Chapter 31 - Hero Work

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Izuku was trying to catch up to All Might which was hard for him at first but later when he had a feeling on where they were going he easily outclassed All Might in his speed. "Are we going to the Might tower?" "Yes! You seem to pay attention to your surroundings young Midoriya." "Want to have a little race?" "Sure, I already wondered how fast you could go." "Alright! 3! 2! 1! Go!"

Izuku stopped dead in his tracks on a building nearby which confused All Might, but he ignored it and tried his best to reach Tokyo before Izuku did. He prepared to jump as high as possible and activated his quirks which would give him a jump boost. Izuku jumped up high in the air, he could now see the first buildings of Tokyo. "Prepare to lose, All Might!"

Izuku focused on one point of the city and teleported himself there. He continued jumping from building to building until he reached the Might Tower, with no All Might in sight. Izuku landed just below the glove on top the Might Tower. A person who had styled bright yellow hair just like All Might stood there seemingly waiting for someone.

When Izuku landed he inspected the person waiting there, Yellow hair, a suit that almost perfectly resembled All Mights and a bright golden star on his chest. Izuku walked up to the person who he assumed to be one of All Might's sidekicks. "Good Morning." "Good Morning! You must be the intern of All Might."

Izuku was relieved that he was told that Izuku would arrive there. "Yeah that's me, nice to meet you." "I'm Powerstar, All Might's sidekick." "I'm Izuku Midoriya, I will be interning here for the next week or so." Just as Izuku was finished All Might landed next to them, creating a Shockwave which startled Izuku a bit.

"Wait how did you pass me?!" All Might was seemingly confused at Izuku's method of travel. "I just jumped up with all my power and teleported to the outskirts of Tokyo." "Oh my, Is there something you can't do?" "I'm not that good at talking to girls." Izuku said, turning slightly red at the thought of a certain brunette.

"Don't worry, I can teach you that!" Powerstar said trying to sound as confident as All Might. "Well for now we should go to my office, there are still some things we need to speak about." The three of them made their way into the elevator which was slightly cramped as it wasn't made specifically for All Might.

While the elevator ride was slightly awkward but the three managed to arrive at All Might's office just three floors below the roof. "Powerstar would you please wait here, I will explain everything to Izuku and then you two can go on duty." "Of course!" Powerstar saluted All Might and sat down on the bench next to the office.

Izuku closed the door behind him and All Might transformed back into his weak form as he couldn't stay in that form any longer. "Alright I think you know the most important parts of doing hero work, don't kill anyone, be nice to civilians and you should be fine." "Yeah we went over that multiple times already."

Izuku noticed All Might being slightly uncomfortable. "Is something wrong?" "Well not exactly wrong but Powerstar is a little bit narcissistic, so watch out for that." "Alright, anything else?" "I don't think so, you can go onto duty now, have fun." "Thanks All Might, see you later!" Izuku left All Might's office on his way to the bench where Powerstar waited.

"Hey Powerstar, we can go on duty now." "Perfect! I will show you around the city and hopefully we find some villains to catch." The two of them went back into the Elevator, but this time they had slightly more space. The two began talking about All Might's outfits like there was no tomorrow to it.

When they arrived on the ground floor and the doors opened the others were exposed to the heated argument about which outfit was the best. The two basically talked for 5 minutes until they came to a conclusion that every costume has it's up and downsides.

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