Chapter 20 - Evolved Dragons

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Eylimi's POV:

"Dad! Dad!" I called for him as I walked around the forge.

"Over here!" He called. I turned a corner where I look up to see him hanging from the ceiling covering in ropes.

"What happened to you?" I asked looking him in the eye as he hung upside down.

"Just go get your mother so she can give me my sword." He ordered.

"She took your sword?" I questioned.

"Yes, until I fix the squeak in my leg. She says its been driving her crazy and I won't get it back until it's fixed." He sighed.

"Then why are you hanging from the ceiling?" I asked.

"Take one guess." He muttered. Outside I heard a conversation.

"I told you! We need to riders for a Zippleback!" Tuffnut complained. I looked out the window to see Ruffnut in front of him.

"Well, there's no point if there is no Zippleback!" She replied.

"Well, maybe there would be if you weren't off with snotface all day." He muttered.

"Uh, hello? This might come as a shock to you but I'm married!" She yelled at him. "You can't say anything your always with that Tiffany!" She complained.

"Ugh" he replied. As I turned my attention away from them and back to dad.

"They want me to find Barf and Beltch, that's why I'm hanging from the ceiling." He told me.

"So mum won't give you your sword until you fix the leg and the twins hung you from the ceiling until you get the Zippleback." I giggled.

"Ugh, just do something useful and get me down!" He ordered. I walked over to the table where I picked up a knife and began cutting at the ropes. "No not that one!" He yelled before he landed head first on the ground.

"Sorry." I apologised.

"It's not as bad as last time." He muttered, cracking his head and standing up.

"Last time?" I wondered.

"Oh yeah, last time you hung from the ceiling stuck in ropes. Did I ever mention how much I love my spiked skirt." Mum suddenly entered holding his sword.

"Hilarious." He answered sarcastically.

"Fix the leg?" She asked with crossed arms.

"Yes." He replied, holding out his hand waiting for her to hand him the sword. She threw it to him and he caught it. "Thank you." He answered as she walked away with a smile.

"So dad. I wanted to talk to you..." I began but he cut me off.

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask. Where have you been all day?" He turned to me.

"Yeah that's what I wanted to talk to you about." I muttered. "I needed to find the dragons so..." He cut me off there.

"Eylimi! I told you not to leave Berk!" He turned to face me. "....A chief protects is own." he muttered on his face in his hand.

"I know, I know but..."

"Do you listen to anything I say?" He muttered.

"I found them!" I yelled stopping him from cutting me off.

"You did? Well where are they?!" He asked wondering why I didn't tiring them back with me.

"That's the thing..." I continued. "We found these islands one really strangely shaped and the other covered in dragons beyond what you can imagine." I explained. " We followed this dragon to the inside of the island and it peas covered in green. Then there was this person..." He stopped me again.

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