Chapter 6

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"Yay! Another girl joins Team Leo!"

Let's face it, I acted like a klutz. Will did most of the talking. Luckily, Caitlyn was too busy inspecting the camp to notice me trip on air. Seriously, there is nothing as awkward than trying to impress a girl but instead, you fall flat on your face. My face probably was as red as a tomato when I picked myself off the ground.

When I caught up with them I heard Will say "Leo, we'll like to see more of you on the tour" Will raised his eyebrow. It was the first time I was even acknowledged. I chuckled nervously as I got into Bad Boy Supreme mode. "So you missed it when I fell? Aw, but that was great!"

Will rolled his eyes, but at least I got a smile out of Caitlyn.  We were now showing Caitlyn the cabins. Will pointed to the cabin that was painted white with a golden sun hanging over the entrance. " That's our cabin over there, it's quite big on the inside." Caitlyn looked at it and frowned, "I expected it to be and shiny" I snickered, I would ask the same thing.

I'd met Apollo and  I know he is into shiny things, it's a wonder why the cabin is only white. I bet Apollo's unimpressed with it. But I can't complain, I heard the Apollo cabin has some secret features that the other campers didn't know about. Maybe some lasers that shoot down intruders? A hot spa? I don't know. I planned to sneak in and check it out. But if there really was a security system, I wasn't going to risk it.

"Keep looking at it," Will told us. I stared at the cabin hard enough to notice that each time a ray of sunshine hit it, the walls gleamed gold. The gold shone so brightly it hurt my eyes. It sparkled under the sunlight, reflecting the heat off its walls. Caitlyn gasped. "Well, I'm not disappointed."

When we reached the Hephestus cabin, I was filled with pride when I noticed Caitlyn gaping at the cabin. "This is my cabin folks. As you can see, it totally rocks!" I marched up to the metal vault-like door and leaned against it. At that moment Nyssa opened it from the inside making me lose my footing and fall forward, for the second time, onto my face. Lucky me. 

Will started sniggering and Caitlyn laughed as she made her way towards me. She offered me her hand and I took it, I tried to hide my face. It felt as hot as the flames I produced. I knew Caitlyn noticed it, but surprisingly, she didn't mention it.

When Nyssa noticed what she had done, her eyes widened "I'm so sorry Leo! I didn't see you! I-" I cut her off "It's fine sis, it was an accident" Nyssa didn't look convinced. She asked at least a thousand times whether I was alright and I always gave her the same answer. "Yes, Nyssa I'm fine."

Caitlyn reassured her that I was alright. Nyssa looked at me with deep concern but she reluctantly walked off towards the Forges. My head was aching, but other than that, I was alright. Things couldn't get worse. Luckily, Tyche thought I had enough of bad luck for the day.

We moved on to the dining pavilion. "This is the place we eat and where the interesting stuff happens," I told Caitlyn. "On today's meal, we serve bug juice...Oh wait, we serve it every day! No one knows what's inside it, don't tell anyone but it's actually...bugs!"

Caitlyn burst out laughing and Will glared at me. If I were a monster and saw Will glaring at me like that, I'd run away screaming for my mother. 

We walked around the canoe lake as I stayed silent under Will's glare. I wanted to interrupt Will's talking and throw in one of my puns but since Will is the camp's healer, I didn't want to be left dying if I were injured just because of a bad pun.

When we reached the climbing wall, Will seemed to forget I was there, so I took my chance. "This is the place where I almost died this morning." I gestured to the wall. Caitlyn frowned at that, I had expected a laugh but I realised that it didn't sound funny.

"What do you mean you almost died?" Will asked me. He looked as concerned as Caitlyn was. I didn't want to go through the stares again. When I told them the story, I left out the part about Calypso and my visit to the Big House. Yep, I am guilty of lying, but it was for a good reason.

And...I may have exaggerated my heroic fall. I made it sound as if it were an entertaining movie about a superhero (me).  When I finished, Caitlyn spoke up. " I bet you didn't want to die back then because you didn't want to miss out on my big welcome." I rejoiced, I thought I was the only person with humour at camp.

"Yes princess, I didn't want to miss out on your big entrance. It was simply splendid!" I said in my most posh voice. Caitlyn grinned and did a very clumsy pose, cute enough to make me laugh. Will glanced at both of us, looking lost. "Anyway, let's head on to Arts and Crafts." Will interrupted our little exchange. He walked ahead, leaving Caitlyn and me struggling to catch up.

"Oh, by the way, I'm on Team Leo." Caitlyn smiled. My heart did at least a hundred flips hearing that comment. "Of course you are! I mean, all da ladies luv Leo!" I assured her. She chuckled and ran towards Will, who was at least fifty metres ahead of us.

This is going well, I laughed and I ran towards them. I was too busy replaying that moment in my mind to hear anything Will was saying. I would normally blame my ADHD but this time, I didn't. I blamed Caitlyn.

Starlight and Repair boy (Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now