Chapter 18

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"A witch's cave, not creepy at all."

"How ya doing?" Caitlyn peeked behind her. Her face was unreadable, I couldn't tell whether she was thinking about what took place only a few moments ago. "What did you say? I can't hear you, it's too dark in here!" I flailed my arms around to add extra effect. Caitlyn snorted as she lit the bright torch into my face.

"Better now? I'm so smart aren't I?" She asked. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to be blind, "Better than ever!" Caitlyn turned the light beam away from my face as she made a big scene of rolling her eyes.

We trudged on ahead, and I would occasionally stumble over the uneven dirt ground. Curse you Hades. We walked on for what felt like hours, which gave me time to think. We were so close... Of course, the tunnel had to interrupt. Thank you for destroying our moment.

I wanted to punch the rocky wall of the tunnel out of frustration when I saw a green light from the end of the tunnel. A laugh escaped my throat as I celebrated by waving my hands in the air. Caitlyn stared at me in dismay as she watched me do my celebration dance. I added in some fortnite moves to make it even cooler.

"Leo Valdez is da best. Team Valdiaz is hot to go! We did it, we did it, we did it! Yay! Come on lo hicimos!" I sang at the top of my voice. Caitlyn was shaking in laughter once I was done. I posed, "I can tell you liked my performance." 

Caitlyn protested, "Dora is a better singer than you. Seriously, she's five years old!"

She elbowed me, hard, in the ribs then made her way to the opening of the tunnel. Whether or not my ribs appreciated it, I liked it when she did that. I stared as Caitlyn jogged to the light. I should follow, instead of standing around like an idiot. I followed Caitlyn to the opening and found myself gasping as I took in the sight.

Viles of different coloured liquids filled the shelves that took up space all around the room. I hoped they weren't potions, I had bad experiences with Medea, who adored them. There were so many potions in that room, it would make her deeply proud.

I shuddered at the memory and started picking the bottles up and observing them. They had strange names in ancient greek like twigglefeet herb, tongue lumination and... Butt fungus?! I placed the bottle back in its place and wiped my hands on a handkerchief I retrieved from my toolbelt.

A gasp and the sound of something big falling to the ground grabbed my attention. I swerved around to Caitlyn, digging out a chainsaw from my golden toolbelt. I looked for any sign of monsters and evil gods, but there was nothing. I saw Caitlyn's pale face before seeing a book lying on the ground.

Oh... I mentally slapped myself as I picked up the book and flipped through it. There was nothing gasp-worthy. I looked at her in confusion. She let out a breath and stopped me on the page I was at. Her hand gently carried mine to the centre of the page where it read "Moly, a potion that can heal anything! Your broken bones, your hunchback, even any lost memories!"

"This- This is great! Except, you'll remember my most embarrassing moments before this." My hand relaxed in Caitlyn's grip. Her warm, soft... I cursed myself for getting distracted and ignored the fact that her face was only inches away from mine.

She looked at me as she spoke, "I need this..." She paused, thinking, "Search the room for this potion, now!" She snapped the book shut and ran for a shelf. My brain was still processing what happened when I found myself running to the other side of the room. I looked through the bottles frantically, my dyslexia slowing me down.

Starlight and Repair boy (Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now