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AN: I'm thinking about starting an NCT story after this one. Thoughts?

"Welcome to Rome!" Luna said to Chan as they walked out the large, glass, airport doors.

The boy stared at the view in front of him in pure amazement and bewilderment. He had never been to such an interesting place before. Sure he was an international idol that traveled the globe but truly and honestly "traveling the globe" was just New York City and LA.

" this is insane. This is actually insane." He replied as he looked around. He noticed a black limo parked a few feet behind them and stared at it. He wondered who would be riding in that limo.

" that's our ride." Luna stated as she grabbed the two small bags that she seemed to acquire out of thin air and roll them towards a limo.

When they reach the slick vehicle an old man got out of the driver side. "Ms. Luna, what delight to see you! You have grown up very much." Replied the man as he helped with the bags. Chan was quick to help seeing as he didn't want the elder to do heavy lifting that he could easily do.

"What a kind young man you've got here." They man said to Luna as they watched the Australian boy load the truck.

"It's not like that Freddy." she told him with a sigh. She knew exactly what he was in suing. "but you're right. He has a big heart."

" well to me, it looks like you want it to be like that." He told her as Chan approach them. He smiled at the old man before he looked Luna.

"I'm excited." He told her with the brightest smile. " I'm excited that you're excited." she replied before saying "Btw there is an Xbox in the limo."

"What?! That's insane!" He lit up with even more animosity than before. "Thank you for this." He told her before placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

" it's not like that she says." The old man replied with a smug expression as he looked at the young lady.

" if it were like that, we'd have a problem. So for the record, it's not like that." She replied and the old man gave her a wink. " your secret is safe with me" he told her.

they all got into the car and drove off towards the bustling city of Rome. Large buildings adorned by the history of the place line to the city streets. people walked about and the city reminded her a Seoul in the sense that it would never sleep.

The reminder of the city they just came from was what started the girls thought process. She'd love to be here with her family but she had to learn to live without them.

Luna realized she was an outsider to the family that has so graciously brought her in. She felt like she was looking into the life she wants had. She thought that may be helping with the wedding would make her feel like she wasn't, but the glass seem to grow larger and larger with each passing day.

She had to find something else, something to new, and the only person in her life at the moment that wasn't blocked away by a layer of cold glass was Chan.

She made her want to relive life in the moment, Instead of wasting away her days at an office desk doing work so she can feel like "part of the group" again.

Don't be mistaken, the girl wasn't blaming anyone. She was in fact very grateful to the people in that dorm. For a short period of time she really felt like she belonged somewhere. But it was time again, to fly the coop once more and move on to another adventure.

Maybe this time someone was willing to come along for the ride.

The girl looked at Chan as he looked out to the city. His childlike wonder was oddly enough what reminded her most of this place.

She remembered the feeling of joy, oh so long ago when she saw the same exact smile on someone else's face.

" we have arrived." Freddy Announced as they reached golden gates that adorned stonewalls that stretched as far as I could see.

The illustrious gates slowly creaked open in the car pulled into the driveway. The pair could see an enormous house that looked over the city.

" welcome to Castillo mansion. Or as someone once said Castillo castle." The girl told Chan as his jaw dropped at the site.

" what is going on? How is this real? Who are you?" He asked her once more. He wanted to know. He wanted to know everything he could possibly know about this girl.

The girl that stole his heart.

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