Chapter 8 - Training for the Sports Festival

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As Izuku was going home he didn't think much about the fight with the pro heroes as he was more focused on the Sports Festival and how to train and prepare for the Sports Festival.

Izuku went home and ate lunch thinking about the forest where he defeated the first Nomu and how he could train more fighting styles there with the old training equipment.Izuku made his way to the forest and started to try new moves.

'hmm if I stack One for All on top of Godspeed I could increase my speed even further'And so Izuku activated Godspeed and stacked 20% One for All to not do too much damage to the area.

Izuku tried to run with the 20% and broke the ground around him but was nearly twice as fast as if he had just used Godspeed."Alright now I can go faster but I need to find something that makes me stronger.

Izuku thought about different fighting styles and weapons when he got an idea.Izuku manifested iron rods and threw them up and created a small tornado around him which caught the iron rods and swung them around Izuku.

They weren't fast enough to kill someone but could have still knocked someone out.Izuku had another idea he held up his hand pointing at the sun and yelled:"SUNSHINE*" a giant fireball appeared above his hand.

Izuku pointed his hand at a nearby tree and the fireball flew directly to the tree and burned it up.But Izuku wanted something that could be used to not hurt his enemy too much and not kill them like his fireball attack.

Izuku then activated One for All and heated up his hand to the point where it started to smoke and then he hit the next tree which left a brand mark and destroyed it.'This should increase the effect of weaker punches as well so they still can deal a decent blow and won't make me so tired'.

Izuku went on to train with the old equipment that was left there and and he even found some weights to gain more muscles and maybe let him get more control over his Quirk.

Izuku used Godmode and destroyed a couple trees when he reached his limit and felt him slowly losing control over his powers but he tried to hang on a bit longer and he managed to increase his time by 2 minutes in Godmode.

Izuku sat down and drank some water as he saw someone approaching the area and hoped that it wasnt a hero or otherwise he might get in trouble.But then he saw who it was :"All Might!What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you and the last time we met it was here."All Might said in his skinny form "Nezu,Present Mic,some other teachers and I watched you and we were speechless at how strong you are and I have to say that i believe that you are currently one of the strongest people on earth."

Izuku couldnt believe what he heard "D-did you just say that I am the strongest person on earth?!" "Yes young Midoriya we saw your display of power and its unmatched!Your full power is truly amazing!"

"But I didnt even used my full power" All Might was shocked to hear that Izuku had power to spare "H-how much power did you use?!" "I only used one of my abilities so I would say about 30%" (One for All 5%,Other powers/abilities 5% Godmode 30%,Demonmode 30%,Godspeed 30%)

All Might didnt want to think about what could happen if Izuku used his full power or if he was a villain...

All Might asked Izuku to show him some of his power and he demonstrated the stacked Godspeed and Sunshine to All Might "Young Midoriya you are combining multiple abilities to make your attacks stronger,even some pro heroes had difficulties making their moves stronger"

All Might turned into his strong form and wanted Izuku to attack him "Are you sure All Might?" "Yes I truly want to see how strong you have become in the past 10 months!"

Izuku prepared to attack All Might and activated Godspeed with 5% One for All to not hurt him too much.All Might sprinted towards Izuku but he jumped up while blocking the punch form All Might.

As Izuku was above All Might he hit him with a right hook to the face at which All Might recoiled.All Might punched above him but Izuku was already gone the only thing he hit were the tree's above him.

Izuku was behind All Might and punched him in the back.All Might flew into the next tree but got up with ease."I think I should have joined the match with the other pro's then we would have won!"said All Might confidently

"If you think so.... Godmode!"yelled Izuku as his eyes turned a a glowing white with his pupils turning  a bright yellow.Izuku gained a white aura which emitted a warm feeling.All Might was in shock as he felt that Izuku was stronger than before.

Izuku teleported from side to side with such speed that even the fastest pro heroes and villains couldnt match with his speed.All Might punched in the general direction of Izuku but was met with his shockwave coming back at him.

All Might couldnt believe that Izuku was strong enough to match his shockwaves but he felt proud at the same time.Izuku just said:"I didnt create this shockwave it is one of my strongest move's 'Full Counter!*'"

"It deflects the opponents attack and launches it with full power back."All Might was shocked that Izuku could throw attacks back.But before All Might could recover from the hit that he had gotten from Izuku he already felt the next hit.

Izuku barraged All Might with hits from all sides and didnt let him get a single moment of recovery time so he was only in defence and not offence.All Might felt that his time was going down and that he couldn't win against Izuku.

Izuku saw the smoke coming from All Might's body and stopped attacking him as All Might turned back to his skeleton form."So I guess its my win?"Izuku said with a happy smile

"Yes I have to say you really are strong Midoriya!" "Thanks All Might" "And for the Sports Festival thats coming up I want you to show everyone at the Sports Festival that you are here!"

"All right I will do that then!" "Now go home and start to train your body more so you can myabe build up your powers as you can only use 55% of One for All right now." "Thank you All Might I will see you next week" "Goodbye Midoriya"

And with that both of them left.Izuku went home and started doing push ups.For the rest of the week Izuku could increase One for All by 5% and gain 10 Minutes to his powers before losing control.

Then the Sports Festival came around...

Thank you for reading this chapter!From now on I will update the chapters in a 3 to 4 day cycle.

*Sunshine is the abilitie used by Escanor from the Seven Deadly Sins Anime

*Full Counter is used by Meliodas,also from the Seven Deadly Sins

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