Chapter 9

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"My first week of doing something productive"

Let me make something clear, Camp Half-Blood is awesome, alright? But if you hate exercising and moving around, beware. I would categorise myself among those people. To be honest, training wasn't at all that fun.

The hardest for me was ancient Greek since I didn't have dyslexia, but I did have ADHD. Annabeth tried her best to get me to understand what she was saying but I always lost focus and when we did our quiz, I could only understand a few words.

But I slew Greek Mythology. Since I was a fan of Rick Riordan's books, I knew all the stories Grover was talking about. He didn't expect me to answer the question to the class about the story about Apollo and Daphne. 

Even if I am the daughter of the archery god, archery is hard! I couldn't even nock an arrow after at least 100 tries as Leo laughed at my pathetic attempts. Even Leo was better at me at nocking an arrow, that says a lot about my archery skills.

But what tortured me the most was unarmed combat. In the first class, I didn't even think of defeating my opponent, I only thought of not getting beat up. I wasn't strong enough to do any punches or anything, I wouldn't be able to even knock a fly off its course if I tried punching it.

The only camp activity that didn't involve the possibility of dying or failing, was strawberry picking and music class. 

Strawberry picking was easy and fun, especially with Leo and Piper. "I bet you can't pick 50 strawberries in a minute!" Leo challenged me, he held his basket up as he wriggled his eyebrows. "I accept!" Piper and I shouted together, not wanting to show any weakness. We all dashed off in different directions, plucking strawberries off their vines frantically. 

Leo came back with 36 strawberries and Piper came back with 49. Leo groaned once he found out that I had 57. "Good job girl. We both know how much Leo hates losing." Piper grinned as we both did a fist bump. I would never stop bothering Leo about my victory after that. Hey, I won my bragging rights, don't blame me.

Music class was a breeze, I only had to pick up an instrument and play it. I would always rush over to the piano since it was the instrument I was best at. "Show me what you can do with that." Leo walked over to listen. I raised my eyebrows and grinned, it was a chance to impress Leo.  I played one of the most famous songs in piano history, Fur Elise. 

Leo watched my fingers dance around the keys with his mouth wide open.

When I finished I stood up and bowed. "Show off," Leo sneered. I shrugged and walked over to the lyre. "You can play that ancient thing?" Leo asked, slightly surprised. "Don't call it ancient! You're hurting its feelings!" I pointed out and plucked some strings. "What can you play Leo? The Valdezinator is not an answer." 

He scoffed and went over to the drum kit. I raised my eyebrow as he picked up the drumsticks the wrong way. He started creating noise with the drums, hitting the cymbals each time he paused.

When he was done, I slow clapped as he bowed. "That was amazing, you should be the drummer for BTS." I joked as I took his place at the drum kit. "I know, I am the best drummer in the world and the hottest!" Leo smirked. I scoffed and started playing the drum kit.

Leo watched me with wide eyes but he tried to hide the amazement from his face. I ended the piece by hitting the cymbal and threw my hands up. Leo clapped enthusiastically "You may be a showoff, but you got talent!"

After each class me and Leo had together, we would head down to the beach to play volleyball with my siblings and some other demigods. Each time it was Leo's turn to serve, he would light the ball on fire, which would make all of us laugh.

After the end of the week, after a very long pegasi-riding class, I headed down to the beach to relax. No one else was there. 

I walked along the shore of the beach as I was in deep thought. The waves would tickle my bare feet as I started singing.

I was never the best at singing, but I enjoyed it. I sang the song as I looked at the warm sunset. I thought about my first week at camp and what a success it was. I had made friends with Leo Valdez and his friends, I got close to my siblings and luckily, I wasn't failing my classes. 

The wind blew my hair out of my face, making me feel at peace. I wish I could always be this happy. I sang with joy and my voice came out relaxed. 

Once I finished my song, a shadow approached me. Oh crap, someone had heard my horrible voice. I turned back to see my audience, it was other than Leo Valdez.

He had a huge smile on his face and was clapping loudly. "Caitlyn, you are the next generation Ariana Grande!" The wind blew his curly brown hair into his face, which Leo made a big show of. "Ack, I can't see the star!" Leo frantically shook his head.

I laughed as I reached my hand out to tuck Leo's hair out of his face. "Do you mean it? That I'm a good singer?" I asked him, expecting the bad answer.

"No Caitlyn, I didn't mean you were a good singer." Leo paused. "I meant that you were an amazing singer!" I rolled my eyes and smacked Leo playfully on his shoulder. He winced dramatically and rubbed his shoulder.

"Ow, that hurt." He complained. I chuckled and smacked his shoulder again, harder. "Deal with it." I retorted. 

"Hey, guys! Can I join in the fun?" Piper appeared on a cliff, her braid blew in the wind.

"Sure! If you want to die from Leo's puns!" I shouted back. Leo looked offended "Hey! I could just stuff you down the 'pipes'!" I rolled my eyes and shouted to Piper. "See? Terrible puns!"

Piper smiled and ran down. Leo waved at me and ran into the water with his hair on fire. I ran into the water with him, soaking myself, head to toe. Piper jumped into the water with us, spraying us with saltwater.

"Hey! You're paying for what you did!" Leo shouted and ran in Piper, making her fall into the water. Piper came back up laughing. At that time, Percy and Annabeth were walking across the beach heading towards us. 

Leo and Piper went still when they noticed Percy. "Don't move, if he notices us, you have no idea what he can do," Piper whispered to me. I couldn't help myself, "Hey Percy! These two guys want to drink more seawater!" Leo and Piper groaned and tried to run out of the water.

Percy grinned and raised his hands before Piper and Leo could make it to the shore. A huge wave built up in front of us, slowly getting larger. Once it was the size of a tower, Leo whimpered, "Tell the Olympians I love them." 

The wave crashed down on us, forcing us underwater. The water was cold against my skin and I struggled to get up, I was almost dead with laughter. After a few seconds, the water pushed me to the surface. Leo and Piper were struggling for breaths as water dripped from their wet clothes. 

"Curse you, Percy!" Leo shook his fist at Percy as he shivered. Percy and Annabeth were laughing on the shore as the three of us grumpily stomped onto the shore. Percy pointed to me "You asked for it, don't blame me!"

I could tell this was going to be a fun weekend.

Starlight and Repair boy (Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now