Chapter 13

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"There was a feeling, a feeling I couldn't get rid of."

I sat silently next to his bed, trying to collect my thoughts. My eyes would always go back to his peaceful face, but I would always force myself to look away. I had a feeling nudging at my gut, one I was trying to ignore but I couldn't seem to get rid of it. 

He wasn't alone when he arrived, he was accompanied by a girl with choppy mahogany hair and an annoying boy with curly chestnut hair. They both stared at me with surprise once they saw me, they both looked familiar, but I couldn't recall seeing them before. 

As for the boy lying in bed next to where I was sitting, he had said my name before falling unconscious. I couldn't bear think of it but, that moment when I was holding his sleeping body, my heart kept fluttering. I didn't know what it meant, but I had to shut out that feeling. 

Lady Artemis would kill me if I told her... I sighed, stopping my thoughts from elaborating. Just then, I was struggling to breathe when I looked in the face of the Latino. His unruly locks kept falling to his eyes, making me want to tuck it back but I would remind myself it wasn't necessary. 

The other Hunters had refused to look after him as he rested, for some reason, I had put my hand up without thinking. If only someone else could keep me company, I could stop having weird thoughts about the boy.

He turned in his sleep and smiled as if he was having a good dream. I stared at him, wondering how on earth he could seem so peaceful, so cute. Woah, where did that come from? I turned myself away, feeling betrayed. I know him, a thought nagged me, I recognise that smile. 

My brain hurt from thinking of places he could've come from but nothing came up. I couldn't even remember anything before when I first became a Hunter of Artemis, only a few days ago. The other hunters had tried to help me restore my memories, but nothing helped. They kept whispering to each other behind my back. Something about Jason and Hera all over again? I wasn't sure.

I heard a groan from behind me. He was close to awaking up. I turned to his troubled face, still sleeping. I imagined he was having a bad finish to his dream. Just when I was going to leave to tell the others, he started whispering my name.

At first, I thought he was wide awake and was calling for me. I walked to his side to find he was still dreaming. My stomach turned into a knot as he called for me, not knowing what to do. He sounded frightened and his voice was filled with despair. 

I wanted to cry out loud, tell him I was here and that I was alright. How did he know me then? Who was he? I didn't know why I was having these thoughts, these feelings. I was so confused. Leo groaned again, with a terrified look on his face. Leo, that was his name. 

I needed information, now. My hand found his way onto his shoulder and I started saying his name, trying to snap him out of his dream. I shook him hard until his chocolate coloured eyes snapped open. "Caitlyn? How can you be here?" Leo asked in a whisper.

A frown crawled onto my face. Why did he doubt I was there? So many questions I needed to ask him since it seemed like he knew me. I decided to push those questions away for another time, there were other important things to do. 

"Hey, I'm alright. I'm completely the opposite of the Caitlyn in your dream." I assured him, trying to calm him down. He paled as I said that. I sighed, searching for the right words so that I wouldn't scare him away. 

"Here, have some Ambrosia." I handed him a bite and with a look of confusion, he took it. "You hurt your ankle but one of the Hunters treated it. You should be okay-"

He interrupted me with a sarcastic tone. "Caitlyn, the camp was all rainbows and flowers when you were gone. Where have you been?" I pulled myself back, I was gone? From where? I clutched onto my head trying frantically to remember, no luck. 

Leo observed my outfit. "You're one of those hunters aren't you?" He looked up at me, clearly hurt. I didn't know what to say, so I nodded. I felt as if I were doing something wrong when I saw the look of disappointment cross his face.

I couldn't take it in anymore, I was too confused. "What's going on? Who are you? How do you know me?" These questions shot out of my mouth before I could stop them. Leo had his mouth open in surprise trying to process what I said. "You don't remember me? You and I, we were..." Leo paused trying to come up with a good word. " Close friends. You know? As in fight monsters back to back as we crack jokes kind." 

Close friends. Those words caused a lump to form in my throat. Close friends, that's what we were? I expected something more than that, but at least I had an answer. " Well, that answers one question, answer the rest por favor? " I impatiently asked Leo.

Leo cocked his head to one side, "Princess, I don't recall giving you a class on Spanish." I frowned, not expecting that response, "I don't remember, I guess I'm of a Hispanic origin." As usual, when I was close to finding something from my past, it slipped away.

I also seemed to know Portuguese, as some phrases would form in my head in some situations. Sometimes I would curse in Portuguese so that none of the Hunters would hear. But, I also knew a bit of Spanish, so from where was I? Portugal and Spain?

"You never told me that." Leo muttered, "I feel like there was stuff you didn't tell me back at camp," I froze, these words caused my chest to hurt. He continued, "I mean, when Percy lost his memory he remembered Annabeth, but what sort of friend am I if you don't remember me?"I felt as if I bumped into a wall with a lot of force. I swallowed a cry, I didn't know why I felt so hurt. 

"I-I need to tell the others that you're awake." I knew sounded a little upset but inside, I was worse. "Rest well, Leo." I stepped out of the gigantic tent walking away from someone who supposedly knew me. I ignored the surprised gasp coming from inside. Even if I didn't completely remember Leo, his words made me dizzy. Being next to him made me feel something I was forbidden to feel.

I ended up in the middle of the trees away from where we set up our camp. I felt pathetic, the trees loomed over me, laughing at my weak self. I could hear shrill laughter ringing in my ears. I clutched my ears as I dropped myself to the ground.

"Good job my child, we shall feed soon," The whispering voices rasped. I forced my hands harder against my ears. No one would leave me alone, for some reason. I wrapped myself in a ball, trying to drown the voices out and trying to shut the world out. 

Starlight and Repair boy (Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now