Chapter 6 - Suspicious Astrid

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Hiccup's POV:


"Hiccup!" I heard Astrid call.

"Yeah, Astrid. I'm coming." I responded dropping the tool I was holding and making my way over to her.

"You will not believe what I am about to tell you." She said.

"Bucket tried to milk a chicken again didn't he." I guessed.

"What? No. It's about your daughter, fishbone!" She said. She always calls me that when she's mad.

"Oh, tell me she is alright. She didn't get blown up by a zippleback! She didn't get eaten by a seashocker! TELL ME SHE WASNT STUNG BY A FIREWORM!" I yelled now kind of scared. I know she is a warrior just like Astrid but she can be clumsy.

"Hiccup! Calm down. She wasn't eaten." Astrid said sitting me down.

"Oh thank thor!" I smiled.

"Actually she is the best in the academy. She knows tricks we never even knew." She continued.

"YES! I knew she would succeed! That's my girl!" I shouted, standing and waving my hands in the air.

"Hiccup I'm worried." Astrid said and I sat back down.

"Why. She's doing great." I responded.

"Hiccup. She knows things none of us have ever known. She knows things no one has taught her. She can't learn these things on her own and definitely not just with that terror." She told, concerned.

"Maybe mums helping her." I suggested.

"Valka doesn't even know these things. Hiccup, she found out dragons drool over glow worms! She strangled a Scauldrons tail and it fell, knocked clear out!" She explained.

"That's my girl." I mumbled.

"Hiccup! This is serious!" She snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Astrid, I'm sure she is fine. As long as she is alive I'm happy." I said putting my hand on her shoulder. "Not only that, she is succeeding in dragon training!" I smiled.

"Hiccup." She sighed to to herself.

"My girls finally growing up!" I yelled with my hands in the air walking out of the forge.


Eylimi's POV:


"What do ya think windwalker?" I asked the terror still snoozing on my bed. He really was lazier than grump. All he does is sleep. The small brown thing only ever leaves the bed when he smells a mouse to catch. That's only half the time though. The other half, the rats walk right in front of his face. He looks at them and shrugs not even being bothered to open his mouth and let them crawl in. "No response, again?" I sighed, sarcastically at him. He just took a deep breath and blowed two smoke rings out his nose. "Fine useless." I said, renaming the dragon just to annoy him.

"Grrr." He growled and sat up giving me an evil stare.

"See, that's better, now I actually have your attention." I smiled at him. He just rolled his eyes and blowed another smoke ring to say he wasn't amused. "Anyway, back to my original question, what do you think?" I asked again. I held up Valka's costume, putting it on.

"Grrrr." The dragon growled looking at it. "Grrhow hrrare grrrru grrevrran grrrrat grrall." He mumbled. I tried to teach him how to speak but kind of failed. At least I could kind of understand what he said though. He said, how are you even that tall? I have to agree with him though. I must have grown a lot. Otherwise Valka was just really small when she was twenty. She gave me this armour and said she used on Cloudjumper. She said dragons see you more as a dragon that way. Apparently this was just her first design because she had to make her second one when she grew out of it. The second one is in her room somewhere. The huge mask is so big I used to be able to sit in the thing.

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