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It was almost midnight when Luna got out of her cab to be met by the cool spring night. She walked briskly down the pavement with her things in tow. Eventually, she made it to the familiar building.

She got into the familiar elevator and watched as the metal doors gently closed. Luna let out a loud yawn as the elevator started its ascent.

Once the metal doors opened she walked down the hallway. When she made it to the familiar door, she took out her key, yes she had a key, and unlocked it.

Luna walked in. The lights were on but there was no one in sight. She slightly sighed as she set down the bag of gifts from her travels, and the food she had picked up for everyone.

They all went to the airport to pick her up. She felt a bit guilty that she had left without them so she brought them some KBBQ.

"Well I guess that's more for me." She told her self as she got a plate.

Luna, was halfway between her food and the cabinet when...


"AHHHHHH!" There was the loud sound of Luna screaming for her dear life and the plate that was in her hands shattering on the floor.

"Mozil Tof bitches!" Yugyeom happily yelled before he and everyone else walked down the stairs to Luna.

"I thought I was going to have a heart attack!" She exasperatedly said as Athena was the first one to hug her.

"You think that will give you a heart attack?" Athena asked her with a cheeky grin. "Try living with Jackson." She told her as Jackson hugged her too.


"She's definitely right." Jinyoung said as he was the next one to hug Luna. "I have almost had my fair share."

"I can gladly say I contributed to that." Bambam replied. "I can gladly say that I'm not as bad as Bambam." Yugyeom added as the two side tackled Luna into a hug.

"Wtf do you mean by gladly?? I just saved your ass from airport security!" Jinyoung said as he suppressed the urge to drop kick the little bitch.

"You two should seriously try to be less extra." Luna said as she grabbed a plastic bag and helped JB pick up the pieces of the shattered plate. "I had a hard time trying teach the two of you. I can't imagen living with you for longer then three months."

"Thank you but over three months is nothing compared to over three years." Jaebum said grabbing the now full bag, and throwing it away.

"I can imagine. No wonder your always on the verge of a seizure." Luna said with a slight chuckle.

"Finally, someone gets it." He replied before hugging Luna. "I'm glad your back"

"It's good to have another semi sane person under this roof." Mark replied as he also hugged the girl.

"I don't know about that." Luna laughed as he laughed with her.

"LUNA!" Youngjae said as he back hugged her.

"YOUNGJAE!! I wondered when you were going to show up." She said turning around and hugging the sunshine ball. "Let me guess, you had to let everyone go first?"

"You know me so well." He replied with the brightest smile. "We have so many dramas to catch up on!"

"YES!!" I can't wait to see them all with you, and break out the strawberry pocky too!"  She excitedly replied.

Youngjae proudly looked at Luna as he wiped away a fake tear. "I missed you so much!!"

After all the cheerful hellos, they all got out plates and utensils for the food that Luna had brought them.

They were eating at the living room table when the girl got up to grab the bags that she had brought them. "I brought gifts!" She said as everyone happily cheered.

"You didn't have to do that." Jinyoung said as he looked at the bags in her hand and then at the smiling girl.

"Oh come on." Luna said waving it off. "What's the point of going all around the globe if I can't bring gifts to my friends."

"Family." Jackson corrected as he held Athena's hand. "Soon at least." She added.

Luna smiled as she looked at the engagement ring on her best friend's finger. After the trip to Thailand Jackson and Athena started dating. Since both Luna and Athena's job didn't need them to live in a specific place the girls usually went back and forth between the apartment in San Francisco and the dorm in Seoul. One thing led to another and now the two were happily engaged.

Athena smiled at Jackson before she turned to Luna excitedly. "We have so much to plan. It's literally in a month and we haven't even started. We both have been so busy I didn't think it would be this soon." The younger started to spiral into a stressed state. 

"A, take a deep breath." Luna told her as she gave everyone their gift. "Your maid of honor has got your back." She replied with a genuine smile.


"DiD yOu gEt mE gUcCi fRoM mIlAn??" Bambam practically screeched as he looked at the contents of the bag.

Luna laughed as she nodded. "I'm glad you like it."  As everyone started laughing with her.

"Just thinking of having Bambam at the wedding makes me anxious." Youngjae mumbled but everyone could hear it.

"Just having Bambam around makes me anxious." Jinyoung replied as he continued "Plus, there is Jackson and Yugyeom. Memebum might make an apprence not to mention some of the other artists at JYP. Speaking of, JYP will be there and the press. Oh, and who can't forget your families."After Jinyoung finished they all looked at Athena who had a look of pure terror on her face.

"This wedding is not going to go smoothly, is it?" Mark started to chuckle thinking about everything that could, and probably would, go wrong.

"Mark it's my wedding. What else would you expect?" Jackson replied to him.

Mark brushed back his hair with a smug smile as he responded. "A flawless and tasteful execution because of your fully capable and handsome best man."

"Nope." Yugyeom said as he finished his plate and looked at Mark. "There is no chance in hell."

"No one asked, you tall ass mushroom." Mark quickly replied back, as they all laughed.

"I disagree." Athena said as she smiled at everyone around the table. "Not just because it is my own wedding, but because when we want to deliver, we deliver.

"Especially when the odds are against us." Luna said as they started to regain some confidence in themselves.

Maybe they wouldn't totally fuck it up?

"Let's hope so." Jaebum said as everyone else nodded in agreement.

For the rest of the night everyone happily ate and talked about everyone and everything. They talked about the past and about what the future might hold. But as Luna looked around the table of the crazy members of her family, in that moment a thought clearly popped into her head.

"This is all I will ever need."

So when everyone was sleepy and all the food was gone, they said good night and finally went to sleep.

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