Chapter 25 - Fight

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AUTHORS NOTE:Alright today I'm going to try out something new, every time someone speaks who isn't actually there and talking to the others I will add ~ In the beginning and end of the things that are said, if you don't know what I'm talking about you will see it in this chapter

Izuku and Ban jumped at each other and began punching at inhuman speeds "You're not bad old man" Izuku jokingly said "Don't tell me you're just as confident as Escanor now" "Not as confident but just as strong" "You should watch your step when talking" Ban told Izuku just before tripping him and punching him into the trees standing behind Izuku with full force

~ "Why did he punch Izuku like that?!" Uraraka asked shocked that a hero would be so merciless with a child "I think that both of them are just playing around" Momo figured out "He just punched Izuku through 10 trees and you say that they're playing around?!" Uraraka asked Momo "Yep look at Midoriya" she said pointing at the green-haired boy ~

"Jeez and I thought you would be stronger than that" Izuku said out loud while standing back up like nothing happened "You really are just as confident now aren't you?" Ban said laughing "Now should we use real power?" Izuku asked Ban knowing what he will answer "Of course!" and with that Izuku jumped at Ban who just stretched out his arms towards Izuku.

"Snatch" Izuku fell down onto the floor while Ban was taking his power ~ "What's happening to him?!" ~ "So that's one of your powers? Didn't expect you to put up this much of a fight" Izuku said still smiling "You're just as overconfident as Escanor now" "Don't you assume I'm just all talk" "Then show me before I actually kill you" Ban said smiling at Izuku.

Ban began running towards Izuku and tried punching him down into the ground but his hit was blocked by Izuku grabbing his fist. "So you still have some fight left?" "Not just some" Ban felt the increasing heat that began surrounding Izuku "Do you know what time it is?" Ban's expression changed drastically as he noticed whose power he was using "You're kidding right?"

~ "Why is he backing down he was beating Midoriya in almost every aspect?" Momo asked the other girls "Come on Izuku beat him!" Uraraka said happy as it looked like Izuku was about to win the fight ~ "It's time to kneel down before your king" Izuku slowly got bigger and his muscles increased in size as it was almost Noon.

~"Why's Midori growing?" "Could be connected to his power" Momo suggested, Uraraka was currently drooling at the sight of Izuku ~ "You dare to oppose me? You will bleed" Ban was completely scared as he only saw Escanor once in his 'The One' mode. Izuku raised his hand and chopped down onto Ban's head, but he dodged it just in the last second and the forest behind him was mostly destroyed instantly just by Izuku's hand chop, and he didn't even use his full power.

"Holy shit" Ban said looking at the damage caused by Izuku's attack, but he didn't have a lot of time as Izuku pointed his hand towards the sky while still increasing in muscle mass and size as he said "Cruel Sun" and a Sun appeared above him "Any last words mortal?" "I can't be killed you should know that" Ban said smiling at Izuku who now stood at 2.45 meters (8.04 ft) tall.

"And who decided that?"

Ban was filled with fear as there was an axe coming out of Izuku's arm, and he recognized it as Escanor's Rhitta "H-how" "I'm a God" Ban jumped back as the axe was finished and Izuku had it in his hand 'Shit I need to hold him back for one minute I believe I can do it but it's going to be difficult as hell' Ban thought to himself as he tried punching Izuku but missed as Izuku was way faster than everyone he had met in the last years.

"You really believe you're faster than me huh? Then I'll show you what real speed and power is" Izuku punched Ban into the ground and looked at him with pity while laughing "And you thought of beating me?" but Ban wasn't done for and jumped at Izuku kicking him in the chin while trying to take the axe from him but to no avail Izuku just held onto it and kicked Ban off his arm.

Izuku now had 25 seconds left in 'The One' and decided to use more of his power as he didn't want to let his power go to waste "I'm sorry that I have to do this but it's to test out my strength right?" Izuku said smiling innocently at Ban 'You still didn't lose your nice side to the pride not bad... but damn this will hurt'

He lifted Rhitta and looked at Ban still smiling "Don't worry I will make this quick" he swung down Rhitta and hit Ban with all the power he could take from 'The One' He saw that Ban was split in two and the forest behind Ban was completely annihilated by his strike with Rhitta "At least it wasn't destroyed until the point where the people live so no one will see this hopefully" he said to himself

~"D-did Midori just kill him?" Mina asked close to tears "I-I don't know ~kero" "No no no no!" Uraraka said over and over again crying on her knees not being able to believe what Izuku just did, Izuku looked at Ban who was split in two and saw a bit of smoke appear on his body which reconnected his feet first which reassured Izuku that he would be alright and didn't just kill one of the best heroes in the world.

Ban was now healed completely and looked at Izuku who began to lose the just acquired muscle mass "Looks like you don't stay strong forever ha" Ban said glad that his theory about Izuku only having the 1-minute in 'The One mode' that Escanor had "You really are terrifying with that power" "Sorry if I scared you" Izuku said seriously while bowing down "I'm joking you idiot" Ban said laughing at Izuku

~"Don't tell me Midoriya intended to kill him?" Momo said in shock that Izuku had just killed someone "This can't be true" Uraraka said while still crying ~ Ban stood up with the help of Izuku "Now tell me how did you make that axe?!" Ban asked still confused at how Izuku could make Escanor's axe ~"H-he's still alive!" Mina said shocking the others "That's why he's called the invincible hero... " Momo said regretting that she didn't notice his hero name earlier. Uraraka was relieved that Izuku didn't turn into a villain ~

"When I gained this power just now I had this image in my head of the axe and I just made it with one of my quirks" "That's a funny coincidence Escanor has just the same axe" Ban said laughing at what had just happened "That's where I remember it from!" Izuku figured out "So Escanor had his ace when you fought him?" "Yep it is a really nice axe I think I'll name it 'Bright Rhitta' " Ban lost all the color in his face and stared at Izuku.

"Is something wrong Ban?!" Izuku asked scared that the fight might has left permanent damage "You even named the axe almost exactly like Escanor" Ban said still amazed at the fact that the two seem like the same person right now "Really?! He named it Rhitta too? That's amazing" "Yeah but for now let's just get home I need some time to think about what just happened" "Alright then I hope we'll see each other soon" "Yeah see you" Ban said after turning around and walking home.

~"We should get home now too" Mina said with the other girls agreeing as well ~Izuku went home after reverting the axe back into air particles

I chose the name 'Bright Rhitta' for his axe as it is a reference to Ochaco's surname 'Uraraka' which means bright, beautiful in Japanese

I decided for Izuku's weapon manifestation quirk to work by converting air particles into the wished material so just a small explanation on how the quirk works

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