Chapter 19

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"Living in a lie is no fun"

Connor helped us up and took us outside for some fresh air. My leg was throbbing after scrapping it and then having to run on it but other than that, I was okay.

My brain was at overload. "Leo, Connor, I wanna make sure it worked." They both froze in their spots and looked at me in confusion. After a few moments, it dawned on Leo and he gave me an excited smile, "How? We never found the Moly potion!"

"I found it! I was going to tell you but I saw a shadow lurking behind me and realised there was someone else with us. So I gulped it whole before Circe would snatch it away." I explained, Connor raised his eyebrows but said nothing. 

So I started remembering everything, "My last name is Diaz and I'm from Brazil, my parents moved to Florida when I was a baby. My godly parent is Apollo, the god of music, poetry and other stuff I can't be bothered saying. I used to live in Miami before my dad revealed himself a god. My younger sister and mum are still in Miami, with my dad secretly behind the scenes. We go to Camp Half-Blood for training and you were my best friend, along with Piper. When I was taken away..."

My eyes widened and my chest felt heavy. I looked at Leo in disbelief, anger bubbling in my throat, "YOU? You took me into the camp forest, saying you had a surprise for me. Instead, I find you bowing to some freaks and I end up knocked out by one of your stupid machines!"

Leo's face was in complete shock and was speechless. Connor, on the other hand, looked more confused than ever.

"What are you talking about? I'm not a creep!" Leo exclaimed. I wanted to believe him, but I knew what I saw.

"You know perfectly well what I'm talking about! I'm not an idiot Leo!" I jabbed a finger into his chest. I tensed up once I realised I was standing too close to him, I growled at myself for being so ridiculous and took a step back. Hurt and betrayal tore through my chest, threatening to take over me.

How could he do this? I trusted him, but it was only to find that he was some sort of spy. "Caitlyn, you know me, I would never... not to you," Leo started. Angry tears started streaming down my face, I tried to hide it but Leo was beyond shocked seeing me cry.

I sobbed, "I don't wanna hear any excuses. You might as well as stay away from me and throw yourself in Tartarus!" I ran away before Leo could say anything. I ran deep into the trees and dropped myself to the ground when I couldn't run anymore. 

I felt like the whole world was working against me. My whole life had been an illusion, my dad wasn't who he said he was, I had lost all of my memories and now, my best friend betrays me. He's not a friend to me... I punched the tree and let all of my tears escape my eyes.

I never felt so alone. I was wrong about being a demigod. It wasn't the easy, fun life I pictured it to be, it was hard and you go through experiences that scar you for life.

"Caitlyn? Yo, are you okay?" I looked up to find Connor crouched down beside me. I wiped my wet cheeks, "What do you think?" I narrowed my eyes at him and stood up. He rubbed his neck, "Look, I don't know what the hell is happening but I want you to know that I will help you out of this mess, no matter what."

My eyebrows shot up, I must've been hearing wrong. "What kind of pity speech was that? We better be going back. I can't wait to punch..." 

Connor groaned in frustration, "You're not getting it!" He grabbed both of my hands as I stared at him with my eyes wide. "Ever since you arrived at the camp, I would always see you with Leo." He hesitated, "I was too cowardly to come up to you and be honest. But since Leo chose me on this quest, I got to get closer to you and..." He took a deep breath, his eyes intense, "I have feelings for you, not the friend kind, I mean the other kind."

He dropped my hands and my ears were ringing. Did Connor really do a declaration of love, for me? My heart was beating fast. No way. I replayed what he had said and realised what he had said was true. I would notice him staring at me and he always rubbed his neck when he talked to me. He wasn't as annoying as Piper described when he was with me.

Oh, my Gods. I was blind. He searched me with a look in his eyes that I couldn't decipher, waiting for me to say something. But I couldn't manage to say anything. My throat felt as if it had been clawed at. I managed to form some words, "Wow, um. I didn't know. Yeah-" 

Connor sniggered and I noticed he was standing a lot closer to me. He had a tender look in his eyes and his touch was gentle when he took hold of my hands. My heart was playing a drum solo as Connor neared. I couldn't move, I wanted to take a step back and call it a day but... How was I supposed to tell him I only thought of him as a friend? I'll tell him, I will...

The air dropped when I realised Connor was leaning towards me, with his lips pursed. I thought of taking a step back when I froze. Lawn clippings and dog food his breath smelled like. My mind retraced to the room Leo and I was in when Circe captured us. As I flipped through the book of potions, I had found a page where it talked about a potion that smelled like lawn clippings and dog food.

"Connor, stop." Connor's eyebrows pressed together as I pulled away. I tried to ignore his look of disappointment, but to be honest, I was relieved the kiss didn't happen. My mind raced through the possibilities when a light bulb flicked on. "Do you still have that napkin you used to wipe that hot chocolate?" Connor gave me a look of confusion, "Why do you-" 

"Just give it, will you? It's urgent." I held my hand out. He sighed as he fumbled through his pockets and gave me a scrunched napkin. I scrunched my face in disgust when I opened it and discovered my theory was correct. 

The chocolate smeared on the napkin had specks of red in it and I was pretty sure cinnamon didn't look that bright. My voice hardened when I commanded, "Follow me." 

Connor looked as if he was about to protest, but my glare shut him up. I brisked ahead as fast as I could to where more trees gathered. When we were at least a hundred feet away from the cottage, I heard a yelp from behind me. This confirmed everything. I turned back to find Connor trying to push his way towards me. But there was some sort of force field keeping him in. 

I hadn't drunk any of the chocolate when we had arrived, I felt too sick. That was how Connor must've gotten under the influence of the potion. That meant Leo and Piper were too. Goiteia potion it was called.

I yelled when I collapsed to the ground and my head started pounding. Connor's cries sounded distant, and I knew he couldn't get to me. 

"My, what a smart little girl you are! Bring us our treat, FEED US!" The raspy voices replayed in my head. They felt like sharp pebbles being thrown at me, each time harder. "Stop!" I screamed at nothing. The voices continued to torture me and my arms wobbled under my weight.

I clawed at the ground, trying to resist. I pictured I was in a large bubble, where the world was silent, where nothing could disturb me. The voices died down as I focused on the silence I needed. When I could only hear the soft breeze, I took a shaky breath and stood up. 

I didn't say anything as I stalked past Connor, my glare fixated on the cottage which where I knew Calypso would be brewing one of her potions.

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