Chapter 7 - Internal Conflict

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The following day, it was business as usual at Otonokizaka High School. It was the usual girls from other sections and year levels greeting each other good morning. However it was different for the members of Muse. Especially for the three childhood friends. Honoka who had spent some time with Tsubasa is once again on time for school.

Honoka: "Wow!!! I'm getting used to the habit of waking up early. Somehow it feels good."

She soon hears someone familiar calling her.

Kotori: Honoka-chan!!! Wait up don't go in without us.

She ignores the voice and proceeds to the classroom.

Umi: What's her problem?

Kotori: I don't know Umi-chan. It's not likely for her to ignore us. Something is wrong with her. I can feel it.

Umi: "Could it be that Nozomi's prediction is coming true?"

Umi then feels a hand patting her shoulder.

Eli: You worry too much Umi-chan.

Umi: Eli-chan, when did you get here.

Eli: I was here an hour ahead of you girls.

Kotori: Oh yeah I forgot, you're the student council president.

Suddenly Kotori let's out a loud scream. As someone groped her boobs without warning.

Kotori: Eeeeyaaaa!!!!!!

Nozomi: My my Kotori-chan looks like your about just right for the picking. 😏😏😏😏

Umi: Nozomi-chan sometimes I really don't know what you are. Are you really a Shrine Maiden or a pervert?

Nozomi: You know I can be both Umi-chan. 😉😉😉 (Gets into a washi washi technique stance.)

Umi: (Covers her boobs and screams.) Nooooooooooo!!!!

Eli: By the way I saw how Honoka-chan ignored you two.

Nozomi: Yeah come to think of it I was shocked she actually did that. It's not typical of her to do that to you two.

Kotori then suddenly became sad and looks down on the floor. Umi does the same thing.

Eli: Is everything alright Kotori-chan?

Umi then looks at Kotori.

Eli and Nozomi: Did we miss something?

Umi: Should we tell them Kotori-chan?

Kotori: Yeah we should tell them and the others as well.

Eli: Okay you two, let's talk about this in the club room. In the meantime nobody must reveal our secret to Honoka.

All three says yes to Eli. All four part ways and proceed to their classes. During the period breaks the school's public address system goes on.

Eli: "May I have your attention please. Will all members of Muse except for Honoka Kousaka please proceed to the Idol Research Club room. I repeat! Will the members of Muse except for Honoka Kousaka please proceed to the Idol Research Club room. That will be all. Thank you."

Honoka just ignores the announcement. Instead, she heads to the rooftop to be alone.

Honoka: Like I care on what they're gonna talk about. They'll just probably engage in a make out session again. (Looks up at the sky.)

Nico: Alright Eli-chan what's this all about.

Maki: Not that I care to know. But yeah...... What's this all about?

Rin and Hanayo: We want to know too.

Eli then looks at Kotori and Umi. Nozomi then tells everyone to remain silent. The remaining four members of Muse suddenly feel uneasy. Nico gets irritated at what Honoka is doing.

Umi: First of all Honoka-chan ignored us while we were greeting her good morning.

Nico: What?!!!!! How can she do that?

Maki: Did I just hear you say ignored?

Hanayo: She wouldn't do that to you. Did she?

Rin: Nya!!! Why would she do that?

Umi: I think I know what the reason is girls.

Kotori: Umi-chan......

All of them: What is it Umi-chan?

Umi: It's the day I told her that I was confessing what I feel for Kotori-chan. I didn't know how she really reacted. But I can tell from the way she said good luck to me that she was sad.

Nico: And because of that she's ignoring you two?

Kotori: That's not the first time she ignored us.

Maki: You mean she's been ignoring you two a lot lately?

Eli and Nozomi just looked on and remained silent. While Rin and Hanayo looked confused. Nico is starting to get angry inside of her.

Kotori: Umi-chan and I were kissing in the classroom. Then she just walked in like we weren't there. We greeted her but she made it sound like she doesn't know that we were there too.

Umi then goes on saying the rest of the story. While the rest of Muse can only listen in shock and confusion.

Eli: So let me get this straight. After you told her that your going to confess your love to Kotori. That's when she started to treat you two cold. Am I correct?

Nozomi: Oh my...... That's not good for all of us. It could ruin our chances of winning Love Live.

Nico: That Honoka!!! Just she wait till I get my hands on her!!!!

Eli: Nico-chan it's not worth it. Let it go. This is just a small misunderstanding between friends.

Nico: Let it go!!! I can't let it go!!! If I do that she'll just ignore them completely!!!!

Hanayo: Please Nico-chan calm down.

Rin: Yes just let it go nya.

While everyone in the club room was trying their best to contain Nico, a now confused Honoka is having an internal conflict deep inside of her.

Honoka's Thoughts:

*What is this feeling that I am having right now? I know it disappeared after Umi-chan told me she was going to confess her love for Kotori-chan. But now it's coming back. Could it be that I have fallen in love with Tsu-chan? Somehow I think she might be feeling the same way for me. Whatever it is I'm enjoying it. And then there is still a part of me that is still sad for not telling Kotori-chan my feelings for her. Added by my hatred for Umi-chan. I'm not sure what to do right now. Kamisama please help me overcome this situation.*

End of Honoka's thoughts.

The goddess is now slowly falling in love with a soldier. And this goes for Tsubasa Kira as well. She too is having the same thing in her mind and in her heart. As if it is predestined that they would fall in love with each other. Nozomi's prediction is definitely coming true. But the question is. How will they take it now that Honoka has found someone to love her? And deep inside of Honoka's heart she is now caught in the middle of being the leader of Muse. And at the same being in love with Tsubasa Kira. The leader and center of A-RISE.

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