Chapter 3 - Dragon Training

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Eylimi's POV:


"Welcome to dragon training!" Mum announced as we walked through the gates into the arena. She is the teacher here because Gobber wants a break. All of us looked around while I awkwardly walk through with my staff and bow at the back.

"I can't wait to get a dragon!" Mudskip said.

"I hope mine is one of those really deadly ones!" Vidgrip smiled.

"Yeah, I'm hoping we get the double headed one." Vika began.

"After all, you need two riders." Viko finished.

"Yeah, pretty amazing hu?" Hunter finished the conversation.

"I know right. Gotta love training wild dragons." I muttered sarcastically.

"Oh great, who let her in." Viko complained.

"Let's get started!" Mum took the attention away from me. "The recruit that does best will win the honour of training the mad Thunderdrum in front of the entire village." She explained.

"Eylimi already trained the Stormcutter so does that disqualify her or..." Viko teased. Everyone started laughing except Hunter and Vidgrip. Hunter just turned the other way and kept walking and Vidgrip just smiled.

"Dont worry. They will see the warrior you are soon." Mum encouraged as she kissed my forehead and pushed me into line. "There are many species you will learn to tame, the Deadly Nadder." She began walking past the cages.

"Speed eight, armour sixteen." Mudskip smiled. I just looked at him thinking about how he knew this stuff.

"The Hideous Zippleback." Mum continued.

"Speed and stealth times two."

"The Monstrous Nightmare."

"Fire power fifteen."

"The Terrible Terror."

"Attack eight, venom Twelve!" Mudskip finished.

"WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP THAT!" Mum yelled at him. "Just like Fishlegs." She muttered. "And lastly the Gronkle." She smiled putting her hand on the lever.

"Jaw strength eight." Mudskip whispered to me.

"Woah, Woah wait. Arent you or Hiccup gonna teach us first?" Vidgrip complained.

"Just like Gobber..." She looked at me. "I believe in learning on the job." She smiled and pushed the lever. Suddenly the wild Gronkle flew out at us. "Today is about survival. If you get blasted, your dead." She told us. Is she trying to get her daughter killed? "Quick what's the first thing you're going to need?" She stared giving us a pop quiz.

"Faster legs." I guessed sarcastically.

"Plus five speed?" Mudskip added.

"A shield!" Hunter shouted.

"A shield, go! The most important piece of equipment is your shield! If you ever have to make a choice between a sword or a shield, TAKE THE SHIELD!" She said, pushing me back into the ring. We ran around like ants trying to grab a shield.

"Get your hands off my shield!" Viko complained fighting over one with Vika.

"There's like a million shields!" She fought back.

"Take that one. That one has a heart on it, girls like hearts." He offered. Vika snatched the shield off him and hit his head.

"Oops, now this one has blood on it." She laughed. The Gronkel fired at them and they fell.

"Vika, Viko, you're out." Mum said.

"What?" They asked.

"Those shields are important for another thing. Before you train a dragon, you have to get it on the ground so make noise, lots of it! Make a dragon lose its aim!" She said as we started hitting our shields with our weapons. Hunter hit it with his sword while Vidgrip hit it with his hammer and Mudskip just hit it with a knife. I decided I didn't want the dragon coming for me so I hit my shield with the staff. Suddenly the rattles in the end made a noise and the dragons eyes shortened and it turned to me landing in front. The Gronkle smiled at me. The rattle noise stopped and the dragons eyes went back to normal. It growled at me and got back into the air, it shot at me and I ducked out of the way.

"How did you do that?" Hunter asked running past me. Did he just talk to me? YES!

"Hey, babe. I'm working in my parents basement, you should come by some time to work out. You look like you work out." Vidgirp flirted next to me. He is so gross. It's never going to happen. I rolled my eyes and ran as I saw the Gronkel coming towards me. The Gronkle shot at him and Mudskip.

"So, I guess it's just us hu" Hunter said.

"Nope just you." I said shocked as I leaped out of the way of a fire blast. It hit him and he went flying across the arena. The Gronkel went up to him and pushed him against the wall. What do I do? What do I do? I quickly ran in front of him and put the end of the staff in the Gronkels mouth. I pulled his mouth back and he fired, missing Hunter by an inch.

"And that's the sixth shot. We'll train you later. Get back to bed you overgrown sausage!" Mum said pushing him into his cage. "You'll get another chance, don't you worry." She announced, walking out of the arena.

"Thanks." Hunter smiled as I helped him to his feet.

"No problem". I responded and walked out.

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