Chapter 22 - The Final Dragon Attack

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Eylimi's POV:

"Eylimi?" Mum burst open the door to see me. I had just spent the last two minutes punching the wall and even had the effort to kick over to table. I was so upset and mad I just let all my anger go. Part of my fist was even bleeding from the punches I gave the poor wall. I looked over to mum before falling onto my bed with a sob.

"Why?" I coughed out. She slowly walked over to my and sad next to me before giving me a hug. "Life isn't fair. Everything is going wrong." I sobbed.

"Life isn't fair. Life is life and it's a pain in the..." She began.

"But it's not that, why is life so unfair to me? What did I do to deserve this?" I cried.

"It's not your fault Eylimi." She explained.

"Then who's fault is it? What is the explanation as to why the dragons have turned against us?" I questioned.

"I, I don't know." She sighed. We heard the horn blow. They were here already. Another horn blew before I heard a third. The dragons had already come to attack. They are here for the last dragon, Toothless. He tried to escape off the island so many times but failed not being able to fly. "Eylimi, we know the plan, everything is going to turn out okay." My mum tried to promise but failed.

"It's, it's worth a try." I wiped away a tear before standing up and walking down stairs. I already had my armour on, I forgot to grab my helmet though. Well, to late for that. I opened the door where all was silent. There wasn't a single noise. It was so quiet you could hear the wind brush past you. Something wasn't right. I looked around. I looked back out the house where it looked normal. Why was the horn blown? Suddenly the walls of my house began to turn red and a clan of Change Wings suddenly stared at me. "Oh no." I muttered.

They shot at me with their burning acid as I ran. The other dragons began to attack. They swooped over me as they began to land. Toothless kept nudging them off the ground as if telling them to leave. A Deadly Nadder shot at the forge next to me. The Scauldron venom seemed to be working. That's one good thing.

I saw someone throw at net at the Nadder, trapping it. Things seem to be going to plan. Suddenly a Hobnlegrunt head landed on the floor next to me with a crash. I jumped back as I looked at the knocked out dragon. An arrow laid on the ground next to it. I looked up to see that little girl on top of the forge, lowering her bow. I nodded to her in thanks as she nodded back before shooting another down.

I saw Meatlug trapped as Fishlegs ran over to her trying to tame her. A Deadly Nightshade landed in front of me as Speedifist tried to bring his dragon back to common sense. A Wolf-fang swooped at me as I ducked. I aimed as the arrow hit its tail. Making it land in the snow with a crash. I looked around where suddenly I see the masked rider. He was pulling Firedrop out of a net. Firedrop?! Oh no you don't, your not taking his dragon too!

I felt anger rising in me. How dare he touch Hunters dragon. How dare he do anything to her. My hands turned to fists as I felt myself heat in rage. I began to walk over to the rider before picking up the pace into a run. I was ready to kill him. I was so ready. He took Hunter, he took dad, he took the dragons. I'm going to kill him. He has taken everything. I'm not going to let him take Firedrop too.

As I approached the rider who was still cutting at the ropes I lifted my staff ready to whack as soon as I got close enough. I went to yell but suddenly my run came to a stop as someone grabbed the back of my staff. I tried to get my staff out of their grip but their grip was to tight.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around slowly as the person let go of my staff. All my attention turned away from the masked rider and to the person standing in front of me. It couldn't be...


Oooo, cliffhanger. I know, short chapter but it had to be if the next one was going to be long enough. You guys are going to love this next chapter! The story might not explain much right now but these next three or so chapters are going to explain EVERYTHING! So, be excited because they are going to be amazing!

Random question: if you were to rename yourself to a viking name, what would it be?

Peace out ;)

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