Chapter 18 - A Heroes duty (Part 2)

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Izuku jumped at Robo with a lot more force than his usual attacks and kicked Robo along the alleyway and into the ground but he just stood back up and looked at Izuku."So you still got a little fight left,I like that"

Robo's eyes began to light up in a bright red and focused on Izuku "Now you're going to die" he disappeared and reappeared infront of Izuku punching him in the face.Izuku got stuck into the ground his head barely sticking out of the ground.

Izuku struggled to free himself but got it done just before Robo could reach him.He tried grabbing the villain but was quickly punched in the stomach by one of his arms again.Izuku hit the wall and grabbed his stomach,he felt like he would throw up.

Izuku was now bleeding from his eyes and the red and black was slowly fading away. "Dammit that was Rage mode" Izuku tried standing up but could barely stay on his feet. "Just give up and die kid" Robo charged at Izuku who now was lying on the ground again but then an Image popped into his head and he saw Uraraka and his mom at his funeral which got him mad.

Before he could reach Izuku to give him the final blow he was pushed back by a black barrier that was formed around Izuku."I won't die" Izuku stood back up as if nothing happened.Darkness formed around him and created a symbol on his forehead* a wing made out of darkness formed around his left arm.

Izuku looked at him with dead eyes and began to slowly walk up to him "W-what are you?!" "I'm a god and you made the worst mistake in your life" Robo fell back in fear of Izuku he could only stare at the power Izuku displayed.

Izuku jumped at Robo and dragged him on the floor while repeatedly punching him in the face.Robo had an idea if he could get Izuku off him and keep him at range the fight could end his way so he did the only logical thing for him to do.

He grabbed Izuku with his robot arm and tried throwing him into the upper part of one of the buildings next to him but Izuku just landed on the side of the building and jumped back to where Robo was.

He kicked Robo in the face sending him flying out of the alleyway in the direction where Slugger was sitting trying to get the attention of any heroes or civilians.When he saw the villain flying out of the alleyway he wondered how strong this kid was.

When he felt the aura of Izuku walking towards him and the villain he remembered the kid from the Sports Festival."Y-you are the real deal aren't you?" was all that Slugger could get out before Izuku disappeared in a blur.

When he reappeared above Robo he hit him as hard as he could and punched him into the ground.Izuku was now standing victorious above the defeated Robo while Slugger could only watch in awe that a child had defeated a villain that even some of the top 20 heroes could have had difficulty with.

Izuku's God Mode wore off and he went back to normal.He turned around to face Slugger and helped him up trying to get him to stay on his feet.Izuku called the police so that they could get Robo arrested.

"You surely are a handful" "What are you talking about?" "You beat that villain even some top heroes would have lost against him" "oh that yeah he was pretty strong" Izuku answered with a bright smile.

When the police and medics arrived they began treating Slugger for his wounds that due to Izuku attacking the villain weren't life threatening. The police questioned Izuku about some things when they noticed the U.A uniform

"You're from U.A right?" "Yeah I'm in class 1-A " "I see the hero course pretty nice but where were you going on a Saturday with your uniform on?" "I was on my way to some extra lessons..." Izuku's eyes widened in realization that he would be going to be too late to Aizawa's extra lessons.

"I'm getting killed" "Umm what?" "I'm sorry my teachers going to kill me I'm going to be too late to the extra lesson" "Oh don't worry we can give you a ride there" "Thank you so much" Izuku and one of the police officers drove to U.A and got out of the car.

The police officer saw that one of the teachers of the school already stood waiting next to what seemed like a bi-haired Teen. "Sorry that I'm late Aizawa sensei" "Yeah yeah but more importantly why did you get here by police?" the police officer intervened "I'm sorry let me explain the circumstances" Aizawa nodded and the police officer explained the whole story.

"So he got into trouble again and broke the law?" "Well technically speaking he didn't brake the law he sneaked up on the villain and only acted in self defense after he got attacked by him and even saved Slugger a local hero on patrol" "Alright this time you get off the hook but your training will still be hell" Aizawa said now focused on Izuku.

"T-thank you Aizawa-sensei" "Now get into gym Gamma" Izuku and Todoroki trained like hell for a couple hours until Aizawa let them go.Never was Izuku getting exhausted but Aizawa somehow managed to get all the energy out of him.

When the training was done Izuku went to the train station and got into his train home when Izuku was sitting in the train back home thinking about what happened he opened the news on his phone and read about his fight with Robo.

When he got home his mother greeted him and asked how his day was "Interesting to say the least"  "Well thats great now let's eat" "Yeah thanks mom" After they ate Izuku got into his bed and immediately began sleeping like a stone.


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