Chapter 15

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"A whole new world... A terrifying place I honestly don't know"

"I'm joining you guys." I flinched expecting my comment to be rejected with a series of cries. But silence was all I could hear. I learned that the girl with choppy mahogany hair was Piper and the boy with freckles and the mop of chestnut hair, was Connor. 

Leo was sitting on the bed, distracted and Connor and Piper stood on either side of him as if they were his bodyguards. As I said it, I shifted uncomfortably in my jeans. I was able to change before coming to the tent. 

Piper looked confused and Connor went red. But Leo sat on the mattress, still ignoring me. They didn't get the message. I groaned, "How can I get in your heads? I left the Hunters of Artemis to join your quest thingy!" 

Leo's ears perked up as he heard this and looked at me with bewilderment. The two boys stood with their mouths hanging wide open. I glanced at Piper to find that she had a bright smile playing at her lips. "Welcome aboard! We are happy to have you back." Piper grinned. "Boys, that's not the way to welcome someone to our team!"

The boys muttered a few comments when silence filled the room again. "We better get going. Piper, Connor you can get some supplies from Thalia." I held open the tent flap as Piper and Connor shuffled through. I heard Connor say in a low voice so only I could hear, "Good luck with grumpy-boy." I forced the flap down on Connor's head and abruptly turned to Leo.

I opened my mouth, about to force Leo to explain to me why he was acting so strange. Before I could say anything, he asked me, "Why did you resign from the Hunters?" I kept myself from pulling my hair out as everyone was asking me that question. I explained to him that I did it to go back to Camp Half-Blood and a bunch of other small reasons. 

His smile grew as I explained my reason to him. "You resigned because you missed me? Awww, I didn't know I was worth it." Leo batted his eyes playfully. I snorted at Leo's response. Judging from Leo's face, he could dance right then. 

Piper and Connor ducked into the tent carrying some bags. "Here is some nectar, ambrosia, food-" Leo interrupted Piper, "Who needs food when you got the Tofu Taco Master Chef here?" Leo pointed to himself. 

Piper faced me as she rolled her eyes as if saying, "Leo's back to his old self..." I giggled and clapped my hands together. "Okay, we need to go now. Uh, how did you guys get here?" 

Leo smirked, his eyes gleaming "That's where the fun begins..."

I gasped when I saw a beautiful bronze dragon stomping majestically around the clearing. Thalia patted the dragon's head and ran over to us, her clothes were dirty with grease, "He's good as new, our best mechanics got him oiled and fixed." 

Leo laughed as he ran over to his beloved dragon, "Festus! You're okay! I was so worried about you buddy!" Festus responded with a series of clanks and cuddled against Leo. The scene made my heart warm and I noticed how his dark chocolate eyes shone and his impish smile made my stomach churn... Focus Caitlyn, you got a quest to complete.

I crept towards Festus, observing his ruby eyes that lit up brighter than the headlights of a car. He creaked softly as I placed a hand on his head, feeling his sleek gold and bronze armour. "He seems to like you." Leo pointed out. My cheeks flushed as I put my hand away.

"He likes oil and Tobasco," I muttered, I stood in astonishment as I realised what I said. I searched my mind for where that thought came from, but everything felt dark in my mind. I groaned in frustration. 

Leo glanced at me but didn't say anything. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards Festus' back. I gazed at our linked hands feeling blood rush to my face. Leo's hand felt cosy and I smiled to myself. The feeling dissolved when Leo released my hand.

"Hop on, princess."  Leo climbed up Festus' back and offered me a hand. I took it without a doubt. I slipped on the metal as Leo pulled me up. I managed to slide behind Leo and waited for Piper and Connor to get up. When everyone was ready, Leo commanded Festus to take off.

Festus' wings flapped and we slowly rose from the ground. I felt the breeze blow my hair off my face and the sun shone in my face. We rose up so suddenly, I almost slipped off, luckily Piper put me in place and whispered in my ear, "You do realise, you need to hold onto Leo." She teased.

I stared accusingly at her and placed my hands on Leo's shoulders. I looked back at Piper to find her grinning uncontrollably. My eyelids drooped and I let a yawn escape my mouth. "You need to rest." Leo looked back at me.

 I nodded and let my eyes close. I was unaware that I had wrapped my arms around Leo's waist and I placed my head on his back. All I could feel was warmth as I breathed slowly. I drifted peacefully off to sleep, this time without nightmares.

My body screamed with pain as I opened my eyes to a cloudy sky. I winced as I stood up and looked around me. We were surrounded by trees and right ahead, there was a little cottage. I couldn't tell that anyone was home.

Festus was groaning and was lying on the muddy ground with his wings twisted and damaged. I gasped in shock and ran to him, checking whether he could move. 

All I could remember was hearing someone screaming, "Not again!" and I opened my eyes to find the ground rushing up to my face. I remember feeling someone wrap their hand around mine and screaming in my ear. 

I swallowed as I saw the damage in Festus' wires. I sighed and patted his neck as I waited for everyone else to wake up. After a while, I heard a groan. I jumped out of my spot and rushed to the sound to find Leo struggling to sit up. 

I limped towards him and helped him sit up. His eyes landed on Festus and he yelped. He scrambled onto his feet and ran over to Festus as I walked around the clearing checking whether Piper and Connor were okay.

I went through our supplies when my head started throbbing. I tried to ignore it and kept going, but at some point, I dropped to the ground as I groaned in pain. I could hear Leo's footsteps going after me, but it seemed distant. My ears were ringing and another vision flashed before my eyes. 

This time, I was surrounded by gravestones. Whispers flew around me, but I was unable to make out what they were saying. The dirt crunched as stepped forwards, a bony hand grabbed my ankle and started dragging me down into the ground with it. I screamed and grabbed for a hand but it was too late, the ground swallowed me whole.

My eyes snapped open to a very worried Leo staring at me. Sweat trickled down my face as I gasped for air. Leo quickly handed me a bottle of nectar, "Caitlyn are you okay? You scared the Bad Boy Supreme half to death! And that's a rare case." I nodded weakly and tried to get up, but only managed to fall into Leo's arms.

I stifled a gasp of surprise and blood drained from my face. "You don't look very good, perhaps one of my herbs can help?" A voice called out from my side. I looked away from Leo's face and saw a girl walking up to us. She had caramel hair in a plait that swayed over her shoulder, her almond-shaped eyes hardened when she saw us.

"I see you've fallen out of the sky again, just to see me." She raised an eyebrow. Now, it was Leo's turn to look sick. Before he lost balance I placed an arm to support him. I widened my eyes, hoping he would explain. 

Leo took a shaky breath and replied, "Caitlyn, this is my ex-girlfriend." He paused, trying not to make eye contact with me. The name he whispered was familiar and it stirred a pool of dislike, "That's Calypso, daughter of Atlas, a heartless girl."

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