Chapter 4 - Quirk Apprehension Test and Battle Training

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It was the first day of school and Izuku was running through U.A. High on lookout for his classroom "1-a.. 1-a.. ah there it is!"Izuku exclaimed happy at his find he stood infront of the giant door

'I guess its made for people who's Quirks make them bigger' Izuku thought when seeing the size of the door 'I really hope Kacchan isnt in this class' he thought as he opened the door he saw the one thing he didnt want to see Kacchan and he already was in an argument with the blue haired kid from the entrance exam.

"Hey Midoriya!"said a happy voice behind Izuku

Izuku turned around and in that moment he saw that that voice was Uraraka's who showed thumbs up and had a big smile on her face.Everyone in class turned their attention to Izuku and Uraraka.

The blue haired kid came running up to Izuku and stopped directly infront of him while doing weird movements with his arms :"I have to excuse myself for what I did at the entrance exam,I am Tenya Iida" "Izuku Midoriya,nice to meet you" after that everyone introduced themselves.

"If you want to make friends you can go home" said an tired looking man in a yellow sleeping bag "It took you 7 sconds to shut up,now put on these and get to the P.E grounds we will have a test"

"But isnt the entrance ceremony today?"Uraraka asked Aizawa "As a hero you dont have time for those things"

As everyone arrived at the P.E grounds in their gym uniforms Aizawa told them what they would be doing to test their Quirk boundaries "Sounds like fun!" said Mina "Fun you say...  then lets make it fun,the last place gets expelled"Aizawa said with a grin  which caused everyone except Momo,Izuku,Bakugo and Todorkoi because they thought that they were strong enough.

Then they started all ready to give it their all.Iida finished in 3.04 seconds,Uraraka in 7.15 seconds.Then it was Izuku's and Bakugo's try,Bakugo was mad and wanted to blast Izuku but he wasnt able to do as he had finished in 0.01 seconds,Bakugo was so stunned he only got 4.13 seconds and was beaten by Izuku.

Next up was the grip strength test everyone had their eyes on Shoji as he got 540 kg but suddenly they heard a loud *crack* and looked at Izuku how he had broken the grip strength test Aizawa gave him another one but bigger and as they looked onto the scale Izuku got 14.380kg at which everyone was scared how strong Izuku was.

"Is he a monster?" and "How can someone be this strong" were questions that Izuku heard.Even Aizawa was shocked at how strong he was.He announced that they would be now going to the standing long jump.

Bakugo,Aoyama and some others jumped over the sandbox with Uraraka jumping the furthest almost reaching the end of the school grounds.But then it was Izuku's turn and everyone thought he was gonna jump to the moon but he just stood there and jumped.

Izuku broke the ground around him in a 13m (42,6ft)radius.He was gone in a blur and didnt arrive for 27 seconds after that everyone thought he fell intothe ocean or was stranded somewhere but then he landed at the exact same spot the robot said 40.075km (circumference of the earth).

Everyone was in awe even Aizawa thought about All Mights records back then 1.3 seconds in the dash,1.800kg in the strength test and jumping 1,2km in the standing long jump.

The repeated sidesteps came and Mineta surprised everyone by receiving 2856 sidesteps in 1 minute then it was Izuku's turn and after 5 seconds the robot said "Maximum reached participant reached 9999 sidesteps" everyone knew that he definetely wasnt human anymore.

Then came the Ball throw where Bakugo went first and reached 705.2 meters after him everyone gave the rest hey had with no one reaching as far as him except Uraraka who got infinity by making the ball have zero gravity everyone thought the same thing: 'finally someone who beat Midoriya!'

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