Chapter 30 - Start Spreading the News

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Monday came and it was time for "Muse" to go to the U.S. As they bid farewells to their classmates, and families the atmosphere was simply a mixture of emotions. However there was one particular couple that find it hard to say goodbye.

It was Tsubasa and Honoka. Although the former already knows the reason why her girlfriend is leaving. The latter feels like she is going away for a long time. And she is worried that Tsubasa might get lonely and look for a new girl to love.

Both Umi and Kotori notices this. For the first time they see how vulnerable Honoka was. It's like she wouldn't just let go of Tsubasa's hand. They immediately embrace her just to make sure Honoka doesn't decide to just stay.

Now that the two are separated Tsubasa quickly walks away. She doesn't turn around so that her girlfriend wouldn't turn around too. As they board the plane Umi and Kotori are still embracing Honoka tightly.

They know that the minute they let go of her, she might run back to the airport and eventually run after Tsubasa. The others quickly helps Umi and Kotori. Both of them notice Honoka was starting to cry. Eli steps in together with Nozomi.

They gave their assurances that once they've finished with their live performance in the U.S. they will quickly go home. Honoka wipes her tears as she gets to her seat. She decides to put out her phone and look at the pictures of their sweet moments.

This was the only way she can ease herself of her sadness. As soon as she sits down on her assigned seat. Honoka still looks at her phone. Tears start to run down again from her eyes. For her it feels like things might change once she gets back from her U.S. trip.

Worried about your girlfriend?

No-Nozomi-chan..... How'd you know?

You've been quite restless since we boarded.

I know Tsu-chan already knows about our purpose on why we're going to the U.S. It's just that I feel uncomfortable leaving her behind.

You're worried she might cheat on you?

Yes I am. I mean look at you guys. You're all lucky because you're going America as a couple. And there's me... All alone.... No one to kiss and hug everytime I come home from practice.

I see.... I'm sure that you wouldn't want to invade our privacy. Right?

Yeah.... I guess I have to check in a room with a single bed.

Don't think about anything negative too much Honoka-chan. All eight of us maybe in a relationship with each other. But you have to remember that we are your friends.

Thanks Nozomi-chan or should I say "mom".

You're welcome Honoka-chan.

Minutes later the plane takes off the runway. The others decided to look out the window to see a wonderful view. Honoka decided to stay seated and watch something on the built-in mini tv screen. She plugged the free earphones onto the screen.

As she turns on the TV she sees three familiar figures being interviewed. It was A-RISE who was being interviewed. It was a presscon held minutes after Honoka and Tsubasa were separated. They announced that they decided to become professional idols.

Within seconds Honoka was getting teary eyed again. And then she heard a question that she never would've imagined to be asked.

"Tsubasa is it true that you are dating the leader and center of "Muse"?

The reporter asked. Tsubasa sighed at first... And then she gave her a straight forward answer.

"Dating is an understatement. We are in a relationship. I don't care what other people might say. I love her and she loves me. And we plan to get married right after college."

The reporters were stunned on Tsubasa's answer. Another reporter followed it up with another question.

"Is she still here in Japan?"

"No she isn't. She is currently heading to the United States of America to promote Love Live. She is the only one who that I swear my love to. She is my goddess. And I am her soldier. I pray for the success of their live performance in the U.S."

After that they all stood up and left the table. Tsubasa's answers to the questions made Honoka happy. It gave her a peace of mind. And with this she was determined to do her best. She fell asleep after watching.

After the long flight, the plane finally reaches it's destination. Within minutes it's now landing at JFK International Airport. As the girls waited for their luggage to come out from the conveyor belt. They can't hide their enthusiasm.

They can't believe that they finally made it to the U.S. They now ride their taxis in groups of three. However Honoka wasn't able to write the name of the hotel that they were checking in properly. This causes Umi, Kotori, and Rin to get separated from them.

They end up walking in a rundown hotel. This made Umi mutter Honoka's name in anger. She decided to call Eli and tell her where they are. After few minutes they're all now in the same hotel. She immediately scolded Honoka for giving her the wrong name of the hotel.

Like Honoka what had told Nozomi, she checked in a room with a single bed. The others checked in rooms with two beds. Umi and Kotori decided to play Old Maid before going to sleep. As usual Umi would always lose.

Honoka in the meantime decided to send a video message to Tsubasa. She knows that she is busy touring all over Japan promoting their latest songs. So a reply from her would be hours late. Or even a day too late.

Yet she never waivered on that thought of her girlfriend replying. Within seconds she receives a video message from Tsubasa. Honoka silently cried as she watched Tsubasa's video message. The message was reassuring for Honoka.

After all the exchange of messages, Honoka falls asleep with her earphones on while listening to their songs. This drowned out the noises of her friends while they were making out. However she laughed at the noise made by Umi and Kotori. Umi lost again in a game of Old Maid.

Kotori-chan let's play another round!!!

Umi-chan it's late already!!!

Hihi.... Poor Kotori-chan.... Umi-chan won't stop playing until she wins.

The next morning after everybody is well rested. They all eat at the hotel's dining area. Hanayo complained that there was no rice served. Then they all decide to go on a morning jog at Central Park. The girls were amazed at how a beautiful park like this can exist in a big city like New York.

Then they saw a stage in the park. They decide to rest there a bit. After a while they decide to practice some dance steps. Then a group of teenagers approaches them.

Good morning....

Good morning too... Maki replied.

Are you girls Japanese?

Yes we are Japanese. We're school idols.

School Idol? What is that?

We sing and dance while we represent our school. We're kinda like celebrities.

You Japanese are so cute. Said the American girl with the Afto hair style.

Then they go back to the hotel and rest. While Umi and Maki were writing a new song. The girls think of what to do tomorrow. All of them agreed on visiting the famous places in all of New York. And this will be the day when a certain ginger haired school idol will be unintentionally separated from them

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