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Chan and Luna walked down the roof top and started strolling through the building. Both of them agreed that they were too tired to go out into the "real world" and preferred to walk around the large building they were in.

To Luna's surprise it had been 20 minutes of strolling about and she was really amazed. "I never knew there was so much in this building" she exclaimed as her eyes bounced around in amusement.

"Honestly, me neither." Chan replied with a slight chuckle he found Luna's adventurous side to be quite cute. "I've only ever been to the fifth floor and the lobby."

"What's on the fifth floor?" Luna asked a bit confused.

"The Stray Kids dorms." He replied as her mouth made an "o" shape. "You guys are only one floor under us."

"Yeah it's nice cause I get to chat with Bambam a lot." He replied putting his hands in his pockets.

"Aww we stan great friendship." Luna replied happy that he was able to talk to someone who wasn't just part of Stray Kids. Even if the other 8 boys were really great.

"Yeah!" He said as he turned to her and smiled, the brightest smile. "That's why we stan us."

Luna didn't know what was happening. It was like she couldn't control herself and in knowing this, she didn't care.

She could look at him smiling all day.

"Yeah we stan us." She replied with a soft yet sweet voice before a slight yawn escaped from Chan.

"Your tired w-"

"Yeah I'm tired but what else is new?" He cut her off. He knew how considerate the girl was of an idols lifestyle, at least form the brief stories he was told. He knew she was going to say to head back but he didn't want to.

Luna starred at him with the stern look that she gave Athena every time the girl picked on herself while looking at the mirror. "You need to sleep."

"Yeah but I also need to not just work and sleep." He said challenging her as he starred right back.

The two stood there sliently for a few seconds and it was like a ray of electricity was shocking in between them.

Luna caught herself thinking about how she was being harsh for telling him how to live his life. Chan found himself wondering about how life would be like, if instead of watching everyone's back, someone was watching his.

"You know how you want to live your own life."

"Thank you for watching out for me."

They both awkwardly blurted these statements out as their faces both flushed a slight pink. Then they looked straight ahead to the door at the end of the hallway.

There was a slight moment of silence before Luna said. "Why don't we take the stairs so we can at least talk for a minute longer."

"I've never used them in this building but sure." Chan nodded as they walked up the stair cases.

When the two reached the fifth floor Luna stopped. "Why are you stopping?" Chan asked slightly confused.

"I thought you said you lived on the fifth floor?" She asked him also confused.

"I do but I'm waking you to your dorm." He clarified. Luna didn't retaliate she found it comforting in a sense. Chivalry isn't completely dead.

They walked up to the halfway mark between the fifth and sixth floor when the were met by a door. "What's this?" Luna asked intrigued to why it was colored baby blue.

"A storage closet?" He responded just as confused. Like he said, he had never taken the stairs before.

Luna was not convinced the door was framed and painted. It was too deliberately special for it not to be. She walked up to it and tried to turn the knob. "Locked." She said as she started to think.

"What about this?" Chan asked as he walked over to Luna and the door. She was slightly backed against the baby blue door as he put his arm up and slightly slid his hand across the thick door framing. "Ah ha!" He exclaimed as he showed her a key.

He put the key in the lock of the door and to their luck, it turned. They opened the door to be greeted with a singular living room type situation.

There was a couch, sofa chairs, a coffee table, a mini fridge in the corner, and a book shelf next to them. "What is this place?" Luna asked in slight amazement.

"If I remember correctly, this building was the JYP building before they got rich and moved to a bigger location." Chan said recounting the brief history of the dorm building that his manger had told the group. "This is probably an old employee break room. I had no idea it was here."

"From the looks of it, no one did." Luna replied cleaning a cob web from the corner of the book shelf.

"Well now we do. Should we tell the other's?"

Luna's first instinct was to say no, they found it after all, it would be a cute little secret. But she realized that it wasn't just her choice. "What do you think?"

"I don't think we should. Life is crazy and this could be a good escape."

"I agree."

So from that day the "lost" room became their own little world. A world that was guarded with a thick frame and a baby blue door.

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