Chapter 14 - This? This is Berk

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Eylimi's POV:

----Three Years Later----

This, is Berk. An island unlike no other. Granted it may not look like much but the wet heap of rock packs more than a few surprises. Life here is amazing, just not for the faint of heart. You see, where other places have archery or fencing, we have...

"THORSDAY THURSDAY!" Gobber smiled.

"Ugh." We all complained.

"Hey, it's the annual festival to celebrate the end of the dragon wars!" He grinned with excitement while jingling his missing arm that he recently replaced with bells.

"But it's the same every year." Vidgrip complained.

"No kidding. That's why we loose every year." Vika stated.

"It's you're fault we loose." Viko nudged her.

"It's never my princess's fault." Dogsbreath and Mudskip said in unison before growling at each other. You might be wondering why Dogsbreath is here. Well, the lot of us are gathered here to hear Gobbers instructions about Thorsday Thursday. All twenty of us aged fifteen to twenty.

"You know, I thought everything in this world could be explained." Hunter whispered to me.

"Their weird love triangle definitely can't." I whispered back.

"Enough! To celebrate when you're father..." Gobber pointed to me. "...uniting dragons with vikings, we have the Thorsday Thursday games!" He continued as we stood in front of him. We were all trapped in the arena because it was snowing. How can it be snowing? I know it's the end of summer but it's not the peek of winter.

"Can't we try something else for the games instead of fighting dragon to dragon. I'm not really a combat person." Mudskip said shyly. We all just turned to him with one lifted brow. I knew we were all thinking the same thing. He's a Viking, you're supposed to be used to combat.

"Could you lot stop asking me all these questions. I'm just following tradition. You have a problem? Ask the man that befriended a Night Fury!" He complained, pointing out of the door as his hand jingled with the bells.

"Okay, then how are we supposed to fight in a storm?" Viko questioned, leaning back.

"A snow storm at that." Vika added.

"In the middle of autumn!" Mudskip worried.

"We wait until it stops snowing then!" Gobber responded. His voice echoed on the walls of the small room in the back of the arena. I wouldn't be surprised if when we open the doors snow will come falling in.

"Ugh, this tradition is so old." Viko complained.

"Says you." Hunter muttered.

"Ha, says the one that wins every year!" Dogsbreath complained back to Hunter.

"Look! At the moment it's snowing like crazy out there! I'm sorry Gobber, I don't know about you but I'm not going out there." I stated. The door opened as I felt the cold come in. I saw dad walk in, quickly closing the door behind him.

"It's, pretty cold out there." He stated, shaking his one boot. The story about how my father lost his leg became legendary, and that is why we are stuck celebrating Thorsday Thursday now.

"You don't say." Gobber put one hand on his hip.

"At least it stopped snowing." He smiled, rubbing snow off his cape.

"Hear that you lot! Games are back on!" Gobber announced.

"Awww, come on." We all complained.

"What's the problem?" Dad asked us.

"I'm sorry chief but it's so boring now." Vidgrip stated.

"It's so old." Dogsbreath added.

"It's like bringing the regatta back." Mudskip complained.

"Setting up banners and watching ships, SLOWLY sail across the harbour." Viko sighed.

"Except with Thorsday Thursday..." Hunter began but was cut off.

"It's setting up banners and having burning fire shot at you from your own tribe!" Vika finished.

"Nice one babe." Mudskip nudged her.

"Eh!" She said, grossed out.

"How can you go for her? She is like the dumbest cousin ever." Vidgrip giggle to himself.

"AHH!" She yelled before pinning him to the ground.

"Would you prefer me to kill you next time?!" She yelled at him as he was pinned to the floor with her foot on top of his face.

"Well at first I thought it was funny. But I'm starting to see your point." Vidgrip responded

"So you guys don't want to do Thorsday Thursday?" Dad checked.

"NO!" All twenty of us yelled back.

"Alright." He responded.

"YES!" Everyone smiled except me.

"You're taking this remarkably well." I muttered.

"Eylimi." He called me over. I gulped before getting up to go over to him. "You're the next chief, you think of something people will enjoy doing on Thorsday Thursday." He smiled, patting my shoulder.

"What? Why me? You have got to be kidding me." I complained.

"Because, you guys are the ones complaining. So, you guys figure out something you want to do instead. Not like we can stick to the original plan with all the snow." He smiled.

"Yeah! Come on Eylimi! What do we do?" Everyone wanted to hear what I had to say.

"Uh..." I muttered unsure of my idea or what I was going to say.

"Why don't you lot go home, and we will announce when we have a plan." Gobber suggested. No one argued, instead they were out of the cave in less then a second and flying away on their dragons.

"Dad, why me?" I sighed.

"Have to teach you how to be chief some how." He smiled before walking away.

"Gosh, it's your father all over again." Gobber muttered as he walked past following him out of the cave. I was left standing there alone. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Hunter.

"Thought you left." I said.

"Can't." He responded and pointed to the corner of the room where Firedrop slept. "Try to wake her, I dare you." He laughed.

"Can't argue with that." I giggled.

"So. What's the plan?" He smiled.

"Ugh, I don't know! I seriously have no idea." I sighed.

"Well, we better get started on thinking then, come on." He ordered, grabbing my hand and dragging me out the cave.

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