Chapter 7

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"Eeeeeeeeek! Pinch me this must be a dream!"

Oh my god! Oh my god! Wait, I'm not supposed to say that. I'm a demigod, I now have to act like one. My apologies, oh my gods! Oh, my gods! Oh, my gods! Much better.

This has to be a dream, but a dream I don't want to wake up from. The best thing happened to me, I met Leo Valdez! He was taking me on a tour around camp! Best day ever!

Before I was claimed, I saw all the demigods I had read in my favourite series. Well, most of them. I didn't see Jason, I still couldn't believe he died. It broke my heart when I saw Piper without Jason on her side. 

Of course, I didn't see Frank, Hazel or Reyna. I had forgotten they were from another camp, Camp Jupiter. They were all pretty cool. Though I was still confused about whether I could still call them characters, they were real.

But it was still the best day ever. I am staying in one of the best cabins, I have superpowers I haven't yet tested, but the best of all, I met Leo! I know I sound ridiculous but I was super excited.

Leo was my fictional crush ever since I finished Heroes of Olympus. He was funny, smart (though people said the opposite) and brave. Cute too, I could tell because he was in front of me. 

When I saw him looking at me while I was looking at him, I was embarrassed. I hoped he didn't notice my red face. His unruly hair helped me recognise him. When I first spotted him in the crowd, I remembered feeling like fainting.

I got to hear some of his puns. Each time I heard one, I smiled so much, I felt like a clown. At the beginning of the tour, I was expecting Leo to be shooting puns out like a cannon. But surprisingly, he didn't say much.

It was only when we reached his cabin, he started talking. I enjoyed how his mischievous eyes would gleam each time he made me laugh. His greasy shirt was distracting though, I wanted to throw it in the washer and hand him a clean shirt.

When we were at the climbing wall, Leo told us the incident that had happened to him in the morning. I knew he thought it was no big deal, but I thought otherwise. He was lucky he was immune to fire and heat, he would've died before I met him. 

We started joking around after that story. I am proud to say that Leo liked my joke! When I did my clumsy princess pose, he was laughing. Wow, I made one of the funniest demigods laugh. My heart fluttered when he walked beside me, occasionally looking at me and smiling. Will had walked ahead of us leaving me and Leo walking side by side.

I prayed that this wasn't a dream. This couldn't be, I could feel the afternoon breeze blowing my hair into my face. A dream couldn't be that realistic.

"I'm on Team Leo." I blurted out. I had no idea why I said that. Stupid me, stupid, stupid, stupid. "Of course you are. I mean, all da ladies luv Leo!" He responded giving me a cheeky smile. I couldn't stop myself from chuckling. I needed Will as company, he would make sure that I wouldn't do anything else stupid.

My eyes widened when I saw the Arts and Crafts centre. It was enormous! We went in and I could spot some Athena children weaving, constructing statues and sketching on big sheets of paper. This is amazing, I already love it here! Art was my life. 

Back home, I would draw a lot. I would doodle during class, colour in at home and I would always be observing possible things I could draw. I smiled when I remembered my room, I had my artwork covering every spot on the wall. The artworks made my room cosier and welcoming. 

"Ladies and gents, this is the Arts and Crafts centre. Home of yarn." Leo threw his arms up like a performer on stage. I cracked up, Leo had a wonderful ability to make me laugh, even at his worst attempts.

Will lead us around the room. I was impressed by the amazing artworks being produced by the Athena children, they had so much detail. They clearly worked hard on their projects. I badly wanted to get my hands on some art materials and start on an artwork. 

I unconsciously started playing with my fingers, my hands needing to create something. Leo noticed my energy and he gestured towards an empty workspace. "Go ahead madam, I'll like to see what you can do." He did his famous mischievous smile that I always wanted to see. 

I didn't give it much thought, I dashed towards the workspace and my eyes darted around, looking for materials. I found some colour pencils and some textas. My hands had a mind of their own, they flew around the sheet of paper, leaving trails of lines behind them. 

For the first time in a while, I felt at peace. Without thinking, but feeling, I created a face. I wonder who it could be? I drew their eyes, their mouth, their nose. For some reason, I made their ears slightly pointy and I started on their hair, my favourite thing to draw. I drew wavy lines across their head, creating a nest of hair. 

After what felt like seconds, I started choosing colour pencils to use to colour in the figure. I didn't notice I had chosen brown, red or green. Within a blink of an eye, I finished. I froze once I realised who I'd drawn. Oh my gods, that was very stupid of me. 

Leo peeked from behind me and did a loud gasp. I tried my hardest to not scrunch up the piece of paper, that would be too obvious. "That's amazing Caitlyn, how did you do that?" Leo's eyes were wide in amazement. I wanted to sink into my chair and hide my face forever.

Will came over and saw what I drew. "Isn't that Leo?" He asked, looking very impressed. I knew I couldn't lie, why couldn't I have made fewer details and made it less obvious? "Yes, it is," I responded quietly. The drawing had captured Leo's face very well. His hands were in flames and he was doing his mischievous smile. 

"That is an amazing drawing, you could've given me some abs though," Leo remarked. Will rolled his eyes. Some Athena children gathered around us observing my piece. This can't be happening. I was blushing a lot and I kept my face down.

"Why'd you draw Leo?" One of the Athena kids asked. The girl next to him elbowed his arm and he winced. "Well, he encouraged me to draw, he was the first person I thought of." I lied. Leo and the Athena kids didn't seem to see through my lie, but I could tell Will didn't believe me.

Will noticed my embarrassment and rolled up the sheet of paper. "Amazing job Caitlyn, you should come often," Will handed me the roll of paper. "But we have to continue on with the tour." I followed Will to the door and we were back outside. 

"Thank you." I mouthed to Will when Leo wasn't looking. Will smiled and shrugged. We walked over the hill and went to the valley below.

Starlight and Repair boy (Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now