur's small outburst.

"Need a toilet break or should we begin?" Surtur rushed at Izuku, his fist lighting up in flames.

A big smile formed on Izuku's face, his body heated up to the point where he felt like he could do anything.

The energy of the sun focused on Izuku, all of his power was concentrated into his hand. One blow to reach his core would be all that it takes. Surtur would reach Izuku within the next second or two.

His fist connected with Surtur's chest, but missed his core by an inch. Surtur was catapulted back directly through the fountain and straight into the wall of the park. "Don't try and escape, you'll only make it worse."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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