Chapter 16 - Disappearance

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Eylimi's POV:

"Oh I'm sorry, did I do that?" I smiled sarcastically back at Hunter as we fled down the mountain. I flicked a pile of snow in his face behind me. Both dragons slid down across the snow. It was like sitting on a sleigh. We tend to play this game often. It should be one of our competitions. It's dragon sledding.

"So that's how it's gonna be hu?" He complained before Firedrop slid past me and Cloudjumper. He slid in front so we couldn't get past.

"Out of the way fishbone!" I tried to push them out of the way.

"You said the first one to the bottom wins!" He yelled back to me. I smiled before leaning down close to Cloudjumper. He tucked his wings in so we went faster. I slid past them as I looked back. Cloudjumper kicked a pile of snow up behind us as it hit them.

"No fair!" He complained, wiping it off his face.

"Life isn't fair." I replied. He slid up next to me. I saw a pile of snow coming up to the right of me. I leaned right on Cloudjumper, pushing Firedrop and Hunter skidding to the right. I watched as they slid up the pile of snow before shooting through the air.

They did a backflip before landing to slide back on the snow. They landed just behind me. I saw something pass me. Suddenly I fireball hit the pile of snow next to me. It covered me as I shook it off.

"HUNTER!" I yelled at him as he sped past.

"I have no idea what your talking about, Eylimi." He replied with a smile. I sped back up next to him as we saw the bottom of the mountain coming our way. We looked at each other as the dragons went slightly faster. "WOAH!" Hunter yelled as suddenly another dragon swooped him.

"AHHH!" I yelled as three more dragons swooped us. We slid to the bottom of the mountain where we stopped. I stood up as me and Hunter looked at the ten or fifteen dragons flying away. They flew up to the clouds before they disappeared. "What was that?" I asked.

"I don't know." He replied.

"Where are they going?" I wondered. I watched as the dragons went completely out of sight.

----time skip----

"Eylimi, have you seen Stormfly?" Mum passed me as we entered the hanger. Me and Hunter looked at each other before I responded.

"Actually. I might know where she went." I replied, following her as she walked down the stairs into the main stables.

"Where?" She asked.

"Well, I don't know exactly where..." I began.

"Spit it out Eylimi." She ordered.

"We saw a few dragons flying away about an hour ago." I replied.

"Where were they going?" She asked.

"That's what we have been asking ourselves for the past hour." Hunter muttered.

"Why did they go?" She asked again.

"That's another thing we have been asking ourselves." Hunter answered.

"I'm going to get your father. Clean out the terrible terror stable while I'm gone won't you." She said tossing me a broom.

"Man, Astrid's frustrated today." Hunter said to himself. I looked at him with a look that said 'no kidding.'

Hiccup's POV:

"Anyone seen Skullcrusher? Anybody?!" Eret wondered back and forth through the square.

"BARF! Where in Thors name are you? I need you for the crop harvest!" Ruffnut yelled as her brother joined in.

"Hiccup!" Astrid called from behind me. I turned to face her as she walked over. Her shoulders covered in snow.

"What's up?" I asked. Patting the snow off her.

"Stormfly's gone." She answered.

"Looks like Skullcrusher and Barf and Beltch are too." I stated as we both turned to the concerned twins and Eret.

"Anyone got any dragon nip?" Snotlout asked as he walked past us.

"Why?" Astrid asked.

"Hookfangs acting funny. He won't stop trying to get out of his stable." He replied.

"Probably means he wants to get out. Just let him out." I told him.

"No because he will fly away. When me the twins and Eret were fishing we ended up dropping the nets because the dragons were out of control. Theirs got away but luckily I was able pull Hookfang to fly back to land." He pointed over to Eret and the twins.

"What's wrong with them?" Astrid asked.

"All the dragons on the east side of the island fled." Fishlegs suddenly approached.

"Fishlegs! Could you please not do that! Do you know how creepy that is?!" I turned around shocked to see him there.

"All the dragons on the beach and clearly the ones fishing..." He pointed to the riders with missing dragons. "...fled out of sight." He finished.

"They better come back or they're dead." Astrid muttered before walking to the academy. The others walked away too. While I had the chance I tried to take out the braid Astrid put in the back of my hair. My hairs twice as long as it was at the back so now I have this messy braid she puts there.

"Touch it and I'll braid your beard." She yelled back to me. Clearly she wasn't far enough away yet.

"It's to short to braid." I yelled back.

"You underestimate me!" She smiled before continuing to the academy.

Eylimi's POV:

"Come on. Let's go find them!" I hopped on Cloudjumper. We were still in the hanger after just finishing with the terrors. No wonder why they are called terrible terrors.

"I'm sure your dad will, do we have to do this now?" Hunter complained putting a bucket down.

"Yes, if we find the dragons then maybe dad will stop bugging me with the chiefing." I encouraged.

"...oh, look. We don't even have Hiccups map of the archipelago." He tried to stop me but I took a small book out of my pocket and waved it in front of his face. "Okay, we have the map but....wait how did you even get that?" He asked, grabbing the book out of my hand.

"I have my ways." I smiled and put my hands on my hips.

"Look, we don't have to go. We have lots of work to do here anyway." He sighed and picked up the bucket again. I rolled my eyes and shook my staff slightly. Firedrop picked him up and put him on her back. He dropped the bucket as I flew out of the hanger, Firedrop following behind.

"Oh, let just go!" I yelled to him, making him come with me. Now he had no choice.

"You know, you don't give people much free will." He crossed his arms.

"You would have come with me anyway." I smiled as he flew up next to me. He tossed me the book as I grabbed it out of the air.

"I guess your right. You go, I go." He smiled and sat properly in the saddle.

"I rest my case."

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