Chapter 13 - Greed

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Authors note:I'm sorry that this chapter took so long to post but I just had too much to do but from now on the updates to the story should be back to normal.

"You're the Invincible Ban?" "Yeah so what?" Ban said seemingly disinterested by the question Izuku asked but the next question took Ban by surprise:"If you really are invincible how long have you been alive?".

'Dammit I really hoped he wouldn't ask this question,should I tell him that im actually over 2000 year's old or that I'm 158 year's old like I tell everyone that asks?' "I'm 158 year's old" "S-so you're almost as old as quirks themselves?!"

"Yeah what about it?" "Nothing I'm just interested about learning more about you" Izuku said with a smile on his face."Today I want to see how fast and strong you are so give it your all,oh and don't worry about hurting me I'm invincible after all" Ban said confidently

They entered a building which looked plain from the outside but when Izuku saw the inside he was shocked,it was a fully equiped gym which had weights,machines and a swimming pool."Wow this place is amazing" was all Izuku could say.

"Now go into the fighting area and we can begin your training"Ban said nonchalantly.Izuku did as he said and went to the arena styled part of the gym."Alright now give me all you have"Ban said smiling malicously.

'He really wants me to go all out?!I mean he is invincible but still... I guess I have no other choice now'.Izuku focused and started up God and Demon mode Ban began to feel uneasy feeling the aura from Izuku that could rival the Demon lord's.

Ban wanted to ask him what this power is but he was terrified when he saw that Izuku had black eyes and white glowing pupils.Ban could only see the blur that Izuku left behind when he started running towards Ban.

Ban never thought he would get this feeling but he felt like he was about to die.Ban saw Izuku reappear directly infront of him,before even a second could pass Izuku punched Ban right above his heart.

Small Gore Warning   (Nothing too brutal but if you can't read about organs getting destroyed or bones breaking you should skip this part)

Ban's ribcage was shattered into a million pieces puncturing his already ruptured lungs leaving him breathless.Ban could feel that this wasn't all and was only able to get one thought into his head:'How strong is this kid?!'

Ban's heart exploded within him and so did his liver.Ban's Stomach and Kidneys were ripped apart in the middle,his back was broken immediatly fropm the impact of Izuku's hit.At this point ban could only spit out blood.

His neck broke and he felt that only for a second a sharp pain was running through his face and broke his right half of the face but due to the cracks being small they healed almost at the same time that they appeared.

------------Gore End-------------

Ban hit the ground leaving a giant crater there.Seconds after Izuku's hand made contact with Ban he was lying half-dead on the ground.Izuku rushed over to see the state Ban was in.Izuku thought that he had just killed him as he imagined Ban just couldn't take any damage because of his invincibility.

"A-are you alright Ban sensei?!" Izuku yelled out in shock that he might has killed one of the best pro heroes to date.Ban's arms twitched as his body began to slowly repair itself.Izuku saw this and was slightly relieved that he wasn't dead.

Ban healed completely after 10 seconds and just looked at Izuku in awe and shock that he was strong enough to make Ban scared for his life."W-what was that power that you just used?!" "Um well I call it Demon and God mode"Izuku said scratching his head.

'So this kid can actually summon the power of the Demon and God clan.If he uses this power and turns into a villain it could be the end of the world' Ban was only able to think about how dangerous Izuku could be.

"Are you alright Ban?" "Y-yeah sorry I was just a little shocked by your punch"After Ban and Izuku went to sit on a bench outside the gym Ban asked him a question he always asks the students that come to the internship with him.

"Why do you want to be a hero?" "I want to help the people that can't help themselves and stop all evil in this world" 'This kid is the real deal' was all that Ban could think when hearing Izuku's genuine words.

'I think he deserves to know my real identity' "Yo Midoriya" "Yes Ban" "I think you deserve to know the truth about my so called 'Quirk' in reality it isn't a quirk" "Wait what?!"

Ban told Izuku the story about how he got his sin and how he went on to live for more than 2000 years until now,and about how he actually got his immortality and about all of the things he saw and did during the years.Izuku was stunned at hearing that one of the top pro heroes doesn't has a quirk but instead is basically immortal.

"S-so you're telling me that there were God's and Demon's in our world?!"Izuku asked kind of scared at the thought of beings even more powerful than the best pro heroes."Yep and all of them are insanely strong"

"Then I heve to get strong enough to even defeat them"Izuku said determined which shocked Ban."Well I got a plan but first let us finish this internship and then we can meet up someday" "Alright then let us go and train some more!" "Not too fast its already 10 pm so we will go to bed and tommorrow we can see what you can do at your best"

Ban showed Izuku where he would be sleeping and then both of them went to bed.

In Ban's mindscape:"What do you think about the kid?" "he is extremely strong but also brave and is going to defeat all the evil in this world" "What's his power level?" "I can't tell his exact power level but when he used the power's earlier I was able to see that he was around 900,000."

"900,000?! Are you kidding me Merlin*?" "No it seems like he could defeat any of the Sins* with easy" "He will become stronger I can feel it" "So do I,but you need to sleep right now to find out more about his powers tommorrow"

*Merlin is the Sin of Gluttony in the Anime seven deadly sins

*the Sins is a reference to the Seven Deadly Sins of the Anime Seven Deadly Sins/Nanatsu Tanzai

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