Chapter 33 - Surtur

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Izuku was strolling through the streets of the suburban area of Tokyo he was in, while it was mostly peaceful he noticed a commotion outside a small shop. When he approached the shop one of the people there began running away, still carrying most of the items he had in his hands.

When he turned around he threw some things at the others who were chasing him, the shop owner yelled that he was a thief giving Izuku the signal that he could help someone. Izuku jumped towards the store using it to give his second jump a boost with which he gave himself enough force to arrive in front of the thief.

"Stop now or I'll have to arrest you by force." He called out to the thief, oblivious to the fact that Izuku was a hero he continued and tried to push Izuku aside. Not amused by the thief Izuku grabbed him by the arm, his overwhelming strength shocking the man who couldn't move solely by Izuku grabbing him with one hand.

Izuku didn't even look at the man, his aura was enough to stop the man from trying to run away. "Do not try to run, or else I will have to use real force to stop you." Izuku gave off a deadly aura which quickly stopped when the shop owner and the other people including a police officer arrived.

After being thanked by the shop owner, Izuku handed over his hero license to the officer who checked the details and gave it back to him. Izuku went towards the city center on lookout for more villains who disturbed the peaceful life the people had. He noticed a group of teenagers, a couple looking quite familiar.

As Izuku arrived at the group one of them noticed him, grabbing the attention of the group. "Still acting like a hero?" The winged teenager asked Izuku mockingly, to his surprise the teacher actually asked him to stop unlike the teacher in junior high. "What? He's quirkless and can't do anything, it's his own fault." This angered Izuku as he hated that people got judged by the fact if they are quirkless or not.

"Being quirkless isn't your own fault, you know?" Izuku told him, his voice filled with toxicity. Before anything could happen a familiar voice called out for Izuku. "Hey Midoriya, how is your Internship going?" Todoroki said while walking up to them. Before anyone was able to identify Todoroki, an ear-deafening roar was heard through the small suburban streets of Tokyo.

"SHOOOTOO!" Endeavor yelled at the top of his lungs, marching towards the bi-colored teen. "What?" Was the response he got from his son. "Don't dare you walk off without my permission again!" Todoroki simply turned to Izuku, ignoring his father completely. "Yeah you can go now, you probably have something important to do."

All the kids and teachers were terrified as they witnessed the deadly glance that Endeavor shot towards his son. After Izuku's old classmates realized that he's actually a hero in training they break out in a lot of confusion, only to be stopped by Izuku himself. "Don't remember when I told you that I had a quirk rating of 1000? Yeah, I wasn't lying I'm simply a late bloomer."

Most of them felt ashamed at the thought of having bullied Izuku most of the time, with the winged kid stepping in front of the group. The group went silent once he bowed down and excused himself over and over again. "Don't worry about it, it's all forgotten and forgiven." Izuku told him with a smile on his face.

"Thank you very much." After seeing that he wouldn't get a single reaction out of Todoroki, Endeavor decided that he had enough and should just focus on his patrol. "So how's your Internship going?" Todoroki asked again, this time not being interrupted by Endeavor. "I'ts going pretty good, hadn't had too much trouble today. What about you?"

"Not bad, but old guy keeps trying to force his ways upon me but I think that I finally got some time to go on patrol alone." He told Izuku while looking into the direction that Endeavor vanished into. "Well I guess we should continue our patrols as well." "Yeah, see you tomorrow." Todoroki waved goodbye and went his way.

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