Chapter 16

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"My life has officially become a Twilight novel"

I sat in silence, sipping my hot chocolate. But I wasn't paying much attention to it, my stomach felt hard as a rock. I glanced over to were Caitlyn was. She looked okay, but she would occasionally glare at Calypso then go back to staring at her beverage in her hands. 

There was tension in the room and luckily, Connor was the one to break it. "Nice house you've got here." He looked highly uncomfortable and he would glance at Caitlyn, I would feel a knot in my stomach each time he did this. Calypso placed down a tray of cookies and gave him a weak smile. But I could see her roll her eyes as she turned around to walk back to the kitchen.

"How's Festus?" Piper made eye contact with me. I sighed as I shook my head, "His wires snapped and he has so many dents that he won't be able to move normally for a while. What happened was as we flew, he had so much power surging through the wires and they were incredibly weak when... BAM we fell." 

Caitlyn looked as she finally understood and she slumped down onto her couch. Calypso came a second later with some tissues and handed them all over to Connor. It was no surprise as Connor had chocolate all over his mouth. He gave her a sheepish smile as she forced it down on his lap and stormed off towards me. 

When she placed herself beside me, alarm bells started going off in my brain. Why would she even bother helping us? She'd treated me like dirt, what changed? I tensed in my spot and I could tell Calypso noticed. She gave me a frown and scooted closer to me. 

Caitlyn watched this display with a look of disapproval, "Where's your boyfriend? I saw some pictures of you and another guy around the house." She asked. I thanked her silently and scooted away from Calypso as she thought.

"He dumped me because he said that I was using him, but I don't understand what he meant by that." Calypso shrugged as if it were no big deal. I felt as if someone dropped a stone in my stomach. I had the realisation that Calypso might've been using me, perhaps to rescue her off her island. I had a metallic taste in my mouth as bitter thoughts clouded my brain.

"But, I've been missing someone very much. I had missed his smile and jokes..." Calypso turned to me and stared intensely into my eyes. Her hand delicately touched my fingers and her cinnamon scent hit me. Don't fall into her trap... I snatched my hand away and stood up.

Everyone stared at me as I stalked off to check on Festus in the workshop. I especially made sure that I slammed the door behind me. I growled in frustration as I paced to the large cabin. I slid the wooden doors open as I rushed into the workshop. My face felt hot in anger and my hair started smoking. 

My fists clenched so tight my knuckles turned white. I hated it, I wanted to hate Calypso and yell into her face to explain how much she hurt me. But, I felt something deep beneath my anger. What has she ever done for me?

I absentmindedly started grabbing tools and my hands did all the work. I had other more important things to worry about anyway, Festus was incredibly weak and only I could fix him. We needed to get out of here, to continue on our quest, to get away from Calypso. 

I heard footsteps from outside, its pace unsure. Calypso... I stopped the drill and turned silent as my ear strained to hear Calypso. I saw her shadow from beneath the door, it hovered there, silent. I willed myself not to make a sarcastic comment and stared.

After what felt like forever, she turned and fled back to the house. I stood there, breathing slowly. Had she come to check up on me? I doubted it, she was a nasty, demonic... Festus interrupted my thoughts when he creaked.

I wasn't going to win a medal if I stood here doing nothing. The drill was back on and I continued to work on Festus.

I opened my eyes to see darkness. Wait, there was a shadow hovering in front of me, looking at me. I yelped in surprise and held a wrench in front of me, ready to hit them on the side of the head. I put the wrench on fire for extra effect. 

"Leo, a flaming wrench won't stop me from slapping you from being so idiotic." The person remarked. Just in case it wasn't a cyclops, I put the wrench over the person's face to find it was Caitlyn's beautiful face.

"I knew that." I put the fire out and put the wrench in my toolbelt. Caitlyn handed me a torch as she observed the workshop. "Looks like you've been busy." She nodded towards the spot where I was sleeping. 

"I wasn't sleeping! I was only... uh... resting my eyes!" I tried to pull off my most innocent expression. Caitlyn looked unimpressed but I knew she was hiding a smile. "Anyways, everyone's waiting for you back at the house. I bet a bed is better than sleeping on a workbench."

I sighed, unwanting to meet Calypso back there. Without saying anything, I lit my torch and made my way through the mess of machines and mechanical parts. I heard Caitlyn yelp from behind me with a series of crashes just as I yanked the heavy wooden door open.

I swerved to Caitlyn to find her on the floor with a bloody gash running across her leg. Caitlyn winced as she tried to get up but I forced her down onto the floor. I shook my head, trying to tell her that it was no use getting up by herself.

My hands dug into my toolbelt trying to grab hold of something. Ah-ha! I dug out a wrap of bandages and started to wrap it around her knee. My heart pounded as my hands fiddled with the bandage, occasionally touching Caitlyn's skin. 

Caitlyn peered at me as I worked on her knee. When I was done, I looked at her with satisfaction. "It's not polite to stare and not say thank you, you know?" I remarked. She looked at me with shock but she had a faint smile playing at her lips. Her pink lips parted as if going to say something.

I realised where I was looking so I forced my gaze away and told her, "I'm going lift you up because I'm such a gentleman." She looked as she was going to protest but my hands were already on her waist. My face felt hot as I tried to lift her off the ground.

After a few failed attempts, Caitlyn started giggling. "You're not such a gentleman after all!" She giggled more. I looked at her in annoyance and I finally lifted her off the floor. I started celebrating at the wrong time. 

Caitlyn's weight pushed me backwards and soon, we were on the ground in a heap. Caitlyn let out a laugh and soon enough, we were both laughing. Caitlyn's eyes were gleaming against the darkness.

When the laughing stopped, I suddenly realised our faces were close. I held my breath as I smiled and pulled my face closer to hers. She followed my lead and her face relaxed in the illuminating darkness. I counted her soft breaths as she neared. We were only inches away when I heard a click from behind my head.

Caitlyn scrambled away from me and stared behind me. I turned my head as I saw an opening in the wall filled with darkness. A trapdoor? In here? Caitlyn picked up the torch which was thrown on the floor and shone it through the tunnel. 

But I couldn't stop thinking about what took place only a few moments ago. Had we really almost... No. I pushed the thought away, she wouldn't like me, no way. I'm just a repair boy who everyone finds annoying. 

Trying not to think about what happened only moments ago, I stood up. The gnash on Caitlyn's knee didn't seem affecting her as she stood. We glanced at each other and we immersed ourselves in darkness.

Starlight and Repair boy (Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now