Chapter 20

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"Turn up the fight song."

I slammed open the front door and stormed into the house. I heard humming from the kitchen, I recognised that voice instantly. I wished I had brought some kind of weapon, but there was nothing in the living room that could be used. I sighed and stationed myself outside the kitchen door. I allowed myself to take a deep breath. Okay, here was the plan: I confront her and from there I would improvise. That was how demigods win the fight, isn't it? 

Without another thought, I dashed into the room and found myself face to face with the sorceress. She had her arms crossed and her eyebrows were arched. Her dark eyes widened at my sudden entrance, but after a few seconds, her eyes narrowed. 

"Well, there you are Caitlyn Diaz. Finally worked it out?" Calypso sneered as she glanced at the napkin in my hand. I shoved the napkin into her hands and scolded her, "You have been sneaking potions into my friends' mouths haven't you? You proved yourself a major wretch."

Calypso tossed the napkin aside, "You are your friends are idiots, we have been working behind the scenes all this time," I glared at her, but... Maybe I could get some information from her? 

I asked her, "How? I would've recognised that fake smile of yours anywhere." She looked as if she wanted to punch me, her teeth were tightly clenched before she composed herself and explained, "We were the ones who sneaked Leo a potion which made him do everything as we said, that how you were led to the forest. Aren't you smart enough to figure that out?" 

Wait, so it wasn't Leo that led me into our enemies clutches? He didn't betray me after all. I let out a sigh of relief and regretted yelling at him earlier. My stomach once again had butterflies flying all over the place at the mention of his name. I wanted to run back to Leo and apologise for not trusting him.

But Calypso said 'we'. Who was the other person? Could she be talking about the Algea?

I needed more information. 

I urged her, "Cool, please tell me more. You sound so smart all of the sudden." Calypso looked at me with suspicion but as I put on my curious face, she continued, "Yeah, so we sneaked you the Nepenthe, the potion of forgetfulness. Ha, should have seen the look on your face after we gave you the potion, you looked like the mindless freak you are. Then-"

"Stop! She wasn't supposed to know that!" A voice interrupted from behind me. I swerved around to find cat-like green eyes, searching me like a tiger. Circe's scolded, "Calypso! There are better ways to toy with your prey." She held her hand up and flicked it.

I suddenly felt as if a rope were tied around my stomach and it tightened every second. My ribs were straining under the pressure and it hurt to breathe. Sweat trickled down my face as I tried to fight the pain. 

Calypso looked horrified at the display. But when Circe shifted the attention from me to Calypso, she changed her expression into a look of amusement. I clutched my stomach and I slumped down to the ground, relieved it was over.

"Remember to do that next time. It's fun to see your prey suffer." Her eyes gleamed with evil lurking behind them. Calypso's eyes were wide open as she quickly nodded, "Yes, ma'am." She took a step away and forced her eyes shut and started muttering to herself. Circe looked away from her.

Starlight and Repair boy (Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now