Halloween special (Chapter 17)

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"Caitlyn, what's taking you so long? We're going to miss out on the whole night!" Leo groaned. He had his iron-man costume on which was incredibly uncomfortable. "Patience child!" Caitlyn called out from the other side of the door.

Leo tried everything, he had called out "Fire!" to get Caitlyn moving, he turned on the audio of a monster growling, the funniest one yet, he pretended to sound like Chiron but that girl was stubborn, she wouldn't budge from behind the door. 

Just as he was going to get Will to come over, the door opened from behind him. "I should've guessed you would dress up as a Marvel character." Caitlyn started laughing when she noticed Leo's helmet. 

Leo, on the other hand, was speechless. Caitlyn had a bronze helmet on her head with glowing red eyes. She had metal bronze wings spread out at her sides making her look like an angel. To Leo, she was. She had armour around her body including bronze sabatons. 

Her face brightened up her costume and to Leo, she looked like the warrior she was. "Woah, it's the first time you've ever gone silent." Caitlyn joked. Leo straightened himself, "Oh, no. Your costume rocks up the place!" Leo gave himself an imaginary slap for being such an idiot.

Caitlyn took no notice of this and she held out her arm. "Didn't you say they were just about to leave?" Leo grinned with embarrassment, "You took so long! So long, I feel like I'm eighty!" Caitlyn rolled her eyes but Leo walked her out of her cabin to the campfire.

Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Frank and Hazel were waiting for them with their bags ready to be filled with candy. Caitlyn let out a laugh once she realised Percy was dressed up as a fish. "Hey there, Water boy!" Leo waved at Percy, "Wow, you've definitely dressed your part!"  Percy scowled at him, "Look who's talking, you dressed up as Fire-man!" 

Leo snorted, "Yeah, but my costume is a lot cooler than yours! Watch this!" Caitlyn grinned, knowing what Leo was planning. Leo flew up with sparks of blue fire shooting out of his hands and feet. Leo flew around them until Leo was satisfied that Percy was annoyed. 

"Annabeth, you're free to slap this guy. I've been stopping you." Percy bluffed as Leo got back down onto the ground. Annabeth looked tempted but Caitlyn was relieved she had resisted. 

"Are we just going to stand around and not get candy?" Caitlyn asked. Everyone let out yells of protest as they walked towards the highway towards the city.

Caitlyn whispered to Leo, "I bet you won't get as much candy as I will!" Leo protested, "Nah hon, I won't let you!" He shoved Caitlyn playfully and ran ahead of the group. "Wait up!" Caitlyn followed at lightning speed.

Meanwhile, Percy, Annabeth, Piper and Frank were forced to run after them. Piper asked them, "When are those two going to get together?" Frank replied, "When Leo stops being such a coward." Everyone chuckled. Hazel raced ahead, "Come on! If those two get to kiss, I want to be there to see it!"

Everyone agreed as they raced towards the streets filled with chatter and excitement. Everyone agreed that it was going to be a great night, hopefully without needing to fight monsters.

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