Chapter 3

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"A chat with your parent can be awkward, especially if they're a god"

I was the most impressed I had ever been when saw my dad's chariot. Believe it or not, it was solid gold. The chariot was filled with scenes of Apollo's greatest achievements, such as his fight with Python. 

In front of the sun chariot, were horses. Their manes were beautifully styled and they had a beautiful coat of white fur. Their neighs sounded beautiful, it reflected the sound of Apollo's voice, it wasn't a big surprise. 

"What do you think?" Apollo/dad asked, a grin creeping on his face. 

"It's incredible!" I exclaimed. But, it would look a lot better if it weren't so small. How are both of us even going to fit in there?

Apollo studied my face. "I know what you're thinking, it could be a whole lot better!" He replied.

He clapped his hands and his chariot disappeared, along with his horses. In its place stood a helicopter.

It was all gold, just like the sun chariot. It still had the engravings of Apollo's greatest battles. It was quite small, but it could fit both of us.

"Come on in!" Apollo called out to me, going into the helicopter. I followed in, stumbling as I did so. The inside was fancy. The two seats in front of me were red velvet. (not the cake, though it would've been a nice touch)

There were lots of buttons at the front, all of them either gold or bronze. The carpet was a bright red, it's surface smooth and delicate. 

"Welcome to Apollo's chariot, please take your seat." Apollo spoke into his headset. 

I squished into the seat next to him and put on my seatbelt.

Apollo switched on some buttons and muttered things under his breath. Once he pulled the lever next to him, we were slowly rising. He pressed a few more buttons and taa-daa! We were off.

Apollo leaned back onto his headrest finally relaxing after a while. "We will reach Camp Half-Blood in half an hour, this girl can go quite fast!" Apollo bragged.

I took in the events that have happened in the last hour. I come home to find dad fighting a Chimera, I helped him. Apollo announces that he is my dad and now he is transporting me to Camp Half-Blood in this amazing helicopter. Things can't get any weirder. 

How wrong I was.

"Caitlyn, there are some things we need to discuss." Apollo cleared his throat. "I guess you want to know how on earth a god lives with you."

Yes dad, I want to know how that could be possible. Zeus banned all gods from getting married to mortals and living with them. I know this because I had always been a huge fan of  Rick Riordan's books. 

I had no idea it was all real. This means the war against Kronos was real, the prophecy of seven was real. My dad had been a mortal three times, all real.

I got so distracted by my thoughts I didn't realise Apollo was already talking.

"Well, I may have been a little naughty, breaking Zeus rules and all that" He spoke, he sounded like he had been rehearsing this phrase in front of the mirror. 

Starlight and Repair boy (Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now