Chapter 8

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"My first camp-half blood shirt, yay."

Consider myself lucky that Will was able to swoop in and save the day. If it weren't for him, Leo would've known and I would've spent my days in my cabin, never going outside. But nothing happened, so I need to thank Tyche after this.

We inspected the rest of the camp with a few puns from Leo and a few glares from Will. When we were done, Leo went to the Forges and Will lead me towards our cabin. The gold walls shining on the cabin hurt my eyes as I walked towards the entrance.

Will occasionally looked at me sideways and when I gave him a questioning look, he would look busy staring at the sky. Why does he seem so tense? Is there spinach between my teeth? I rubbed my finger between my teeth. Nothing, but I wish Will would stop looking at me like that. After a minute of this, I lost my patience. 

"Will! Stop looking at me as if I am a freak!" I lashed out. Will started chuckling as I stared back at him with disbelief. When he noticed the look on my face, he laughed harder. I rolled my eyes and stopped walking with my arms crossed.

"Sorry, Caitlyn. It's just that... It's best if I didn't tell you." He replied as he held his hands up in surrender.

"Tell me, Will, I don't like secrets."

"This is not a secret, it's just a thought!"

 "If it's a thought, you can tell me!"

"You won't like it, Caitlyn."

"Tell me! I thought half-siblings tell each other everything!" I half-joked.

Will sighed with defeat and shook his head. "This is only a question so don't freak," Will replied cautiously. What is Will talking about? Nothing he would say would make me angry. 

I glared at him as he tried to fetch the right words. Will cleared his throat and asked, "Do Leo?"

I felt my face burn up and I stared at the ground without responding to Will's question. Did I make it obvious? This can't be good, I'm going to hide under my bed, forever. 

"Do you?" Will asked me again. I can't lie to him, he knows when I'm lying. I took a deep breath, "Look if I acted as if I did... Yes, Will. I like Leo." 

Will smiled in triumph and raised his eyebrows. "May I ask why? You just met him."

I rolled my eyes. "Because he was my favourite character when I first read the Heroes of Olympus! It was my dream to meet such a funny and brave guy. He can build almost everything! I mean, he even fixed Festus! That's real talent. Since we're playing this game, may I ask why you like Nico?" I snapped.

Will smirked and made his way towards the Apollo cabin. "To answer your question, that is something personal. Secondly, I'm cool with you liking Leo. It's just weird you're head over heels on my friend."

He chuckled as if a funny thought struck him. "Valdiaz, I don't know about you, but... I ship it." My eyes widened and my face went red, again. "Stop, Will. You're gonna turn me into a tomato! And how do you know fandom terminology???" I joined him at the door.

Starlight and Repair boy (Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now