Chapter 37

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The couple in front of me was discussing about how their marriage should be organise like the places, decorations, dresses and the honeymoon destinations.
I have to agree to what they say as they are my clients also at the end what I am looking is the Profit.

"What about Hawaii?" the young lady with brown hair asked "You have a really good taste Miss" I said giving her a smile just as I said I heard my phone ringing "Please excuse me" I said politely to them and stood up from my chair and I took the call "What?! Again?! I am coming.." I sighed and hung up the phone and looked at the couple "I am really sorry, I have to's my son..someone else will attend you..sorry" I apologised while grabbing my purse and my coat.

I took my phone and dialled the number "Man, I need to go to the school again can you please attend the couple in my office?" I asked him "No problem, I am behind you, babe" I heard a voice behind me and I rolled my eyes and turned to his direction "Can I borrow your keys?" I asked him "Yeah sure... what did the pumpkinhead do this time?" he asked "I don't know..Hey! Did you just call my Son a Pumpkin again?!" I scolded him and he chuckled "No...I called him Pumpkinhead, my lady" Arjun said and I sighed in frustration "You will regret, let me just come home and I will chope your legs" I said glaring at him and I walked towards the parking area taking the keys with me.

I entered in the principal's office after knocking at the wooden door only to find Aarav sitting in one of the two chairs facing the principal.

"Oh, please sit Miss" he said politely and I sat next to Aarav glaring at him "Let me tell you Miss, your son just got into a fight and he knocked the other boy down" he said and I looked at Aarav in shock "I-I apologise" I said desperate "I understand your situation, Miss but I have no other choice but take action" he said crossing his hand "But..." I tried to say something but he interrupted. "He will be suspended for today" he finally said and I gave a death glare to my son who was sitting next to me and when he saw my face he lowered his head.

I nodded to the principal "Aarav Panday, next time you will be can take him home for now" he said and I nodded greeting him and walk out the room.

"Momm-" Yash said following me "Don't talk to me" I said angry and opened the car "Sorry Mommy" he said pouting and I looked at him trying not to melt by his cuteness. " don't you dare to say sorry to me..Do you even know how did I start my day?" I asked him, he stayed quiet "I was late for work the reason is I had to drop you off at school because you never wake up early to catch the school bus and Now look...After not even an hour I am here to pick you up because you knocked out a classmate..What is wrong with you, Aarav?" I asked him frustrated fasting his seat belt and then coming to the driver side.

" He hit me first" he said still pouting "Do you think I believe you? It has been three times that you are getting suspended" I said starting the engine "Two time, you are exaggerating" he said nonchalantly, I quickly looked at him "What? I am exaggerating? How about you? Anyway the principal said that he will expel you the next time" I said with a warning tone. "Nah..He is just threatening us, you know that. He's been telling us for the past three months now" he said smirking and I face palmed.

I stopped the car "Just stay inside, I need to buy some medicines for grandma, don't you dare to come out" I warned him "I want an Ice cream" he said pointing his little finger to the Ice cream parlour nearby "No, you don't deserve any Ice cream today" I said and went in the pharmacy.

"Thank you" the doctor said and I smiled nodding. I took the receipt of the credit card payment and went in the car only to find that Aarav wasn't in the car. I started to get worried and I started to look around in panic "Aarav?" I called him but no response as I turned my head to the right I saw him standing in front of the parlour eating an Ice cream. I quickly rushed to him "Didn't I tell you not come out?" I scolded him "Mommy, you know the view inside your car was boring" he said licking his strawberry Ice cream while I rolled my eyes "Where did you get the money?" I asked him putting my hands in the pocket and he handed me the purse that I kept in the car "Seriously?! You took my purse?! Get in the car" I said sighing and he winked at him entering in.

We arrived at the office and I saw that the couple was still there and I saw Arjun sitting on my seat when he saw us he excused himself and went towards us.

"Thanks Arjun" I thanked him handing him the keys "No problem, everything ok?" He asked looking at Aarav "I will explain you later" I said and he chuckled messing Aarav's hair "All right, they need only to discuss about the reception" he informed and I nodded.

"Now be quiet and don't you dare to run away" I said to him while making him seat on the couch next to the desk, he nodded and I ended up continuing the discussion until another call interrupted me.

Just as I was talking on the phone, Aarav stood up and sat on my chair and look at my file carefully whilst the customer smiled to them.

"So you two are getting married?" he asked "Yes" the lady said smiling to his cuteness "Don't you think that you should guys make a game during the reception I mean it will be fun for example a dance competition between the two families, you will enjoy and also people won't say "It was a boring wedding like the others" huh? Trust me it's going to be fun" he said in excitement and the couple stayed in shock just then I hung up the call. Aarav run to sit on the couch "Sorry again for making you waiting" I apologised "Is that your son?" the man asked me and I nodded "He is a smart boy" he said and I smiled in confusion and looked at Aarav.

"Why aren't you at school, little boy?" the lady asked "Becau-" as I was about to reply he interrupted me "Suspended" he said "Because the principal doesn't have the guts to bear my principles" he continued.

Breath Sukhi...Breath and breath

"Yeah, so we are done?" I asked while glaring Aarav "Yeah we are" they said.


I was working on my computer and Aarav was sitting next to me drawing something "It's getting late..Aarav" I said still focused on my work "I'm not sleep yet" he said "Tomorrow you will get late again" I said looking at him "Then let me take your phone...I want to finish the ultimate level" he said and I rolled my eyes "Aarav, don't make me call Arjun to put you sleep" I warned him "No no, the last time because of that man I couldn't sleep for a week thanks to his story about the Slander man" he said "Then go to sleep" I said and he pouted getting on the bed.

After finishing my work for three hours, I could feel my shoulders aching and I put my hands on them "What happened, mommy?" Aarav asked from behind me "Hey...Not sleepy yet?" I asked him and he nodded cutely and came close to me he looked at me confused "My shoulders are hurting-" I couldn't finish as he stood up on the bed behind me and with his tiny hands he started to massage them and I smiled "That's enough" I said with a sweet tone I turned the light off and laid down hugging him.

"Sorry" he said "For what?" I asked "For being a bad boy today and for making you sad, I will not do that again..." he said holding my hand "Promise?" I asked him smiling, he took my pinky and made a pinky promise "That's my angel" I said smiling and kissing his forehead.

See you for the next chapter, I hope you liked these two characters: Aarav and Arjun.
Sorry for the late upload and if you have questions or something feel free to ask.
Take care.

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