Chapter 5 - New Tricks

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Eylimi's POV:


"COME ON EYLIMI!" I heard Valka yell from below.

"Alright. This time. This time, for sure!" I muttered to myself. I quickly ran down Cloudjumpers back while he continued gliding and hung onto his tail. As I grabbed the end he lost all mussel control and began falling towards the land. I loosened my grip and he continued flying before we hit the ground. He flicked me back up to land on his neck as he glided down to Valka. I slid off and got my balancing back.

"Yeah! That was good. I can't believe you actually figured something new out about him. I didn't even know that." She smiled putting an arm around me. I was practicing flying as Valka told me tricks to stay on. I slipped and fell back to his tail and he became floppy as we fell into the lake. Ever since then Valka and I have been trying to perfect a way to do it.

"I wonder if there is anything else cool about them?" I wondered.

----time skip----

Valka is having a rest today. But today I'm back to dragon training with the others. We have both agreed never to speak of me flying a dragon. Who knows what dad would be like. Him and his overprotectiveness. I'm surprised if I ever get a boyfriend with him constantly watching me. I wander down to the arena where I see mum already standing there. She waved up. I look above me to see Toothless zoom over us. Dad must be back from the sheep problem over at mildews place. That guy is so grumpy, no wonder why he is on the other side of the island.

"Alright. Gang into the arena!" She ordered us as we walked in. For some reason she stayed outside. She looked down to us from the cage like top.

"Why did you lock the gate?" Viko asked.

"So Seaskipper doesn't get out." She smiled. We all turned behind us to see a Scauldron standing ahead.

"Oh Thor." I mutter as everyone started scattering around.

"VIDGRIP!" Vika yelled tossing him a spear. Why are they holding so many weapons. Are they trying to kill the thing?

"So babe. Incase this is...." Vidgrip began.

"The last words you speak?" I finished his sentence and rolled as the Scauldron shot at him. Steam rose where the boiling water evaporated.

"Ahhhhh!" Viko yelled charging at it the same time as Vika. They both ran into each other and hit heads.

"Hey! It was my go!" Vika complained.

"No it was mine!" He yelled back. They began fighting when suddenly I saw the Scauldron getting ready to shoot again. I reached out my staff and tripped them over as it shot. The boiling water glided through the air above the twins now on the ground. They quickly ran around hiding behind a log fence.

"I'm out!" Mudskipper yelled joining them.

"Hehe. Okay..." Hunter laughed nervously and charged at the Scauldron running up its neck. He grabbed it's head and clamped it shut so it couldn't shoot anymore. The dragon stood up and looked at him above it. It growled and shook Hunter off. He landed on the floor.

"Grrrrrrr!" The Scauldron looked at me. Not good. It began hopping towards me and a ran for life around the arena. Before it cornered me I slid under its leg and jumped on its back. It went to bite me but I leaped. I accidentally landed on Hunter. My bow was hooked around his neck and my leg was caught around his. I tried to get up but I was stuck and so was he.

"Ow, ow, why don't you, ow!" He muttered as I tried untangling us.

"You thinking what I'm thinking." Vika whispered to Viko.

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