Chapter 9 - Run Away

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Picture - Duskclaw (drawn by me)


Hunter's POV:


Uh! I can't believe I'm doing this. Now I'M riding a dragon when I'm not supposed to. Got to admit. This girls pretty cool though. Well, I think the dragons a she. I hang on tight, really praying to Odin this Duskclaw doesn't stick it's back spikes up any time soon.

I need to find Eylimi. I don't care if she likes me or not I like her and there's nothing she can do about it. Me and the Duskclaw flew over Berk for hours. She wasn't anywhere to be seen. I slowly glide over the ice fields. This is the ice left over from what Hiccup calls a bewilderbeast from years ago. The ice never melted.

I sigh, beggining to think I should give up. Then suddenly I heard a small cry. I looked down to see Cloudjumoer below, under an ice spike. I fly down were my dragon lands and I quickly slide off. Slowly I approach the entrance of the ice cave. There, in the corner, sits Eylimi. Knees to her chest and head in her hands, sobbing away. I took a deep breath and walked over to her.

"Eylimi?" I whispered, taking a seat next to her, facing the wall in front of us. She didn't say anything. She sniffed and looked up to me. A tear ran down her cheek. She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tight, crying into my shoulder. I put my arms back around her and rested my head on hers. We stayed like that for a while.

"They are never going to accept me again." She sobbed. I didn't know what to say.

"You're the next heir. I'm sure they will." I comforted.

"My dad hates me. No one loves me." She cried. Clearly she is really worried.

"I do." I responded. She sniffed and I felt her smile. She rested her head on my shoulder and I held her against me. The dragons waited at the entrance. Both with sad faces for Eylimi. I heard a yell.

"EYLIMI!" I heard the chief, flying over on Toothless

"HUNTER!" I heard my dad call. I looked down to Eylimi who looked scared.

"I'm not going out there." She stated.

"Eylimi. We have to go back." I told her. She sighed. Then she sat up and looked at the floor for a second before looking at me.

"No we don't." She said strongly, still whispering so they wouldn't here us.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't have to go back. No. I'm not going back." She made clear.

"Eylimi..." I began.

"I'll fly away. Away from Berk. Away from laws. Away from everyone." She smiled, in a sad way though.

"But..." I was going to try and stop her.

"No Hunter. I'm going. I can't stay here. And nothing you can do is going to stop me." She whispered, standing up and wiping away a tear. She was about to walk out of the cave. I couldn't take this. I'm not losing her. It's not happening. I don't care what I have to do.

"You're not going." I said sternly.

"Yes I am!" She answered, still trying to stop her sobbing.

"No, we are." I told her. She turned around to face me. She had a shocked look.

"No, you have a life here. Everything is here for you." She stated.

"Not you." I responded.

"Hunter you..." I cut her off as I grabbed her and kissed her. I pulled apart and looked into her blue eyes.

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