Chapter 4

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" Mirror, mirror on the wall, am I the most broken of them all?" 

Weird things do happen when you're a demigod. Some weird things have happened to me, I had fire powers, I started a war with the Romans, (That wasn't me, I was being controlled!). Once, everyone thought I was dead for 6 months and I helped mortal Apollo defeat his super crazy ex-boyfriend. 

Heck, I've gotten used to weird things happening to me.

I was walking beside the lake, my hands were doing its own thing with the metal in my hands. The breeze whipped my hair and soon I started shivering. 

An hour ago, I was climbing the lava rock wall when I started to think about Calypso. I was halfway through the wall and it is quite tall, unlike me. When I looked at the lava, I remembered the fire inside Calypso. I always looked at a flame and thought of her, it reminded me of her determination. 

Her hair reminded me of the colour of the rock I was holding, it seemed like I thought of her in everything. I closed my eyes and I could swear I smelled cinnamon, where are you Calypso?

I was distracted, my hand slipped off the rock and I started falling towards the ground. I started yelling like the maniac I was.

Just before I could hit the ground, I grabbed a rock sticking out of the wall. I yelped in pain, the rock was digging into my hand and it hurt like crazy. My body went flat against the wall, into a stream of lava.

If I were any other demigod, I would be dead. But luckily, I was so awesome I was heatproof. Everybody gasped below me, "Guys! Chill, I'm all right!" I shouted down to them.

I could hear the sighs of relief from my siblings and I could picture the other campers looking up at me with their mouths wide open, waiting for a fly to make itself at home. 

I slowly made my way down the wall, careful with my grazed hand, it still hurt. When I got down, everybody was asking me whether I was okay and some new campers were asking me how I didn't die. 

Because of my ADHD, I started to get a splitting headache because of all the questions. Luckily, my half-sister, Nyssa pushed through the crowd and she dragged me out of the chaos.

As soon as I got out I cried with relief, "Thank you, Nyssa! You're a hero! Are you sure you're not Wonder Woman?" Nyssa rolled her eyes and kept tugging on my shirt filled with grease marks.

"Where are we going?" I asked her, feeling like an animal on a leash. Nyssa frowned at me, "You were distracted amd I know why." She didn't say another word and she pulled me harder towards the Big House. 

We were greeted by Argus at the doorstep. His gazillion eyes followed us as we walked onto the porch. "Hey man, what's up?" I tried to sound casual but I sounded like I was asking for help.  I hoped he didn't see that I was in trouble with my sister.

Nyssa dragged me into the room and forced me to sit on the couch. "Sit!" She ordered. "Whatever you say, boss," I replied. Nyssa glared at me and I shut up.

Chiron walked into the room, his wheelchair making a creaking sound as he pushed the chair towards me. He stopped in front of me and he reached for a Snausage and tossed it to a cheetah head hanging on the wall, Seymour. 

Seymour ripped the Snausge into shreds with his teeth and gulped it down. Don't ask me where his food goes after he swallows it, I don't know.

"Leo, we need to talk." Chiron transformed into a centaur, his wheelchair disappearing. He had a concerned look plastering his face. "Sir, what about? I'm pretty sure I'm fine, just a grazed hand." I reassured him. Why everyone's making a big deal out of this? I just slipped and it was normal for a demigod to almost die.

"I heard Calypso left you. That explains the concerns of your friends." Those words felt like an arrow being shot into my heart. For once, I was speechless. Nyssa put her hand on my shoulder and looked at me with concern, "I'm sorry Leo, I had to tell Chiron. I was so worried, so were other people," she explained. 

I stared at the floor wishing I could sink into the earth, never to be seen again. I tried to blink back tears. They can't see me like this, I felt like I had a missing part of me. The mega-size Mcshizzle does not cry, he is awesome and funny (and handsome, don't you think?) but not heartbroken. 

Chiron studied me and kept talking, "I know that you are heartbroken that such a special person has left you but Leo, you need to move on." How? I thought Calypso was the one, I thought she loved me. "Leo, we want you to be happy. We are letting you skip the activities for the whole day so that you have time to work things out for yourself." 

I considered that as a cue to leave. I stood up and weakly made my way to the door. Nyssa looked at me with sadness in her eyes. I knew she hated to see me in this position, I had to move on for everyone's sake. 

I silently left the Big House. I felt lots of pair of eyes looking at me with pity. I hated this feeling, I felt useless and beyond repair from the damage in my heart. First, my dad, Hephaestus leaves me and my mum, my mum dies in the hands of Gaia, I was rejected by my relatives and the foster homes I was dumped in and now, the love of my life leaves me.

My shaking legs lead me to the lake and that was where I was now, thinking. I don't think I had ever thought so hard in my life. I thought about Calypso and the way she made me feel, I thought about how I felt, I thought about the conversation that had happened. Why did Calypso break up with me? Hadn't we gone through a lot? 

I heard a scream from behind me. Well, this would be a way to keep my mind off Calypso. I turned on my heels and ran towards the direction of the scream.

Starlight and Repair boy (Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now