Chapter 10 - Sports Festival (Part 2)

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As Midnight then announced how the points were distributed among the top 42 and when she came to the 1st place she got a devillish grin on her face and licked her lips."And for first place we have a delicious 10 million points!"

Everyone was silent and looked at Izuku who had a look of shock on his face and was pale.When they were allowed to choose their teams Izuku was ignored by most people and was starting to panic but composed himself again.

'Alright if I am flying I need to find someone who can fly and help us stay in the air'Izuku thought.He then ran around trying to find Uraraka."Hey Uraraka do you want to join my team?" "S-sure Midoriya" Uraraka was a bit flustered that Izuku wabted to have her on his team.

Izuku then wandered around in search for Tokoyami which he shortly after found."Hey Tokoyami do you want to join my team?" "Of course Midoriya,you have a plan don't you?" "Yes I do" Now he needed to find someone who had a Quirk that could make them fly/levitate.

Suddenly someone jumped up infront of Izuku "Hey you're that boy who is worth 10 million points right?" "Umm yeah thats me" "I'm Mei Hatsume and I'm from the Support Department and want to show my new baby's"she said while pointing at her gadgets.

Izuku noticed a jetpack on her back "Is that a Jetpack on your back?" "Yes it can fly for up to 20 minutes without landing!" "Perfect then we can form a team!" Izuku said happy that his plan worked out.

When everyone was in position the air was almost as tense as the time the villains attacked.Izuku was infront,Uraraka and Mei in the back and Tokoyami on top to defend the headbands with Dark Shadow.

As Midnight announced the start of the Cavalry Battle everyone made a mad dash towards Izuku who just yelled:"Activate!" and Mei's jetpack activated,Uraraka made herself weightless and Izuku activated his flying Quirk and all of them including Tokoyami started to fly towards the sky.

When they were high enough in the air they stopped and waited for the match to end while talking a bit about school and hero's and stuff like that.Mei always wanted to talk about her Baby's but was always cut off by Tokoyami.

When they heard a giant explosion below them they saw Bakugo flying towards them and pointing his hands towards Izuku's team readying him to blow them to pieces.But before Bakugo could blow them up Present Mic yelled:"Times Up!"

Bakugo's face was filled with rage that he wasn't able to beat up Izuku,but before he realized it he already fell down and had to make a lot of small explosions to stop him from falling.Everyone on Izuku's team got down safely though thanks to all of their flying abilities.

The teams that passed are the same as in canon.As everyone was told they now had a one hour break and that they could now go out and enjoy a nice meal or something.All of the students went out of the arena and either went to get food or just relax before the event.

Izuku went outside of the stadium got himself some Mochi and went to lay down under a cherry blossom tree eating some Mochi and thinking about who he'll fight in the next event or what they were doing.

Izuku looked up in the sky and was thinking about his future as a hero when he suddenly heard someone call out his name:"Hey Midoriya!How are you doing?" He looked up to see Uraraka coming towards him.

"Hey Uraraka,Im fine what about you?"Izuku said "I'm good although a bit nervous at what comes next" "Don't worry you'll do just fine" When Uraraka was almost next to him she said:"Thanks Midoryia by the way do you know where I can get Mochi?"

"You can have mine I'm not that hungry" Izuku said while staring up into the sky again "O-oh thanks Midoriya" Uraraka said flustered that Midoriya gave her the Mochi.Uraraka sat next to Izuku eating the Mochi happily.

Izuku and Uraraka both sat under the cherry blossom talking about heroes and what they would be doing next at the Sports Festival.They were laughing and having fun while Uraraka finished up the Mochi.

When they stood up they could hear Present Mic yell through the speaker system that now everyone should get back in the stadium as they are continuing the matches in 5 minutes.Izuku and Uraraka hurried into the stadium and went up to 1-A's part of the school's stadion.

When the next event was about to begin Midnight stepped up on the stand and announced what they would do next and as Izuku already thought it was a Battle Tournament where they would fight in a 1vs1 to determine the strongest student.

As they announced the first Match Izuku had to leave his friends as he would fight a boy from the General Educations Department.As Izuku was about to leave most people in his class wished him good luck in winning except for Todoroki as he wasn't there and Bakugo of course who just snarled at Izuku.

As Izuku was standing in the tunnel he turned around and saw Todoroki standing at the end and he looked a bit confused at Todoroki after he said:"Don't lose yet I need to prove something to someone by beating you."

But Izuku didn't have time to think about what Todoroki said long becuase he was called out to stage by Present Mic with the words:"And now comes the student who defeated all of the villains at U.S.J by himself!" which got a huge uproar from most of the heroes and civilians in the stands of the stadion.

As Izuku left the tunnel he heard Present Mic announce Shinso who was getting up to the battle arena now too.He reminded Izuku a bit of his teacher Aizawa.Shinso stood on the opposite if the arena and was looking at Izuku with what should have been an intimidating stare.

Midnight asked them if both of them were ready to both replied with a simple nod.Midnight started the match and Shinso began talking to Izuku how amazing his Quirk is and that he himself will never be a hero just because Izuku got a better Quirk than him.

It was at this moment Izuku stopped running towards Shinso and opened his mouth to which Shinso began grinning slightly.But when he wanted to use Brainwashing on it didn't work and he heard what Izuku said:"You can be a hero not all hero's have a flashy Quirk!"

Shinso looked down and rushed at Izuku and tried to punch him in the face which Izuku blocked easily."So you finally got the fighting spirit going,then I wont use my Quirk too" at this statement everyone in the arena was shocked to hear that he wanted to even out the fight for Shinso.

All Might was proud that he chose Izuku as the next Symbol of Peace.But the fight didn't last long as Izuku had a strength advantage over Shinso.When the fight ended Izuku gave Shinso his hand and helped him up.

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