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Writers POV:

----time skip to 1936----

"Tristan! Tristan Haddock you get back here right now!" His mum ordered, looking for him as he wandered through the forest. The small boy only aged five skipped his way mindlessly past the green bushes slowly growing their way above him. The moss covered rocks made it slippery to walk. Tristan, wild imagination flowing through his thoughts as he looked under branches and rocks, hoping to find a gnome or troll.

He continued on his way while his mum waited for him back at the house. He walked across small streams and around large trees until he saw it. There at his feet. A reptile creature, ebony covered in scales fighting over feathers with small blue tips painting the end of each one. The cat like creature about the size of a cat in fact, looked up to him.

Tristan first thought it was a cat until he noticed the two bat like wings held above its back. It's tail moved back and fourth as the fins on the end closed. The creature slowly backed away into the bush. Tristan lent down to touch it but as he got closer the creature hissed and ran into the bush never to be seen again.

The boy stood there bewildered. His imagination ran wild. Gnome? No wasn't a gnome. Troll? No, wasn't a troll. Dragon? Tristan ran back through the forest as quickly as he could. He could see his house in the distance. Leaping over a bush he landed in his mothers arms.

"There you are! I told you to stay here." She complained as she began carrying him back to the house.

"I saw a dragon! It was awesome! It was black and had these wings..." His mum stopped him there.

"That's enough Tristan. There is no need for your nonsense fibs." She said.

"But there really was a..."

"Why don't we get you inside and I'll make you something to eat." She carried him inside. Just before she shut the door Tristan looked into the forest. He watched as a flock of birds flew away. Was what he saw real? Or was his imagination really playing with him. There couldn't be such things as dragons. Could there?


And let Dragon Decendants begin! Okay you must be confused, I didn't want to disappoint you with the book ending here so I lead it into the second book I ever wrote called Dragon Decendants. You want to know if the dragons ever came back? Go read that! First though go read the ending info of this book. It explains EVERYTHING!

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