Chapter 2

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"I'm a demigod... AWESOME!"

As soon as we got home, I felt something was wrong. 

I couldn't get rid of a cold sensation down my spine, but I decided to ignore it. I went through a hard day at school and I was tired.

I got out of the car with my bag over my back weighing me down. I walked to the house when I saw something completely unexpected. 

I dropped my bag next to me, gaping at what I was seeing.

I choked as I took in the sight, the house was a huge mess. 

The dining table was flipped over. There were papers all over the floor, along with a few broken plates. The drawers in the kitchen were all open with the cutlery all over the place. The curtains were cut, were those claw marks?

My mum walked to my side and she took in a sharp breath and swore in Portuguese. We didn't move for a while, we froze in our spots wondering what the hell happened. 

My sister snapped me out of my concerns when she came. "What happened?" she asked, her lip quivering. We didn't answer, we were too shaken. 

We suddenly heard a crash from the hallway. I could make out the sound of footsteps and...growling? 

Someone dashed into the room holding a bow and a quiver full of arrows. He had short golden hair that shone and his eyes were... gold. He looked he was in his 20s and he wore leather. He looked like he was the lead singer for a boy band. 

I suddenly remembered him. 

When I was 13, I stayed home with my dad while my mum and my sister went to a birthday party. At some point, I was reading when I heard music from my parent's room.

I was curious, so I went down the hallway and I put my ear against the door. I could hear a man singing in a beautiful voice.

The door creaked open and I saw the same guy on my parent's bed, he was lying down singing to an old song. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He seemed to have a gold aura surrounding him as he sang.

I freaked out, I left the room trying to look for dad. When I went back in, he was gone. I couldn't think straight, there was an intruder!

I rushed around the house looking for my dad. I finally found my dad in the garden planting a flower in the ground. 

I told my dad what I saw, but he simply said that I had a wonderful imagination, seriously? I didn't speak to dad for the whole day.

But for some reason, I had forgotten that too. Until now.

The growling sounded louder from the hallway and the man nocked an arrow aiming at whatever was coming. "Get out! I'll handle it!" He shouted at us. 

My mum seemed to know what to do, she grabbed my sister's wrist and ran to the garage. 

I couldn't move, I felt rooted to the floor. The man gestured to me to leave. But it was too late, the monster entered the room. There was nothing as terrifying as the creature I was looking at. 

Starlight and Repair boy (Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now