Chapter 14

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"My Lady, I don't know what to do." 

My feet squished as I moved through the muddy campsite. I honestly didn't know how to react to Leo's comment before. But I knew that I had to do something. Some hunters gave me encouraging smiles and others pretended to be busy but would glare in my direction.

I took a deep breath and kept my eyes forward with my shoulders back. These hunters didn't understand what I've gone through in the last few days. I shivered when I remembered the times I had raspy voices talking to me. I didn't realise they were in my head until Thalia said she didn't hear anything when the voices began. 

Voices were heard from where I was walking, then I heard my name. Curious, I walked over to the tent I heard the voices from and peeked through the crack without being noticed. Piper and Leo were sitting next to each other discussing something in urgent voices. 

"Leo, I know something's wrong. You can't hide all your life!" Piper urged. She looked frustrated and a little stressed.

Leo said nothing. After a while of thought, he sighed. He stood up and started pacing the room with a troubled look. "You're right, it's Caitlyn. This changes everything, she won't be able to be friends with me cause I'm a boy."

"It was a hard blow. I'm sorry you don't agree with her but it was her decision."

"I know. But it means that I can't take a ch- I mean, her pledge won't let her be near me."

"Tell her how you feel about it, maybe she can do something about it?"

"Yeah, right. She would choose super hot chick friends over a guy like me -"

"Hold on! I think the prophecy mentions something about a decision, A fair decision a fair maiden shall make, her buddy or her crew! It fits, we could move on our quest once she chooses!"

I pulled back from the crack. A prophecy? About me? But, who would I choose? If that line was in the prophecy then, my decision will affect the whole quest. Leo didn't say anything about a prophecy, much less a quest. 

Autumn leaves floated around me as I made my choice. It wasn't clear, I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to make the wrong choice. I shut my eyes thinking of the pros and cons when an image of a valley crossed my eyes.

It looked like a camp, all the cabins were in a U shape on a fresh green lawn. I could see a range of stations, mainly for combat training. Over to my left, I could picture a wall with lava cascading through its deep cracks flowing through. On my right, I saw a blue lake with a few campers on canoes.

When this place was broadcasted onto my brain I thought of one word. Home, that's what this place is. I needed to go there. Right then, after so many conflicts against each of the choices, I had made my decision. Hopefully, no one would get hurt.

I knew what I had to do. I darted to the big silver tent in the centre of all the tents. I took a shaky breath as I started jogging wanting to make the process go faster. Everyone turned their heads in my direction but I didn't care, I never did.

My hand yanked back the flap as I scurried in. In the centre was a large rug made of bears skin. On the walls were more prizes of animals that had been hunted, their eyes following my every step as I approached the middle. 

Thalia was discussing something with the Lady until she saw me. Her bright blue eyes sharpened as she saw my posture and she stepped aside revealing a girl kneeling on the rug. She looked at the age of 13 with auburn hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her bright eyes searched me with interest as she gave me a look I couldn't decipher.

The girl sitting in front of me, was our lady, the goddess Artemis. She held a silver arrow in her hands turning it around in her hands as she looked up at me. It didn't feel natural standing taller than a goddess, so I went down on one knee.

"My lady, I got to tell you something." My voice shook a little as I finally felt the strong aura coming from her. Artemis regarded me, "Spill."

"I - I don't belong here. I belong someplace else, someplace I still remember as home."

"Caitlyn, you do belong. You're a strong archer with wonderful reflexes. We are lucky to have someone like you to fight alongside us. You've improved immensly since we found you. Our training has been greatly effective."

"Thank you. But, I can't be a hunter anymore."

Thalia sucked in a breath and her shoulders tightened. Artemis only sighed, "I knew this would happen." 

"How did you know? Do you have telepathy or something?"

I mentally facepalmed myself for blurting that out in front of Artemis. She seemed to have brushed it off.

"No, I know because I knew you would question your decision as you didn't have a memory back at the time."

"You're right. I doubt my decision now."

"Why do you doubt it?"

I froze trying to think. Why don't I want to be a hunter? Unbelievable, I decide on resigning from the hunters and I couldn't think of a reason why. Artemis studied me with hard eyes as if trying to read my mind. I shuffled on my feet forming my words.

"I belong somewhere else. I need to help the demigods that arrived yesterday on their quest, I know I'm meant to be a part of it. " I tried not to meet the goddess' eyes. 

Artemis and Thalia fell silent. I felt like an art display placed in a museum and they were criticizing me. At last, Artemis gave me a small smile and offered me her pale hand. 

I didn't know exactly what to do. I shuffled towards the goddess and placed my hand into her cold hand. Artemis closed her eyes and power started radiating off her hand. It seeped into my arm and I gasped when the warmth made my skin crawl. 

"This young girl shall be relieved of her duty. She is to turn her back from me. She must accept she shall no longer be immortal and will resign from the hunt." I felt the warmth stripping off me. I felt cold becoming mortal again. When Artemis finished, I felt exhausted. My arms ached and my head was throbbing with pain. 

"T-thank you." I managed to say. I felt uncomfortable wearing the gear I now didn't need.

"Go. Your decision has been made and there is no turning back. You must face the consequences." Artemis waved me off. Consequences? I fled the tent avoiding the rest of the hunters. I didn't realise there was a punishment for wanting to resign from the hunt. 

Anyway, at least I could help Leo and his friends on their quest. I knew I would play an important role though I didn't have a wonderful feeling about it. I walked through the campsite when I collapsed. 

My head started pounding and something flashed across my eyes. I groaned in pain and tried to pull myself off the ground, but my arms failed me. I collapsed onto the mud when a vision filled the void of darkness.

I was standing in a place that radiated fear. Everything seemed grey and I could make out screaming in the background. It sounded like, Leo. I looked panicked and glanced in both directions as if deciding what path to choose. I had tears running across my face as I clasped my hands against my head as I fell to the ground.

No, this can't be. That never happened. Could I be seeing, the future? The screams echoed in my ears as I trembled on the ground. I could hear someone saying my name but it sounded distant an echo. I focussed on my breathing as I felt someone drag me up to reality.

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