Chapter 28

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"Have you ever felt the joys of spring? I did, and I don't like spring."

A groan escaped my throat when I felt someone nudging me in my sleep. I opened my eyes to see a very recognisable head of curls with a mischievous grin with it.

"What in the Hades, Leo? How on earth did you get past the laser system?" I exclaimed, soon realising I was yelling at him in my minions pyjamas.

"So there is a laser system! Well, I deactivated your cabin security with the powerboard next to your cabin. If you don't want intruders, best if you don't leave it right next to your cabin."

I threw a pillow at him in annoyance and crossed my arms over my chest, "What do you want? It better be a good reason for disturbing my sleep."

"I thought you would enjoy a night stroll in the woods, but you don't seem in the mood so I'll just lea-"

"Screw it, I'm coming with you."

"Great! But uh- wouldn't it be weird if you get caught by the harpies in those pyjamas?"

My face went hot and I gave him a nervous smile. "Excuse me..." I ran over to my drawers and pulled out some clothes and tiptoed rapidly to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and looked in the mirror.

Oh great, so now was the time my hair decided to go crazy. I silently groaned and tried to brush my hair the best I could and put it in a ponytail. I couldn't understand how Leo didn't run away screaming with my hair the way it was. I could be Medusa for all I know with my hair like that.

I put a grey t-shirt and some black jeans and walked out of the bathroom. "Okay, let's go" We crept out of the cabin, the night wind blowing my ponytail around. I was glad I had tied it back. I started shivering in regret for not having brought a jacket.

We kept an ear out for the harpies and crept towards the forest, trying to not make a sound. It was hard though, I had to resist the urge to giggle once I came up with a plan to scare Leo. 

I crept right behind him and when he stopped at a corner, I whispered in his ear, "Leo Valdez, I will eat you!" I imitated one of the shrieking harpies that roamed the camp at night in search of demigods sneaking out.

He was such a scaredy-cat. Leo jumped in fright and let out a shriek only a young girl would produce. I fell to the ground in laughter, not caring that we needed to be quiet anymore. "You are evil! That was not funny, man." He whispered as he clutched his chest.

"It was worth it, you totally screamed like a girl." I chuckled as I wiped away a tear. "Looks like I outsmarted the prank king of the camp!" A goofy grin spread across my face.

"No fair," He groaned, but as he looked up, his eyes started widening. "Oh, schist!"

I looked behind me to find three harpies swooping towards us, licking their lips in hope of a pleasant dinner. We didn't need to say anything, we dashed for our lives. I could hear their screeches, which were bound to wake everyone up.

Kids, this is what happens when a night stroll isn't planned out.

"Run to the woods!" I yelled, "We'll lose them with the trees!" I dared not to look back in fear of facing a sharp row of teeth if I turned around. My legs started getting tired when I could see a bunch of trees right ahead. We started running faster, the harpies' screeches closer than ever.

Starlight and Repair boy (Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now