Chapter 19 - Masked Rider

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Eylimi's POV:
Three Months later

"Alright, ready gang?" I asked as we mounted our dragons. We are actually extremely lucky we have our dragons. These are few of the dragons left on Berk.

"Ugh, yes. We have been ready for the past hour!" Vika complained.

"I don't even understand why we are going. Your dad said not to leave." Viko added, leaning back on his Zippleback head, Yawn.

"Well, we are leaving because if no ones going to find the dragons then I will." I replied.

"You know, we could just have faith they will come back." Mudskip said, worried about the journey ahead. We all looked at him like he was an idiot.

"Ugh, I can't wait any longer. Let's go!" Vidgrip complained as he took off. I nudged Cloudjumper slightly before he took off after him. Finally we were all flying away from Berk. I stole dads map again so we can find that island and go from there. Great I just reminded myself of Hunter.

"Eylimi, you okay?" Mudskip asked me. They must have noticed.

"Yeah, fine." I said back. Turning away to wipe the tear off my cheek.

----time skip----

"Okay we should" I said as I looked down to notice now the island gone. Where did it go?

"Ha, funny. You want us to land in the middle of the ocean." Viko laughed.

"Probably so snotgrip can take a bath." Vika whispered to him.

"I heard that! And don't call me that!" He crossed his arms. "Stupid cousins..." He muttered.

"Guys, I swear the island was right, here." I looked around but there was nothing in sight.

"Well, I don't know about you guys but I can't see anything." Viko leaned back in the saddle.

"Probably because he's blind." Vika giggled.

"Did anyone tell you, you're annoying?" He asked her.

"Has anyone told you?!" She yelled back.

"So what's the plan now?" Mudskip asked.

"The Sandwraiths were heading South-West. So were the dragons." I said out loud but talking to myself. "We head South-West then!" I proposed, turning Cloudjumper around.

"Ugh, more travel?" Vidgrip complained.

"I'm hungry!" Mudskip sighed.

"Hi Hungry. I'm Viko." He smiled proud of his answer.

"No, he's Stupid, and I'm Vika." She laughed.

"And I'm Goingtokillyou! Would you like to talk?" I made them shut up. There was no reply.

"Peace and quiet at last." Vidgrip smiled, leaning back to look at the sky on Quicksand.

"Says the Muttonhead." I quietly heard Vika whisper to Viko. Ugh...there is never silence.

----time skip----

"Haha! Land!" Viko yelled from behind me.

"My names Vika not Land you idiot!" She hit him on the head with her mace. I guess they are still stuck on that same conversation.

"Woah! Do you see that?" Mudskip asked me. I took a closer look to see an extremely strange shaped island. It was a golden colour with these strange tall fin like things in the middle. What the? As we got closer I noticed another island behind it. At least this one looked normal. It was tall and covered in trees. The trees were strange though. I swear I saw them move. They were all different coloured too.

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