Chapter 13 - The End Of The Beginning

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Eylimi's POV:

"Ready?" Hunter smiled up to me as I stood on Cloudjumper.

"HA!" I heard Vidgrip yell in victory as he and his dragon shot over us. I smiled back to Hunter as our dragons took to the sky. We followed Vika and Viko who where fighting over a sheep. I stood up strong as Cloudjumper hovered slightly above them. I jumped off as I ran up one of the Zipplebacks necks and grabbed it out of their hands.

"YEAH!" I smiled, as I landed back on Cloudjumper. I began to turn a corner but Mudskip crashed into me. The sheep flew out of my hands and Firedrop shot like lightning, grabbing it in a second. He flew to the finish line where his dragon flipped him up. He flew over the basket and dumped it in before landing back on Firedrop. As I glided over I noticed Hunter put it in my basked. Awww.

I heard the horn go as I began flying to the forge. Where the black sheep should have been released, it waited in the basket, chewing on some grass. Below I hear Uncle Snotlout and Tuff arguing.

"Please, we all know that dragon racing wouldn't still be going without my invention." Snotlout smiled, patting the sheep launcher.

"Yeah, but I was the one who invented dragon racing in the first place." Tuff responded with a smiled. "Just ask my sister. She knows." He smiled.

"Who's side she gonna chose. Her brothers or her husbands. Think about that for a moment mutton head." Snotlout crossed his arms, grinning at him.

"GUYS!" I heard Eret yell at them.

"Ah!" Snotlout screamed in shock, falling back and launching the sheep.

"GO, GO, GO, GO!" I told Cloudjumper as we flew up quick. He reached out his claws but Vidgrip shot up from underneath, grabbing it out of my reach.

"Haha! Vidgrip, Vidgrip, oi, oi...." He was cut short of his chant when Vika stole it out of his hands. She smiled a cheeky smile at him as she flew away. Just before they hit the finish line Cloudjumper dove from above. I snatched it from in between their two heads as I shot past. The dragon rolled back up as I dumped it in my basket.

"YEAH!" I yelled with a smiled as I put one hand up in the air in victory. I flew past the crowd, hanging upside down on Cloudjumpers neck, staying attached with my staff hocked around one of his scales. I held out my hand as people high fived me. Cloudjumper span back up the right way to get me upright.

I landed at the edge of the hanger. I patted Cloudjumper as he went to wash off his blue and red paint. I looked around to see a few terrors biting each other's tales. I giggled as I shook my staff gently and they stopped to look at me. I pointed to their stables and they slowly crept over to them. I heard a flap as Firedrop landed next to me. I looked up to the rider that slid off.

"Nice flying my lady." He smiled with a bow. His purple and orange face paint, smudged across his nose.

"Did you seriously take that saying from dad." I smiled back and lifted an eye brow.

"No, he says mi'lady. My lady, doesn't count as the same." He stated, proud of himself.

"Whatever you say big head." I laughed.

"Is my head really over sized?" He questioned sarcastically, looking at himself in the reflection of the water in a bucket.

"Your hair is." I answered with a smile.

"Haha, hilarious." He looked at me saying it with sarcasm.

"But, I don't care." I added with a grin as I kissed him.

This is Berk. A small island with the biggest tales. You see, we may be small in numbers but we have survived eight generations. You think the story would end here, everything at peace. But this is just the beginning. Because when you have pets bigger than three horses, adventures never end. And they are known as, dragons.

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