Chapter 26 - This Was Berk

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Eylimi's POV:

"WOOHOO!" The vikings threw their helmets in the air. Who knows why this the tradition because when they fall back down the horns would be sharp landing on someone else's head. What do I care though, this is amazing! I grabbed Hunter by the shirt and kissed him. I could feel the fur cape leading down my dress.

The brownish dress with a blue ribbon like thing around my waist, pinned together with the chief badge at the front as the remains of the ribbon fall to the floor at the front of the material. My hair in a back braid mum insisted she'd do. Well, dad insisted she'd do. Probably so her mind would be set on braiding my hair instead of his nothing of a beard.

I smiled as suddenly I was picked up bridal style. What can I say, can't complain about that, I'm the bride. Oh, did I forget to mention. I've just been married! (Silent scream). I laughed and looked into his eyes. This had to be the happiest moment of my life. I placed my hand on his cheek.

"LONG LIVE THE CHIEF! LONG LIVE THE CHIEF!" They chanted as Hunter put me down. He grabbed my hand as we ran together out of the great hall and everyone followed. We stood just outside the doors as I looked up. There the gang sat on the roof with their bucket. Oh man, no longer amazing. It's a classic viking tradition. As I faced Hunter I grabbed his hands tight as the vikings backed slightly away from us.

"Ready?!" Mudskip, Vidgrip, Vika, Viko, Speedifist, Dogsbreath and Wartihog yelled down to everyone.

"THREE! TWO! ONE!" They counted down as I closed my eyes tight. The gang tipped the buckets as freezing water from the stream pored over us.

"Ahhhhhh!" Me and Hunter yelled as the coldness hit us. We let go of each other and looked at ourselves. I shook my arms still smiling like a mad man. My hair was soaked and the what we vikings call a dress was ten times heavier than it should have been.

"YEAH!" Everyone cheered. It's a classic viking tradition to have freezing water pored on you after a wedding. It symbolises washing away the past or something like that. Which is good because I want to forget the past. All I want to remember is this moment right now because,

This was Berk. The greatest land in the archipelago. Where grand dragons ruled the land together with vikings by their side. Friends unlike any other. Loyal creatures that would gladly give their lives for you. There were small dragons the size of small cats and giant dragons so tall they could be mistaken for a mountain. You see, dragons will merely become a myth, a legend, but I know the truth. There were dragons. Powerful beasts that could kill you in an instant but so kind they became your best friend instead. You think vikings train dragons? Your wrong. Dragons trained us! Now there is a new Berk. A Berk with birds and mice. But the Berk before that will never be forgotten because unlike the birds and mice we had DRAGONS!

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