Part 35

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part 35:
a/n: the eulogies will be in this font

third person p.o.v:
the boys and shaili entered the graveyard and stood around emma's grave.
they were the only one there, no one from her family showed up.

andy was the first one to eulogize emma. he took a deep breath and started reading from his note:
"emma, when I saw you in jack hands confusion filled my head, too many questions went throw my brain.

honestly? I thought you lied to me.
I was so angry, but not at you, I was angry at the world for making you take your own life.
but, after what rye told me I swear that I'll find who did this to you an—" he stopped. his voice cracked, tears were now rolling down his cheeks like two little rivers.
"and, I'll make him pay...
I hope you found some rest.. have some sleep baby girl, I know you need that.."

andy finished his eulogy and cried into rye's chest "shh, it's okay.." rye said trying to calm him down.
andy took a couple of deep breathes, letting the cold air fill his lungs "go, I'll be fine" andy said and rye took his note out of his pocket.

"emma," he started "I'm not really good at things like that but I want you to know that I miss you.

"It was like you're my daughter and now I have to get used to not having you around and I'm trying, I'm trying to be strong and take care of andy for you but.. it's hard..
"It's hard to hold back the tears, it's hard to push back flashbacks of you dancing around and singing with us, it's just so hard..
and as andy said, we'll find the little son of a bitch who did this to you, I promise."

everyone gave rye a massive hug when he finished "we are here for you mate" mikey said. "always" brook added,
"thanks guys.."

the next one to talk was shaili,
"well, I didn't prepare a note or something, you more then anyone should know that I'm bad at stuff from this kind…." she laughed a bit, you could see she was nervous.

"If I'm honest I'm mad. I'm mad at the person who killed you because now I have to find someone else that would take your place as my bridesmaid but" she sighed, "I can't joke about it anymore.. you were my best friend from elementary school and I was now you're gone..

"it's been only a week since you're gone but damn it I miss you so much girl…" a single tear rolled down her cheek as she looked down at her grave.

mikey hugged his fiance and stared his eulogy:

"emma, I don't have a lot to say because you already know everything I want to say but, I would say that I hope you can see us from the sky..
I miss you emma and I really need one of your hugs right now.."
"we all need that hug now.." shaili said quietly.

now it was brooke's turn to eulogies emma.
if you looked at his face you could see he was angry and hurt.
he took his note out but then shove it back to his pocket.

"I hate this, I hate that you're not here… I need you emma, i need my friend back….

"when I saw you in jack's arms I wanted to run and hug you but then andy told me to look at jack hands and all I saw wad blood.. it was your blood emma…
I screamed. I guess I thought that if I'd scream loud enough god will hear me and he'll bring you back, I wasn't loud enough..

"I remember the night you came to my room crying, you said that if one day you won't be here you'll need me to take care of jack.
I remember telling you that you will always be here but you needed to hear me saying that I'll do it so I told you that I'd do anything for you.

"I meant that… but I need you to send some strength because I can't be strong anymore…"

brooklyn finished and started crying. jack pulled him into a tight hug "you don't have to be strong anymore brookie.. it's okay.." he said and both of them cried.

after something like a minute brook said, "jack? you better start talking.." jack let him go and said "yeah.." in a sad voice.

jack did not have a note, he planned to just talk from his heart even if it'll be messy.

"emma.. I still can't believe you're gone.. I know you since I know myself and it's weird now that you're not around..

"you were always there to laugh at me when I made a mistake, to cry with me when I fall off the swing in kindergarten and broke my nose" he laughed a sad laugh when he saw the memory of it in his mind "remember this?

"when i made the hardest decisions of my life I came to you.. you were the one who encouraged me to follow my dreams, leave ireland and join the band in the first place.

"now I have to get use to not have you here..
sometimes, when I close my eyes I see you, standing in front of me, I open them and you're still there.
I fully awake when it happens and I'm talking to you and laughing with you,kissing you and touching you and then someone knocks on the door and you're saying you have to go.
I never understand what happens and why are you leaving.

"to be honest, I don't even know what's real and what's fake anymore...." he signed.

"I will love you forever and I miss you, I miss my girlfriend, my other half..
I know I was a big idiot and I know it was all my fault but I'm sorry… I didn't mean any of this to happen I swear!" jack fell to the ground and start crying.
he looked down at her grave, trying to organize his thoughts.

"I love you emma.. more than anything in this world and that will never change.. " he looked up at the sky "I hope you can see me little one, I just have one last thing to say… thank you.. thank you for not giving up even tho you had all the reasons to.
I love you baby… rest in peace.."

jack finished and got up from the ground.
suddenly, it started raining jack believed that was emma giving him a sign that she heard them all, it made him think that maybe emma's still here. not physically, but in her spirit, and that made him smile. a true smile was on his face now, he didn't smile like that for a long time.

two hours later they came back to the house and opened the camera. they filmed a vlog.

in the vlog they talked about everything that happened in the last couple of months.
they talked about mikey and shaili getting engaged and, they explained why they weren't online at all.
they asked the roadies to be patient with them in tour tomorrow and let them know what happened to emma.

they posted it and everyone in the comments were so loving, they even saw some edits of jack and emma that the roadies made and cried over them.

jack felt so good to finally talk with everybody and open up about his feelings and that night, he didn't have nightmares at all.

hey guys, I really don't like this part.. I've never heard an eulogy before so that's probably why it's so crappy.

anyways, I really hope you like it even a little bit😂😂

don't forget to vote and comment!

love, odelia💙💙


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