Chapter 21

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"Forgive and forget is the answer, I guess?"

"I-I'm sorry," Calypso stammered as another pool of tears leaked down her face, "I never meant to hurt you. Please, forgive me." She tucked herself into a ball and lied down helplessly on the floor. I shared a look with everyone else, they all nodded at me, thinking the same thing as me.

Calypso may have possessed my friends and sent them to kill me, but she was under the influence of Circe. But I hesitated, I mean, she did let herself get influenced... And even before this whole mess, she broke Leo's heart, like, who does that? She hurt us, she was going to hurt her previous love interests. That wasn't something worth giving someone pity for. Ignoring the looks of my friends behind me, I crouched down before her, "You shouldn't have let Circe influence you. You should've known better." I tried to mask the anger which was slowly starting to seep into my voice.

"I'm sorry, I just- I wanted to bring myself at peace or something, I don't know." She muttered. I narrowed my eyes as a sour taste filled my mouth, "Yeah? By hurting other people? You snuck potions in my friend's drinks and planned to keep us trapped here and even worse, you did that for a promise for hurting even more people! I don't think it's fair to ask us to forgive you."

"I-I" Calypso stammered as Piper spoke up, "Caitlyn, she clearly looks sorry..."

"How would you know? She could be lying, already proving herself unloyal to Circe? I don't think she means what she's saying."

Piper sighed and crouched down beside me. Piper soothed, "It's over Calypso. Circe is gone now, you can finally breathe freely again. Don't let Caitlyn's anger get to you. Everyone makes mistakes, and that's fine only if you grow from them." Calypso raised her wide eyes to her and whispered, "Thank you, no one has ever forgiven me that easy." Her eyes wandered to Leo. I crossed my arms as she looked at me, giving her a glare.

Piper's hand was outstretched in front of her, I shook my head, hoping she would get the message. She didn't. Calypso took Piper's hand and they both stood up. She put her hand down as she croaked, "I don't deserve such nice treatment, there must be something I can do for your quest."

I raised my eyebrows at Calypso, "What are you trying to do-"

She ran to the cupboards before I could finish my sentence. Calypso squeaked in excitement when she dug out a vial the size of my pinky, with blue liquid swirling around it. "This is an incredibly hard potion to make, Omprenthine. It is a mix of incredibly rare ingredients, so you must use it wisely. This is the only vial of Omprenthe I have."

Calypso carefully placed the tiny vial in my hand and with a serious look, she whispered, "It must be in your hands. When you are face to face with the Algea, you will make an incredibly hard choice." She clasped my hand tightly, "Choose wisely."

I wanted to hand it back to her and ignore her but, her words did seem honest and wise. Had I judged her too harshly? I looked at the vial in my hand as I questioned her motifs.

Piper muttered, "The foursome will follow the path of grief, in the darkest of burials, and its masters shall be fed, but who will the maiden heal? The line from the prophecy... Calypso, what does this potion do?"

I tried to read her expression as Calypso gave us a wary look, "It is a potion of healing, stronger than the Moly potion you used to gain your memory back. It can stop any illnesses or impairment at once, it can heal the soul. I can't express to you how important this will be for your last battle in this quest."

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