Eylimi's POV:
I woke up slowly. The ground shook quickly and then stopped. It shook again, once again stopping. The water dripping on the side of the cave into the small pond stopped. The ponds water made small ripples. Then there was another shake. It gradually got louder and louder, faster and faster.
"Hunter. Hunter get up!" I shook him awake. He sat up next to me with a shocked look on his face. There was another bang. Suddenly there was a loud crash! The dragons sat up but didn't dare move a mussel after that.
I looked to the left where ice fell outside the cave. I gestured to Hunter with my hand to stay there. I slowly got up and walked to the ledge where you could see everything from.
Suddenly there was a loud screech and giant shards of ice began falling from the roof of the sanctuary. That's when I saw it. A giant creature ripped a hole through the ice and invited itself in.
I went to scream but Hunter put his hand over my mouth from behind and slowly backed me away. He let go and put a finger to his lips telling me to keep quite.
The giant creature made the ground shake as he fell into the lake below. I saw water drops rise to the high level I was at from the splash. Hunter dragged me over behind the dragons where the two of them protected us with their wings.
I saw the creature coming our way. Hunter quickly pushed Cloudjumper and Firedrop behind a wall. We both squeezed into the small area with them. Hunter and I could see out of the cave, the creatures giant spikes, glistening in the moonlight.
Suddenly the creature disappeared. I went to stand up but Hunter quickly pulled me back down, covering my mouth. The creatures death threatening yellow eye appeared at the window of the cave, searching it like a hawk.
We kept quiet as it looked around. It turned its eye to us. I kept still as a rock. I didn't even breath. We could see it quite clearly but I begged to Thor it couldn't see us as we blended into the dark shadow on the cave wall.
The giant creature had one last glimpse of the cave before it moved away. Hunter nudged me as he moved his hand away from my mouth. He pointed upwards. I nodded as Cloudjumper gave us a lift. We climbed up and out of the cave.
We climbed to the top of the sanctuary, quietly with the dragons behind us. We stood on one of the tall ice spikes that over looked the frozen ocean around us. The creature excited the ice walled garden and stood on the snow covered ground far below us.
"Eylimi. It's the creature we saw under the water." Hunter whispered. I took a closer look at its tail to notice it was the same boring grey coloured creature that Cloudjumper tried to swim after years ago.
"GRRRROOOOAAAAWWWWW!!!!" It screeched so loud I had to cover my ears. It breathed in heavily and fired. I had to take a closer look to realise frost was escaping its mouth instead of fire. In front of it, grew giant ice spikes that could have killed anything that would have been standing next to it.
I looked down at my feet to see I was standing on the same ice spikes. Could this creature have built this place? The tusked animal shook like a dog before it ran towards the ocean and dived in. It disappeared with a splash.
"Hunter. Is that what I think it is?" I asked him.
"No, I've only heard about it in the book of dragons. There's no way. Those things have been extinct for twenty years." He said.
"The great bewilderbeast." I stated. I looked at him and he looked back with a worried face.
"Let's just head in and see the damage." He said, taking one step at a time.

How To Train Your Dragon: The Next Heir
Fiksi PenggemarMy names Eylimi, great name I know but it's not the worst. I live on the island of Berk and life here is amazing. Just not for me. Dad changed the world by stopping the dragon wars, mum is known as a fearless warrior. Me? I'm just the skinny girl th...