Chapter 29 - Revenge and a Meeting

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Izuku woke up the next day and went to school where Kaminari, Mina Sato, Sero and Kirishima stood in their classroom telling everyone to have a good time at the training camp while they have summer school at home but before anyone could cheer them up Aizawa slammed open the door. "That's the bell. Be seated"

"Morning. About your Final exams... Sadly we had some failures. As such YOU'RE ALL GOING TO THE SUMMER TRAINING CAMP!" Everyone cheered until Aizawa explained that they still had to take extra classes at the camp and that it would be far worse than summer school. He handed out the camp manuals to the students and let them alone as they had today and tomorrow off.

"How about we all go shopping tomorrow?" Most of them were agreeing on meeting up at the mall except for Bakugo and Todoroki. "Alright see you tomorrow!" All of class 1-A went their ways for today and Izuku decided he could go for a walk home as he had enough time left before he needs to be home.

When he arrived at the city border where it went into a forest he noticed a person with a large arm sticking out of his back which held a knife in its hand and the knife looked like it had blood on it. Izuku moved with only one thought in his head 'I have to help the person getting attacked if that is a villain' He rushed to a tree that was nearby and noticed that the person's quirk looked out of control.

"What is happening?" Izuku asked himself, but he was a bit too loud and the arm turned towards him cutting down the trees that were close to it. "You look like a good snack" the person said with a needle sticking out of his third arm it then dawned upon Izuku. "That's that drug... Trigger!" "So you know about it? It's really fun you feel like you can do anything" the third arm picked up a hero who was knocked out and threw him at Izuku who caught the hero.

"Thank god you're only knocked out and not dead, for now I will put you down over here" Izuku said while putting him down onto the ground but before he could even turn he felt a sharp object puncture his right leg and when he looked down the villain's arm had stuck a knife into his leg. "Your power is very similar to those of the gods who abandoned us, so I have to kill you now!" "So you're a Sentinel too?" "You know about us? That means you have connections with the gods, now DIE!"

The sentinel jumped at Izuku trying to cut him in half but Izuku sidestepped him and kicked the sentinel in the head making him stumble away from Izuku and the fallen hero. "And I thought you were stronger than Robo" "So you were the one who defeated my brother? I will kill you for that but before you die remember my name... Revenge" "So you named yourself Revenge? Seems like it is fitting for you but don't forget my name either, Hypernova"

"Now it's time to die Hypernova" Revenge said trying to slice Izuku in half again but this time Izuku just caught the knife with his bare hand holding it away from his head. "Even on trigger you're not stronger than me" "Just you wait brat" Revenge lifted Izuku up with his third arm trying to throw him into a tree close to them but Izuku let go of the arm in time and saw his opportunity to strike down Revenge as his third arm was currently behind his back.

Izuku hit Revenge with an uppercut which had so much force that he fell on his back and when Revenge had regained his focus he saw Izuku running up to him "Godspeed" Izuku was now covered in blue lightning with a green aura around him. Revenge tried standing back up but was instantly knocked back down by Izuku as he kicked Revenge into the ground again with a kick to the head. "If you think I'm done with you, you're wrong" Izuku said with a menacing glance towards Revenge.

Revenge stood back up looking a bit devastated by Izuku's attack "I'll give you this opportunity once. Give up and I won't hurt you anymore" "You think I care about getting hurt? Kill me if you can" Izuku hit the ground below them breaking a large portion of it in the process and throwing Revenge back down onto the ground but instead of leaving him like after the last attack he was going to finish him for real now "You should prepare to wake up in prison" "I won't have to but you will wake up in heaven"

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