Chapter 22 (Christmas Special)

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"Jingle bells! Caitlyn Smells! Percy ran away! Hera dies, no one cries. Leo all da way!" Leo sang at the top of his lungs as he skipped alongside an exasperated Caitlyn. 

"Jingle bells! Caitlyn smells-"

"That's not how you sing it," Caitlyn interrupted, " It's: Leo smells and Caitlyn all da way."

"Come on princess, that's not fair for me. Everyone does I'm the best."

She let a giggle escape her lips and shook her head. Leo couldn't help but grin along with her. Caitlyn turned to Leo and challenged, "I will win, you know that. I am an awesome gift-giver." A mischievous smirk found its way onto her lips and she thought it was funny to stick her tongue out.

Leo challenged her, "Oh yeah? Only this Hot Stuff can make the impossible, possible. Get ready to face defeat, Caitlyn. It will be served flaming hot!"

She raised an eyebrow and the two demigods walked silently through the thick trees until they reached Bunker 9. They stood in front of the huge cliff where all the trees abruptly ended. Leo chuckled at Caitlyn's look of confusion, "I thought it'll look... I don't know, majestic? Modern?" Leo gestured to the rock wall and soon, flames trickled over Leo's hand and he placed it on the rough limestone surface 

The was a deep rumble the shook the earth and suddenly, there was an entrance to the bunker. Lights directed Caitlyn and Leo to an enormous workshop full of tools and the smell of grease. 

On a balcony, stood Piper and she smiled down at them once they emerged from the dark hallway. "Merry Christmas!" She ran down the steps and hugged them both. She was wearing reindeer antlers and a very bright green shirt that said, 'Santa's lil' helper."

Piper pulled them up the holy decorated steps and led them to a Christmas tree with their friends: Annabeth, Percy, Hazel and Frank. They were all sitting around the tree, all of them with huge smiles on their faces and a cup of hot chocolate.

They all greeted each other with cheers and they all sat down. Caitlyn found her and Leo two elf hats and was able to talk Leo into wearing the hat. Presents with beautiful wrapping and shiny plastic ribbons surrounded the tree, waiting for the demigods to open them. 

"Can we open presents now?" Caitlyn asked as she eyed all of the presents, trying to guess which one Leo might've gotten for her. They all agreed and laughed at Caitlyn's childish attitude.

Caitlyn and Leo both darted for their presents to each other and raced back to their circle. Everyone watched Leo as he announced, "This is my present to Caitlyn. Mine will obviously be the best 'cause I'm the best." Piper glared at him, trying to tell him something. Leo awkwardly smiled when he realised what she was trying to tell him.

"Oh, and Merry Christmas Caitlyn." As he bent down to give Caitlyn her enormous gift box, he whispered in her ear, "You'll like it very, very much." Curiosity got the best of Caitlyn and she tore off the wrapping, eager to see what was inside.

Inside was a cardboard box. Puzzled, she opened up the box to find a wrapped up box slightly smaller than the one it was in. She tore off the wrapping off that box and found the same result. "Is this a sick joke? If you're broke, that's fine. I can take a hug as a gift." Caitlyn told Leo.

"Just keep going." Leo nudged her on.

After red, green, white and finally yellow wrapping, Caitlyn held a black box the size of her arm. Hazel asked, "What's inside?" Caitlyn zipped open the box and her eyes widened to what was inside. "See? I told you-" Caitlyn shushed Leo before he could say anything else and showed the contents of the box to everyone else.

"It's just markers, you can get them from any craft shop," Percy commented. Caitlyn and Annabeth glared at him. "To answer your question Percy, they're feela 100-count watercolour dual brush tip markers. They're not just any markers, they're awesome! They allow fine strokes and have vibrant colours. I just haven't had the time to look for these since I arrived here," 

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